-If you really care about following every change posted to this wiki,
- try subscribing to [the Atom feed for the Git repository powering
- this site](https://git.ladys.computer/Wiki/atom).
+Only the past seven or so commits are actually queried for dates (it’s
+ a separate command for each one), so files which were edited less
+ recently are collected at the end.
+This number could be increased at some point depending on wiki activity
+ (or according to some hueristic, like “query for at least all the
+ commits in the past day”).
+But because [Lady’s Gitweb instance][Computer/Gitweb]{title="Lady’s
+ Gitweb"} provides an [the Atom feed for the Git repository powering
+ this site](https://git.ladys.computer/Wiki/atom), having a full
+ changelog is less necessary.
+[Computer/Gitweb]: https://git.ladys.computer/