]> Lady’s Gitweb - x_status_git/blob - README.markdown
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1 # Status.git
3 A minimal git‐based self‐hosted status publishing solution.
5 ## What It Is
7 + A Python script, `post-receive`, suitable for use as a post‐receive
8 Git hook, which generates a number of `.jsonld` files from a
9 source repository of text posts.
11 + A small collection of H·T·M·L files designed to display the
12 generated `.jsonld` in a human‐readable fashion.
14 ## What It Is Not
16 + A server or server configuration (you will need to supply these
17 yourself; see below).
19 + Suitable for deployment on a simple filesystem server like
20 NeoCities or GitHub Pages (it requires both Git hooks and H·T·T·P
21 routing).
23 + Interactive in any way (i·e “social media”).
25 + Compatible with the ActivityPub fediverse (or any other push‐based
26 social media platform).
28 ## Script Configuration
30 You will need to edit the `post-receive` script to adjust the following
31 constants to match your setup :—
33 + **`GIT_DIRECTORY`**:
34 The absolute path to this Git repository on your server.
35 It is expected that this will be a bare repository (ending in
36 `.git`).
39 In order to access the files when you push, the repository will be
40 checked out here.
41 **This directory will be deleted on every push.**
44 The directory that your server serves files from.
45 **This directory will be deleted on every push,** so if you need to
46 serve additional files (i·e those not generated by this script),
47 you should place those files in a different directory and adjust
48 your server configuration accordingly.
49 Note that the `post-receive` script and associted H·T·M·L files
50 provided by this repository expect a certain server configuration
51 described below.
53 + **`PUBLIC_URL`**:
54 The U·R·L that you are serving your site from (with no trailing
55 slash).
56 You cannot serve Status.git from a subdirectory.
58 A `Makefile` is provided to make installing the `post-receive` script
59 on your server easy (assuming you have `ssh` access).
60 You’ll need to supply some variables there, too :—
62 + **`USERNAME`**:
63 Your SSH username.
65 + **`DOMAIN`**:
66 The domain or other address of your site.
68 + **`GIT_REPOSITORY`**:
69 The absolute path to this Git repository, as above.
71 ## Server Configuration
73 Your server should be configured to serve the following files from the
74 provided `PUBLIC_DIRECTORY` in response to the following requests.
75 For people using Caddy to serve their content, a sample `Caddyfile` is
76 included in this repository.
78 ### H·T·M·L responses
80 These responses **must** be served with a `Content-Type` of
81 `text/html;charset=UTF-8` (or equivalent).
82 Note that these paths **do not** have a trailing slash.
84 + **`GET /`**:
85 Serve the file at `/index.html`.
86 A `Link` header with the value
87 `</about.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
88 equivalent) **must** be provided.
90 + **`GET /about`**:
91 Serve the file at `/.about.html`.
92 A `Link` header with the value
93 `</about.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
94 equivalent) **must** be provided.
96 + **`GET /statuses`**:
97 Serve the file at `/.statuses.html`.
98 A `Link` header with the value
99 `</statuses.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
100 equivalent) **must** be provided.
102 + **`GET /statuses/$YYYY-MM`** (where `$YYYY-MM` is an `xsd:gYearMonth`):
103 Serve the file at `/.topic.html`.
104 A `Link` header with the value
105 `</$YYYY-MM.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
106 equivalent) **must** be provided.
108 + **`GET /statuses/$YYYY-MM/*`** (where `$YYYY-MM` is an `xsd:gYearMonth`):
109 Serve the file at `/.status.html`.
110 A `Link` header with the value
111 `</$YYYY-MM.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
112 equivalent) **must** be provided.
114 + **`GET /topics`**:
115 Serve the file at `/.topics.html`.
116 A `Link` header with the value
117 `</topics.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
118 equivalent) **must** be provided.
120 + **`GET /topics/$TOPIC`** (where `$TOPIC` matches `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`):
121 Serve the file at `/.topic.html`.
122 A `Link` header with the value
123 `</$TOPIC.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
124 equivalent) **must** be provided.
126 + **`GET /topics/$TOPIC/*`** (where `$TOPIC` matches
127 `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`):
128 Serve the file at `/.status.html`.
129 A `Link` header with the value
130 `</$TOPIC.jsonld>;rel=meta;type="application/ld+json"` (or
131 equivalent) **must** be provided.
133 ### Json‐L·D responses
135 These responses **should** be served with a `Content-Type` of
136 `application/ld+json`.
137 In all cases, for `/$PATH.jsonld`, this just serves the file at
138 `/$PATH/index.jsonld`.
140 + **`GET /about.jsonld`**:
141 Serve the file at `/about/index.jsonld`.
143 + **`GET /statuses.jsonld`**:
144 Serve the file at `/statuses/index.jsonld`.
146 + **`GET /statuses/$YYYY-MM.jsonld`** (where `$YYYY-MM` is an
147 `xsd:gYearMonth`):
148 Serve the file at `/$YYYY-MM/index.jsonld`.
150 + **`GET /topics.jsonld`**:
151 Serve the file at `/topics/index.jsonld`.
153 + **`GET /topics/$TOPIC.jsonld`** (where `$TOPIC` matches
154 `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`):
155 Serve the file at `/topics/$TOPIC/index.jsonld`.
157 ### Atom responses
159 These responses **should** be served with a `Content-Type` of
160 `application/atom+xml`.
161 In all cases, for `/$PATH.atom`, this just serves the file at
162 `/$PATH/index.atom`.
164 + **`GET /statuses.atom`**:
165 Serve the file at `/statuses/index.atom`.
167 + **`GET /statuses/$YYYY-MM.atom`** (where `$YYYY-MM` is an
168 `xsd:gYearMonth`):
169 Serve the file at `/$YYYY-MM/index.atom`.
171 + **`GET /topics/$TOPIC.atom`** (where `$TOPIC` matches
172 `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`):
173 Serve the file at `/topics/$TOPIC/index.atom`.
175 ### Other Headers
177 All responses **should** have a `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header
178 with a value of `*` (assuming your server does not use credentials
179 and is not being served behind a firewall).
181 ## Committing Statuses To Git
183 The `post-receive` script will run whenever you make a commit to the
184 `live` branch, which should be set as your default.
185 Statuses are represented by a small collection of files committed to
186 particular locations in this repository :—
188 + Files committed to `/YYYY/MM/DD/HH.MM.SSZ/` (the final component
189 can actually take any form but a time is **recommended**) are
190 ordinary statuses.
192 + Files committed to `/topic/TOPICNAME/a/b/c/d/xxxx` (where `a`, `b`,
193 `c`, and `d` are lowercase hexadecimal digits and `xxxx` can be
194 anything) is a status posted to a specific topic (`TOPICNAME`).
195 It is **recommended** that you make `a/b/c/d` the first four digits
196 of an MD5 hash of the status content and `xxxx` the remaining
197 digits (security is not an issue here, so MD5 is fine).
198 `TOPICNAME` should have the form `[0-9A-Za-z_-]+`.
200 The intent is that “ordinary statuses” are a bit more ephemeral whereas
201 “topic statuses” can serve as reference material.
202 Using an MD5 hash for topic statuses ensures you don’t post the same
203 thing twice.
205 The files which represent a status are as follows :—
207 + **`text`**:
208 The text of the status.
209 Blank lines separate paragraphs; linebreaks will be preserved.
210 There is a special markup for links: `<https://link.example>`, or
211 `<https://link.example>="link text"` if you want to supply link
212 text.
213 At present, no other markup is supported.
215 + **`0=x_status_git_1.0`**:
216 This file is **optional** and not currently used for anything, but
217 indicates that the post follows the `1.0` format.
218 The contents of this file, if present, **must** be
219 `x_status_git_1.0`, optionally followed by a trailing newline.
221 + **`1=NAME`** (where `NAME` might be anything):
222 This file is **recommended** and indicates the author of the
223 status.
224 Only one author is currently supported.
225 The value of `NAME` **must** give the name of the author of the
226 status.
227 The contents of this file **must** give the author’s URL,
228 optionally followed by a trailing newline.
230 + **`2=TITLE`** (where `TITLE` might be anything):
231 This file is **optional** and indicates the title of the status.
232 The value of `TITLE` **should** be a file·system‐friendly version
233 of the title, but is ignored.
234 The contents of this file **must** give the title of the status,
235 optionally followed by a trailing newline.
237 + **`3=YYYY-MM-DD`** (where `YYYY-MM-DD` is a date):
238 This file is **required** and indicates the date of the status.
239 Only one date is currently supported.
240 The value of `YYYY-MM-DD` **should** give the date of the status,
241 although this is not used (in favour of the full timestamp).
242 The contents of this file **must** give the full `xsd:dateTime`
243 timestamp of the status, optionally followed by a trailing
244 newline.
246 + **`4=IDENTIFIER`** (where `IDENTIFIER` might be anything):
247 This file is **required** and provides an identifier for the
248 status.
249 Only one identifier is currently supported.
250 The contents of this file **must** be an I·R·I which uniquely
251 identifies the status (for example, a U·U·I·D or `tag:` URI).
252 The value of `IDENTIFIER` **must** be a locally‐unique identifier
253 for the status and **should** resemble the contents where
254 possible.
255 (Note, however, that `IDENTIFIER` cannot contain slashes and need
256 not be a valid I·R·I.)
258 Files with names that begin with the strings `2=` or `x_status_git_`
259 are reserved for backwards‐compatible extensions.
261 Status.git has no opinion on how these files make their way into the
262 Git repository, except that all the files for a single status should
263 be added in the same commit.
264 The intention is that the simple nature of these files will make them
265 easy to automate.
267 ## I Am Computer, How Do I Get Status?
269 Assume you are given a U·R·L `resource_url` which you think points to
270 some kind of Status.git resource.
271 Start by resolving it as follows :—
273 01. Make a `HEAD` request to `resource_url`.
275 02. If there is a `Link` header with a `rel` of `meta` and a `type` of
276 `application/ld+json`, set `resource_url` to the URL provided in
277 that header and restart these steps from step 1.
279 03. Make a `GET` request to `resource_url` and let `response` be the
280 response.
282 04. Set `document` as follows :—
284 01. If the `Content-Type` header of `response` has a type of `text`
285 and subtype of `html`, let `document` be the result of
286 processing the body of `response` into a D·O·M tree as an
287 H·T·M·L document .
288 It is an error if this process fails.
290 02. If the `Content-Type` header of `response` has a type of
291 `application` and a subtype which is `xml` or which ends in
292 `+xml`, let `document` be the result of processing the body
293 of `response` into a D·O·M tree as an X·M·L document .
294 It is an error if this process fails.
296 03. Otherwise, let `document` be null.
298 05. If `document` is not null :—
300 01. If there is a `<link>` element in either the H·T·M·L namespace
301 or the Atom namespace in `document` with a `rel` of `meta`
302 and a `type` of `application/ld+json`, set `resource_url` to
303 the `href` of that `<link>` element and restart these steps
304 from step 1.
305 If multiple such elements exist, choose the first one.
307 02. Otherwise, it is an error.
309 06. If the body of `response` is not a Json document, it is an error.
311 Assuming the U·R·L you were given was valid, you will end this
312 algorithm with a Json‐L·D response, and you can use the `@type`
313 attribute to determine the response type.
314 `@type` will be either a string or an array.
316 + If the `@type` is or contains `Forum`, the resource is a collection
317 of topics.
319 + If the `@type` is or contains `Thread`, the resource is a
320 collection of statuses.
322 + If the `@type` is or contains `Microblog`, the resource describes
323 this site as a whole.
324 The `streams` property will contain a list of available `Forum`s
325 and `Thread`s, as objects with an `@id` and `@type`.
327 The items in the collection (`Forum` or `Thread`) may be determined
328 through one of the following methods :—
330 + If the `@type` is or contains `CollectionPage` or
331 `OrderedCollectionPage`, then its `items` will contain resources.
332 This is a partial collection, and the `prev` and `next` properties
333 can be used to access further items from the parent collection
334 (indicated by `partOf`).
335 `first` and `current`, in this scenario, point “horizontally” to
336 the first and latest pages of items, not to subpages.
338 + If the `@type` is or contains `Collection` or `OrderedCollection`
339 and the resource has `first` and/or `current` properties, then
340 the `items` property will not be present.
341 `first` and `current` can be accessed to provide
342 `OrderedCollectionPage`s listing the items of the collection.
344 + Otherwise, the `items` property will contain every item in the
345 collection.
347 Statuses themselves have the following properties :—
349 + **`@id`**:
350 The identifier of the status.
352 + **`@type`**:
353 The value `MicroblogPost`.
355 + **`created`** [`dcterms:created`]:
356 The creation date for the status, as an `xsd:dateTime`.
358 + **`creator`** [`dcterms:creator`] (optional):
359 The author of the status, as an object with an `@id` and `name`
360 [`foaf:name`].
362 + **`identifier`** [`dcterms:identifier`]:
363 An I·R·I which uniquely identifies the status.
364 This differs from the `@id` in that it is not expected to be
365 dereferenceable.
367 + **`subject`** [`dcterms:subject`] (optional):
368 The topic of the status, for topic statuses.
370 + **`content`** [`sioc:content`]:
371 The content of the status, as an `rdf:XMLLiteral`.
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