]> Lady’s Gitweb - x_status_git/blob - index.html
Use titles in prev & next links on statuses
[x_status_git] / index.html
1 <!dOcTyPe html>
2 <HTML Lang=en>
3 <TITLE>Index</TITLE>
5 body{ Display: Grid; Box-Sizing: Border-Box; Margin: Auto; Padding-Inline: 1REM; Min-Block-Size: 100VH; Inline-Size: 100%; Max-Inline-Size: 45REM; Align-Content: Center; Justify-Content: Stretch; Font-Family: Sans-Serif }
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19 <H1>Index</H1>
20 <DIV Class=STATUS ID=status>
21 </DIV>
22 <SECTION ID=topics>
23 <H2>Topics</H2>
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27 const parser = new DOMParser
28 document.title = location.hostname
29 document.documentElement.querySelector("body>h1").textContent = location.hostname
30 const renderLatest = (meta, container) => {
31 const { feed, items } = meta
32 const status = items.pop()
33 const src = status.content
34 const { documentElement: article } = parser.parseFromString(src, "application/xhtml+xml")
35 const footer = document.createElement("footer")
36 const authorshipP = footer.appendChild(document.createElement("p"))
37 const { creator, title } = status
38 if (creator) {
39 const authorLink = authorshipP.appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
40 authorLink.href = creator["@id"]
41 authorLink.textContent = creator.name
42 authorshipP.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" @ ")) }
43 authorshipP.appendChild(document.createElement("time")).textContent = status.created
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52 atomLink.append(atomSVG, " Atom feed.")
53 nav.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "))
54 const permalink = nav.appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
55 permalink.href = status["@id"]
56 permalink.textContent = "Permalink."
57 nav.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" "))
58 const upLink = nav.appendChild(document.createElement("a"))
59 upLink.href = meta["@id"]
60 upLink.textContent = `See more ${ status.subject ? `${status.subject}` : "status" } updates.`
61 if (title) {
62 const wrapper = document.createElement("article")
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64 details.setAttribute("open", "")
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69 else container.replaceChildren(document.importNode(article, true), footer) }
70 fetch("statuses.jsonld")
71 .then($ => $.json())
72 .then(meta => fetch(`${meta.current}.jsonld`))
73 .then($ => $.json())
74 .then(meta => renderLatest(meta, document.getElementById("status")))
75 fetch("topics.jsonld")
76 .then($ => $.json())
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80 const section = topics.appendChild(document.createElement("section"))
81 fetch(`${topicID}.jsonld`)
82 .then($ => $.json())
83 .then(topic => {
84 section.appendChild(document.createElement("h3")).textContent = topic.subject
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87 renderLatest(topic, div) }) } })
88 </SCRIPT>
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