]> Lady’s Gitweb - Langdev/blob - data/qjt/docs/dict
Initial commit with docs/srcs for early langs
[Langdev] / data / qjt / docs / dict
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14 <fileDesc>
15 <titleStmt>
16 <title><seg xml:id="title-main">Jastugay</seg>: <seg xml:id="title-sub">Documentation and Dictionary</seg></title>
17 <author xml:id="author-name"><orgName xml:id="langdev-project">Project Langdev</orgName></author>
18 <principal><persName xml:id="lady"><addName>Lady</addName></persName></principal>
19 </titleStmt>
20 <editionStmt>
21 <edition xml:id="version-no">Version 3, Draft 04</edition>
22 </editionStmt>
23 <publicationStmt>
24 <publisher><orgName copyOf="#langdev-project" /></publisher>
25 <date when="2024-08-20">2024-08-20</date>
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31 <seriesStmt>
32 <title xml:id="project-dict">The Langdev Project Dictionaries</title>
33 </seriesStmt>
34 <sourceDesc>
35 <p>
36 Born digital.
37 Initially generated via an <choice><abbr>XSLT</abbr><expan>eXtensible Stylesheet Language Transformation</expan></choice> transform from the Apple dictionary file at <ptr target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjt:srcs:AppleDictionary/" mimeType="application/xhtml+xml" />, which was in turn largely sourced from the older <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary at <ptr target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjt:srcs:x-XX-jt/" mimeType="application/xhtml+xml" />, then edited by hand to ensure consistent spellings and structure, combining information from both sources as needed.
38 Commentary added.
39 </p>
40 </sourceDesc>
41 </fileDesc>
45 <encodingDesc>
46 <projectDesc>
47 <p>Comprehensive linguistic reference for the various <orgName>LANGDEV</orgName> languages.</p>
48 </projectDesc>
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51 <tagUsage gi="entry" occurs="413">Used to mark dictionary entries.</tagUsage>
52 <tagUsage gi="ident">The <val>BCP47</val> <att>type</att> marks an <orgName><choice><abbr>IETF</abbr><expan>Internet Engineering Task Force</expan></choice></orgName> language tag, as defined by <ref target="https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/bcp/bcp47.txt" mimeType="text/plain"><title level="m"><choice><abbr>BCP</abbr><expan>Best Current Practices</expan></choice> 47</title></ref>.</tagUsage>
53 <tagUsage gi="note">The <val>version</val> <att>type</att> is used to denote versions in the list of changes.</tagUsage>
54 <tagUsage gi="re">The <val>derived</val> <att>type</att> is used to denote derivatives of words.</tagUsage>
55 <tagUsage gi="rs">The <val>unicode</val> <att>type</att> is used to reference a <orgName>Unicode</orgName> character.</tagUsage>
56 <tagUsage gi="seg">
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67 <langUsage>
68 <language ident="en">English</language>
69 <language ident="qjt-Latn">Jastugay</language>
70 </langUsage>
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218 padding: 0;
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261 i.gloss { font-style: inherit }
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263 i.pron {
264 font-size: smaller;
265 font-style: inherit;
266 }
267 li.re { list-style-position: inside }
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271 margin: .3375em 0;
272 padding: 0 0 0 2em;
273 }
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275 margin: 0;
276 padding: 0;
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278 }
279 p {
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281 margin: 0;
282 padding: 0;
283 }
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287 white-space: nowrap;
288 content: " : ";
289 }
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291 display: list-item;
292 margin-top: 0;
293 list-style: disc inside;
294 }
295 p.note {
296 margin: .3375em 0;
297 border: thin currentColor solid;
298 padding: .3375em .5em;
299 }
300 p.note::before { content: "※ " }
301 section.re { margin: .3375em 0 }
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303 small.note.version {
304 font-size: inherit;
305 font-style: italic;
306 }
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444 }
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558 </html:tr>
559 <html:tr>
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563 <html:tr>
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567 <html:tr>
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570 </html:tr>
571 <html:tr>
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589 </html:tr>
590 <html:tr>
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594 <html:tr>
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606 <html:br />
607 <text>☙ </text><html:a href="https://langdev.ladys.computer/">Project Langdev</html:a><text> ❧</text>
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692 <html:tr>
693 <html:th>Word</html:th>
694 <html:th>Definition</html:th>
695 </html:tr>
696 </html:thead>
697 <html:tbody>
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810 <html:strong>Derivatives</html:strong>
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838 <template match="tei:gloss">
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876 <text>(</text><apply-templates /><text>)</text>
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892 <html:cite class="title"><value-of select="." /></html:cite>
893 </html:a>
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898 </template>
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900 <choose>
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902 <html:dl class="list gloss">
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950 [<apply-templates />]
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955 <call-template name="apply-attrs" />
956 <apply-templates />
957 </html:u>
958 </template>
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992 <apply-templates />
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1008 <attribute name="xml:lang">
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1038 <template match="tei:rs">
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1061 <template match="tei:sense">
1062 <html:li class="sense">
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1068 <html:ul class="sense">
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1077 <text>“</text><apply-templates /><text>”</text>
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1080 <template match="tei:surname">
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1086 <template match="tei:table">
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1117 <html:tr class="row">
1118 <for-each select="tei:cell">
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1120 <when test="@role='label'">
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1136 </template>
1137 <template match="tei:title">
1138 <html:cite class="title">
1139 <call-template name="apply-attrs" />
1140 <apply-templates />
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1142 </template>
1143 <template match="tei:titlePart">
1144 <choose>
1145 <when test="@type = 'main'">
1146 <html:h1 class="titlePart main">
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1148 <apply-templates />
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1152 <html:p>
1153 <attribute name="class">titlePart <value-of select="@type" /></attribute>
1154 <call-template name="apply-attrs" />
1155 <apply-templates />
1156 </html:p>
1157 </otherwise>
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1159 </template>
1160 <template match="tei:expan/tei:choice[tei:abbr]">
1161 <value-of select="tei:abbr" />
1162 <if test="tei:expan"><text>(</text><apply-templates select="tei:expan" /><text>)</text></if>
1163 </template>
1164 <template match="*">
1165 <choose>
1166 <when test="@copyOf"><call-template name="resolve-copy" /></when>
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1168 </choose>
1169 </template>
1170 </stylesheet>
1171 </xenoData>
1175 <revisionDesc>
1176 <change when="2024-08-20">
1177 Language tag for <lang>Jastugay</lang> changed from <ident type="BCP47">art-Latn-x-qjt</ident> to simply <ident type="BCP47">qjt-Latn</ident>.
1178 A new <choice><abbr>URI</abbr><expan>Uniform Resource Identifier</expan></choice> for the document was provided which uses the <ident type="URI">urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:</ident> prefix.
1179 Some link targets have changed to reflect the new structure of the Langdev site.
1180 <note type="version">3.04</note>
1181 </change>
1182 <change when="2024-05-12">
1183 Minor documentation updates; improvements to the <choice><abbr>XSLT</abbr><expan>XSL Transformations</expan></choice> stylesheet.
1184 <note type="version">3.03</note>
1185 </change>
1186 <change when="2024-03-11">
1187 Language tag for <lang>Jastugay</lang> changed from <ident type="BCP47">art-x-jst</ident> to <ident type="BCP47">art-x-qjt</ident> to enable use in environments where the <ident>art-x-</ident> prefix is not usable.
1188 <note type="version">3.02</note>
1189 </change>
1190 <change when="2023-12-22">
1191 Created <choice><abbr>TEI</abbr><expan>Text Encoding Initiative</expan></choice> document based on the final version of the Apple dictionary.
1192 Added back in some missing entries and information from the <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary, including etymological information for words derived from the <lang>Jastugay</lang> lexis.
1193 Normalized spellings according to current best practices.
1194 <note type="version">3.01</note>
1195 </change>
1196 <change>
1197 Development of the Apple dictionary continued for some time, likely at least partially overlapping the development period of the <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary.
1198 </change>
1199 <change notBefore="2008-09-01" notAfter="2012-06-30">
1200 Converted the <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary into the Apple dictionary format.
1201 Removed etymological information for most entries.
1202 <note type="version">2.01</note>
1203 </change>
1204 <change>
1205 Development of the <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary continued for some time.
1206 </change>
1207 <change notBefore="2008-09-01" notAfter="2012-06-30">
1208 Initial <choice><abbr>HTML</abbr><expan>HyperText Markup Language</expan></choice> dictionary created.
1209 <note type="version">1.01</note>
1210 </change>
1211 </revisionDesc>
1213 <!-- END TEI HEADER -->
1215 </teiHeader>
1217 <!-- TEXT -->
1219 <text>
1221 <!-- FRONTMATTER -->
1223 <front>
1225 <!-- TITLE PAGE -->
1227 <titlePage>
1228 <docTitle>
1229 <titlePart type="main" copyOf="#title-main" />
1230 <titlePart type="sub" copyOf="#title-sub" />
1231 </docTitle>
1232 <byline>
1233 <docAuthor copyOf="#author-name"></docAuthor>
1234 </byline>
1235 <docEdition copyOf="#version-no" />
1236 <docDate when="2024-08-20">20 August 2024</docDate>
1237 <epigraph>
1238 <p>
1239 <seg type="splash" subtype="default">Official Dictionary!</seg>
1240 <seg type="splash">It’s Awesome!</seg>
1241 <seg type="splash">I ♥ Firefox!</seg>
1242 <seg type="splash">v. 8.2b</seg>
1243 <seg type="splash">De‐1337</seg>
1244 <seg type="splash">Not ‘to be’!</seg>
1245 <seg type="splash">I’m sorry…</seg>
1246 <seg type="splash">My word!</seg>
1247 <seg type="splash">(un)Censored!</seg>
1248 <seg type="splash">Diacritical!</seg>
1249 <seg type="splash">Unicode!</seg>
1250 <seg type="splash">&lt;h2&gt;</seg>
1251 <seg type="splash">Constantly growing!</seg>
1252 <seg type="splash">Now organic!</seg>
1253 <seg type="splash">Derive this!</seg>
1254 <seg type="splash">y′</seg>
1255 <seg type="splash">Something different!</seg>
1256 <seg type="splash">Thank you!</seg>
1257 <seg type="splash">Math.random()</seg>
1258 <seg type="splash">‘Single quotes’!</seg>
1259 <seg type="splash">Not my fault!</seg>
1260 <seg type="splash">Safe!</seg>
1261 <seg type="splash">Refreshing!</seg>
1262 <seg type="splash">What’s this?</seg>
1263 <seg type="splash">Jästūgā is evolving!</seg>
1264 <seg type="splash">ECHO!</seg>
1265 <seg type="splash">…echo…</seg>
1266 <seg type="splash">Look inside!</seg>
1267 <seg type="splash">Learn it!</seg>
1268 <seg type="splash">Synergy!</seg>
1269 <seg type="splash">Not parasitic!</seg>
1270 <seg type="splash">Symbiotic!</seg>
1271 <seg type="splash">Non‐toxic!</seg>
1272 <seg type="splash">Fancy!</seg>
1273 <seg type="splash">Ezh!</seg>
1274 <seg type="splash">-moz-animate</seg>
1275 <seg type="splash">Hid</seg>
1276 <seg type="splash">den</seg>
1277 <seg type="splash">Mess</seg>
1278 <seg type="splash">age!</seg>
1279 <seg type="splash">With taste!</seg>
1280 <seg type="splash">Sounds good!</seg>
1281 <seg type="splash">Emotional!</seg>
1282 <seg type="splash">Life!</seg>
1283 <seg type="splash">Abstract!</seg>
1284 <seg type="splash">Not moldy!</seg>
1285 <seg type="splash">It’s time!</seg>
1286 <seg type="splash">Count me in!</seg>
1287 <seg type="splash">You animal!</seg>
1288 <seg type="splash">Vegetable!</seg>
1289 <seg type="splash">FOOD!</seg>
1290 <seg type="splash">A tool!</seg>
1291 <seg type="splash">Pretty!</seg>
1292 <seg type="splash">Musical!</seg>
1293 <seg type="splash">Building!</seg>
1294 <seg type="splash">A work of art!</seg>
1295 <seg type="splash">Yes!</seg>
1296 <seg type="splash">Modified!</seg>
1297 <seg type="splash">Ōdō!</seg>
1298 <seg type="splash">Action!</seg>
1299 <seg type="splash">β!</seg>
1300 </p>
1301 </epigraph>
1302 </titlePage>
1304 <!-- PREFACE -->
1306 <div xml:id="forward" type="preface">
1307 <p>
1308 <lang>Jastugay</lang> (<mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jästūgā</mentioned>) is an early culture and language in the <lang>Jastu‐Fizonal</lang> sprachbund.
1309 It is a direct descendant of <ref target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjl:docs:dict/"><lang>Jastulae</lang></ref> and the principal ancestor language to <lang>Zheshwi</lang>.
1310 </p>
1311 <p>
1312 Unlike other languages in the <lang>Jastu‐Fizonal</lang> family, <lang>Jastugay</lang> does actually have direct attestation, albeit in a very small fragment of text: <bibl><ref target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjt:txts:puh_dahtzee_ayzho_dayzho/" mimeType="application/xhtml+xml"><title xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pə dätzē āʒo dāʒo</title></ref></bibl> (a gloss of this text is available here: <ptr target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjt:txts:puh_dahtzee_ayzho_dayzho/gloss.txt" mimeType="text/plain; charset=UTF-8" />).
1313 Note that this text is an unmistakably early form of the language and features grammatical constructs not present in the version documented here.
1314 </p>
1315 <p>
1316 Dearth of evidence aside, <lang>Jastugay</lang> is a complete, if small, language with a functioning, albeit rudimentary, grammar that can be used for the composition of meaningful texts.
1317 </p>
1318 <p>
1319 <lang>Jastugay</lang> has been given the language code <ident type="BCP47">qjt</ident>; the script subtag <ident type="BCP47">Latn</ident> should also be supplied.
1320 A native script for <lang>Jastugay</lang> was developed; the tag <ident type="BCP47">Qabj</ident> may be used to indicate it.
1321 </p>
1322 <div xml:id="forward.phonology" type="section">
1323 <head>Phonology</head>
1324 <p>
1325 Syllables in <lang>Jastugay</lang> are relatively simple, having an onset of zero or one consonant, a single vowel or diphthong, and an optional coda.
1326 The consonant inventory is as follows:
1327 </p>
1328 <table>
1329 <row role="label">
1330 <cell></cell>
1331 <cell>Glottal</cell>
1332 <cell>Velar</cell>
1333 <cell>Post‐Alveolar</cell>
1334 <cell>Alveolar</cell>
1335 <cell>Labial</cell>
1336 </row>
1337 <row>
1338 <cell role="label">Sonorants</cell>
1339 <cell></cell>
1340 <cell></cell>
1341 <cell>tl</cell>
1342 <cell>n</cell>
1343 <cell>w</cell>
1344 </row>
1345 <row>
1346 <cell role="label">Stop</cell>
1347 <cell></cell>
1348 <cell>g</cell>
1349 <cell>dʒ</cell>
1350 <cell>t, d</cell>
1351 <cell>p</cell>
1352 </row>
1353 <row>
1354 <cell role="label">Fricative</cell>
1355 <cell>h</cell>
1356 <cell>x</cell>
1357 <cell>ʒ</cell>
1358 <cell>s</cell>
1359 <cell>f</cell>
1360 </row>
1361 </table>
1362 <p>
1363 A few of these sounds are the result of mergers:
1364 </p>
1365 <list>
1366 <item>/w/ was historically sometimes realized as [m].</item>
1367 <item>/ʒ/ was historically sometimes realized as [z].</item>
1368 <item>/f/ was historically sometimes realized as [v].</item>
1369 </list>
1370 <p>
1371 Only /s/, /d/, /t/, and /x/ are permitted in syllable codas; /n/ cannot start syllables and is only permitted after the diphthong /eɘ/ (and may be followed by another consonant).
1372 /tl/ is syllabic and features neither vowel nor coda; in later periods, it is often realized [ʔɫ].
1373 Voicing is only phonemic for the alveolar consonants.
1374 </p>
1375 <p>
1376 The vowel inventory is as follows:
1377 </p>
1378 <table>
1379 <row role="label">
1380 <cell></cell>
1381 <cell>Back</cell>
1382 <cell>Front</cell>
1383 </row>
1384 <row>
1385 <cell role="label">Close</cell>
1386 <cell>ɑ</cell>
1387 <cell></cell>
1388 </row>
1389 <row>
1390 <cell role="label">Mid</cell>
1391 <cell>ʌ</cell>
1392 <cell>ɛ</cell>
1393 </row>
1394 <row>
1395 <cell role="label">Open</cell>
1396 <cell>u</cell>
1397 <cell>i</cell>
1398 </row>
1399 <row>
1400 <cell role="label">A⁓</cell>
1401 <cell>aʊ</cell>
1402 <cell>aɪ</cell>
1403 </row>
1404 <row>
1405 <cell role="label">E⁓</cell>
1406 <cell>eɘ</cell>
1407 <cell>eɪ</cell>
1408 </row>
1409 <row>
1410 <cell role="label">O⁓</cell>
1411 <cell>ɔʊ</cell>
1412 <cell>ɔɪ</cell>
1413 </row>
1414 </table>
1415 <p>
1416 <lang>Jastugay</lang> formerly had a close front vowel /æ/, but it merged with /ɑ/.
1417 </p>
1418 </div>
1419 <div xml:id="forward.orthography" type="section">
1420 <head>Orthography</head>
1421 <p>
1422 <lang>Jastugay</lang> follows a straightforward phonetic orthography based in <lang>English</lang> pronunciation:
1423 </p>
1424 <table>
1425 <row role="label">
1426 <cell>Letter</cell>
1427 <cell>Pronunciation</cell>
1428 <cell>Letter</cell>
1429 <cell>Pronunciation</cell>
1430 </row>
1431 <row>
1432 <cell>ä</cell>
1433 <cell>/ɑ/</cell>
1434 <cell>ī</cell>
1435 <cell>/aɪ/</cell>
1436 </row>
1437 <row>
1438 <cell>ā</cell>
1439 <cell>/eɪ/</cell>
1440 <cell>j</cell>
1441 <cell>/dʒ/</cell>
1442 </row>
1443 <row>
1444 <cell>æ</cell>
1445 <cell>/eɘ/</cell>
1446 <cell>l’</cell>
1447 <cell>/tl/</cell>
1448 </row>
1449 <row>
1450 <cell>å</cell>
1451 <cell>/aʊ/</cell>
1452 <cell>n</cell>
1453 <cell>/n/</cell>
1454 </row>
1455 <row>
1456 <cell>d</cell>
1457 <cell>/d/</cell>
1458 <cell>ō</cell>
1459 <cell>/ɔʊ/</cell>
1460 </row>
1461 <row>
1462 <cell>ë</cell>
1463 <cell>/ɛ/</cell>
1464 <cell>œ</cell>
1465 <cell>/ɔɪ/</cell>
1466 </row>
1467 <row>
1468 <cell>ē</cell>
1469 <cell>/i/</cell>
1470 <cell>p</cell>
1471 <cell>/p/</cell>
1472 </row>
1473 <row>
1474 <cell>ə</cell>
1475 <cell>/ʌ/</cell>
1476 <cell>s</cell>
1477 <cell>/s/</cell>
1478 </row>
1479 <row>
1480 <cell>f</cell>
1481 <cell>/f/</cell>
1482 <cell>t</cell>
1483 <cell>/t/</cell>
1484 </row>
1485 <row>
1486 <cell>g</cell>
1487 <cell>/g/</cell>
1488 <cell>ū</cell>
1489 <cell>/u/</cell>
1490 </row>
1491 <row>
1492 <cell>h</cell>
1493 <cell>/h/</cell>
1494 <cell>w</cell>
1495 <cell>/w/</cell>
1496 </row>
1497 <row>
1498 <cell>ħ</cell>
1499 <cell>/x/</cell>
1500 <cell>ʒ</cell>
1501 <cell>/ʒ/</cell>
1502 </row>
1503 </table>
1504 <p>
1505 There is also a native syllabary for the language: <ptr target="/urn:fdc:langdev.ladys.computer:2024:qjt:srcs:Syllabary/" mimeType="application/xhtml+xml" />.
1506 Note that this syllabary predates the loss of certain phonemes, like /v/, /m/, and /z/.
1507 </p>
1508 </div>
1509 <div xml:id="forward.grammar" type="section">
1510 <head>Grammar</head>
1511 <p>
1512 Basic word order in <lang>Jastugay</lang> is <choice><abbr>OVS</abbr><expan>Object‐Verb‐Subject</expan></choice> (passive voice) or <choice><abbr>SOV</abbr><expan>Subject‐Object‐Verb</expan></choice> (active voice).
1513 Passive voice is the default and required for verbs without an object.
1514 </p>
1515 <p>
1516 <lang>Jastugay</lang> does not have nouns and adjectives proper; these are combined into a single word class (nominals).
1517 Noun phrases consist of a required article (or determiner?), any number of postpositional phases, and finally the nominal which is functioning as a noun.
1518 This may be further followed by any number of nominals functioning as adjectives.
1519 </p>
1520 <p>
1521 Plurality is not marked on nominals.
1522 All numbers require a classifier (<ptr target="#dict.zhohsiy" />).
1523 </p>
1524 <p>
1525 Verbs are conjugated for mood but not tense/aspect or nominal agreement.
1526 Modal conjugation takes the form of a prefix appended to the verb, and optionally a suffix <ptr target="#dict.l" /> as well.
1527 </p>
1528 <p>
1529 <lang>Jastugay</lang> does not feature grammatical gender per se, but the vowel <mentioned>æ(n)</mentioned> has strong feminine associations.
1530 Consequently, the normally nongendered <ptr target="#dict.ay" /> becomes <ptr target="#dict.ae" /> with a feminine referent.
1531 </p>
1532 </div>
1533 </div>
1535 <!-- END FRONTMATTER -->
1537 </front>
1539 <!-- DICTIONARY BODY -->
1541 <body xml:id="dict">
1542 <entry xml:id="dict.aet">
1543 <form>
1544 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">æt</orth>
1545 </form>
1546 <sense>
1547 <gramGrp>
1548 <pos>adjective</pos>
1549 </gramGrp>
1550 <def>(of a woman) having not had sexual intercourse</def>
1551 </sense>
1552 <sense>
1553 <gramGrp>
1554 <pos>noun</pos>
1555 </gramGrp>
1556 <def>a woman who has not had sexual intercourse</def>
1557 </sense>
1558 </entry>
1559 <entry xml:id="dict.dayhahtsoh">
1560 <form>
1561 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāhätsō</orth>
1562 </form>
1563 <sense>
1564 <gramGrp>
1565 <pos>adjective</pos>
1566 </gramGrp>
1567 <def>being a collector</def>
1568 </sense>
1569 <sense>
1570 <gramGrp>
1571 <pos>noun</pos>
1572 </gramGrp>
1573 <def>a collector or a gatherer of materials</def>
1574 </sense>
1575 </entry>
1576 <entry xml:id="dict.daytahd">
1577 <form>
1578 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātäd</orth>
1579 </form>
1580 <sense>
1581 <gramGrp>
1582 <pos>adjective</pos>
1583 </gramGrp>
1584 <def>friendly</def>
1585 </sense>
1586 <sense>
1587 <gramGrp>
1588 <pos>noun</pos>
1589 </gramGrp>
1590 <def>a friend</def>
1591 </sense>
1592 </entry>
1593 <entry xml:id="dict.dohgohtayd">
1594 <form>
1595 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōgōtād</orth>
1596 </form>
1597 <sense>
1598 <gramGrp>
1599 <pos>adjective</pos>
1600 </gramGrp>
1601 <def>adult</def>
1602 </sense>
1603 <sense>
1604 <gramGrp>
1605 <pos>noun</pos>
1606 </gramGrp>
1607 <def>an adult</def>
1608 </sense>
1609 </entry>
1610 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwahtoo">
1611 <form>
1612 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwätū</orth>
1613 </form>
1614 <sense>
1615 <gramGrp>
1616 <pos>adjective</pos>
1617 </gramGrp>
1618 <def>possessing babylike qualities</def>
1619 <def>very small in size, usu. with connotations of cuteness</def>
1620 </sense>
1621 <sense>
1622 <gramGrp>
1623 <pos>noun</pos>
1624 </gramGrp>
1625 <def>a baby</def>
1626 </sense>
1627 </entry>
1628 <entry xml:id="dict.hahtfee">
1629 <form>
1630 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hätfē</orth>
1631 </form>
1632 <sense>
1633 <gramGrp>
1634 <pos>adjective</pos>
1635 </gramGrp>
1636 <def>skilled, esp. in making things by hand</def>
1637 </sense>
1638 <sense>
1639 <gramGrp>
1640 <pos>noun</pos>
1641 </gramGrp>
1642 <def>a craftsman</def>
1643 </sense>
1644 </entry>
1645 <entry xml:id="dict.hohdohwah">
1646 <form>
1647 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōdōwä</orth>
1648 </form>
1649 <sense>
1650 <gramGrp>
1651 <pos>adjective</pos>
1652 </gramGrp>
1653 <def>having the qualities of a leader</def>
1654 <def>chief; most important</def>
1655 </sense>
1656 <sense>
1657 <gramGrp>
1658 <pos>noun</pos>
1659 </gramGrp>
1660 <def>a leader</def>
1661 </sense>
1662 </entry>
1663 <entry xml:id="dict.jahstoogay">
1664 <form>
1665 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jästūgā</orth>
1666 </form>
1667 <sense>
1668 <gramGrp>
1669 <pos>adjective</pos>
1670 </gramGrp>
1671 <def>of the Jastugay culture</def>
1672 <def>written in the Language</def>
1673 </sense>
1674 <sense>
1675 <gramGrp>
1676 <pos>noun</pos>
1677 </gramGrp>
1678 <sense>
1679 <q xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äʒə jästūgā</q>
1680 <def>the Language</def>
1681 </sense>
1682 <sense>
1683 <q xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒā jästūgā</q>
1684 <def>a speaker of the Language or someone of the Jāstūgā culture</def>
1685 </sense>
1686 <sense>
1687 <q xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pə jāstūgā</q>
1688 <def>the Jāstūgā people</def>
1689 </sense>
1690 </sense>
1691 </entry>
1692 <entry xml:id="dict.joodaentehd">
1693 <form>
1694 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jūdæntëd</orth>
1695 </form>
1696 <sense>
1697 <gramGrp>
1698 <pos>adjective</pos>
1699 </gramGrp>
1700 <def>caring</def>
1701 </sense>
1702 <sense>
1703 <gramGrp>
1704 <pos>noun</pos>
1705 </gramGrp>
1706 <def>a caretaker</def>
1707 </sense>
1708 </entry>
1709 <entry xml:id="dict.ohtfahhood">
1710 <form>
1711 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōtfähūd</orth>
1712 </form>
1713 <sense>
1714 <gramGrp>
1715 <pos>adjective</pos>
1716 </gramGrp>
1717 <def>mute</def>
1718 </sense>
1719 <sense>
1720 <gramGrp>
1721 <pos>noun</pos>
1722 </gramGrp>
1723 <def>a mute</def>
1724 </sense>
1725 </entry>
1726 <entry xml:id="dict.saentehd">
1727 <form>
1728 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sæntëd</orth>
1729 </form>
1730 <sense>
1731 <gramGrp>
1732 <pos>adjective</pos>
1733 </gramGrp>
1734 <def>having the characteristics of a woman; womanly</def>
1735 <def>used as a term of endearment for young girls to praise their maturity.</def>
1736 </sense>
1737 <sense>
1738 <gramGrp>
1739 <pos>noun</pos>
1740 </gramGrp>
1741 <def>a woman</def>
1742 </sense>
1743 </entry>
1744 <entry xml:id="dict.tayhhahtoi">
1745 <form>
1746 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tāħätœ</orth>
1747 </form>
1748 <sense>
1749 <gramGrp>
1750 <pos>adjective</pos>
1751 </gramGrp>
1752 <def>protective</def>
1753 </sense>
1754 <sense>
1755 <gramGrp>
1756 <pos>noun</pos>
1757 </gramGrp>
1758 <def>a guardian</def>
1759 </sense>
1760 </entry>
1761 <entry xml:id="dict.taytah">
1762 <form>
1763 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tātä</orth>
1764 </form>
1765 <sense>
1766 <gramGrp>
1767 <pos>adjective</pos>
1768 </gramGrp>
1769 <def>military</def>
1770 <def>(of a group) organized and disciplined</def>
1771 </sense>
1772 <sense>
1773 <gramGrp>
1774 <pos>noun</pos>
1775 </gramGrp>
1776 <def>an organized military force</def>
1777 </sense>
1778 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tayhhahtoi" /></etym>
1779 </entry>
1780 <entry xml:id="dict.tautsay">
1781 <form>
1782 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tåtsā</orth>
1783 </form>
1784 <sense>
1785 <gramGrp>
1786 <pos>adjective</pos>
1787 </gramGrp>
1788 <def>skilled at hunting or tracking</def>
1789 </sense>
1790 <sense>
1791 <gramGrp>
1792 <pos>noun</pos>
1793 </gramGrp>
1794 <def>a hunter</def>
1795 </sense>
1796 </entry>
1797 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtaydoh">
1798 <form>
1799 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtādō</orth>
1800 </form>
1801 <sense>
1802 <gramGrp>
1803 <pos>adjective</pos>
1804 </gramGrp>
1805 <def>immature</def>
1806 </sense>
1807 <sense>
1808 <gramGrp>
1809 <pos>noun</pos>
1810 </gramGrp>
1811 <def>an older child</def>
1812 </sense>
1813 </entry>
1814 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtehd">
1815 <form>
1816 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtëd</orth>
1817 </form>
1818 <sense>
1819 <gramGrp>
1820 <pos>adjective</pos>
1821 </gramGrp>
1822 <def>childish</def>
1823 </sense>
1824 <sense>
1825 <gramGrp>
1826 <pos>noun</pos>
1827 </gramGrp>
1828 <def>a younger child</def>
1829 </sense>
1830 </entry>
1831 <entry xml:id="dict.tohzhootay">
1832 <form>
1833 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōʒūtā</orth>
1834 </form>
1835 <sense>
1836 <gramGrp>
1837 <pos>adjective</pos>
1838 </gramGrp>
1839 <def>exhibiting youth and maturity</def>
1840 </sense>
1841 <sense>
1842 <gramGrp>
1843 <pos>noun</pos>
1844 </gramGrp>
1845 <def>a young adult</def>
1846 </sense>
1847 </entry>
1848 <entry xml:id="dict.tooayd">
1849 <form>
1850 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūād</orth>
1851 </form>
1852 <sense>
1853 <gramGrp>
1854 <pos>adjective</pos>
1855 </gramGrp>
1856 <def>of or concerning the body</def>
1857 </sense>
1858 <sense>
1859 <gramGrp>
1860 <pos>noun</pos>
1861 </gramGrp>
1862 <def>one’s body</def>
1863 </sense>
1864 </entry>
1865 <entry xml:id="dict.toodahfah">
1866 <form>
1867 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūdäfä</orth>
1868 </form>
1869 <sense>
1870 <gramGrp>
1871 <pos>adjective</pos>
1872 </gramGrp>
1873 <def>exhibiting age and wisdom</def>
1874 </sense>
1875 <sense>
1876 <gramGrp>
1877 <pos>noun</pos>
1878 </gramGrp>
1879 <def>an elder</def>
1880 </sense>
1881 </entry>
1882 <entry xml:id="dict.zhehtehd">
1883 <form>
1884 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒëtëd</orth>
1885 </form>
1886 <sense>
1887 <gramGrp>
1888 <pos>adjective</pos>
1889 </gramGrp>
1890 <def>having the characteristics of a man</def>
1891 </sense>
1892 <sense>
1893 <gramGrp>
1894 <pos>noun</pos>
1895 </gramGrp>
1896 <def>a man</def>
1897 </sense>
1898 </entry>
1899 <entry xml:id="dict.dahdhee">
1900 <form>
1901 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dädhē</orth>
1902 </form>
1903 <sense>
1904 <gramGrp>
1905 <pos>adjective</pos>
1906 </gramGrp>
1907 <def>relating to the throat</def>
1908 <def>throaty</def>
1909 </sense>
1910 <sense>
1911 <gramGrp>
1912 <pos>noun</pos>
1913 </gramGrp>
1914 <def>a neck or throat</def>
1915 <def>the manner in which a person speaks</def>
1916 </sense>
1917 </entry>
1918 <entry xml:id="dict.dayjohfohtoh">
1919 <form>
1920 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dājōfōtō</orth>
1921 </form>
1922 <sense>
1923 <gramGrp>
1924 <pos>adjective</pos>
1925 </gramGrp>
1926 <def>relating to the ear</def>
1927 <def>having the qualities of a good listener</def>
1928 </sense>
1929 <sense>
1930 <gramGrp>
1931 <pos>noun</pos>
1932 </gramGrp>
1933 <def>an ear</def>
1934 <def>a good listener</def>
1935 </sense>
1936 </entry>
1937 <entry xml:id="dict.dayohdway">
1938 <form>
1939 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāōdwā</orth>
1940 </form>
1941 <sense>
1942 <gramGrp>
1943 <pos>adjective</pos>
1944 </gramGrp>
1945 <def>relating to the spine</def>
1946 <def>vertebrate</def>
1947 </sense>
1948 <sense>
1949 <gramGrp>
1950 <pos>noun</pos>
1951 </gramGrp>
1952 <def>a spine</def>
1953 <def>the supporting framework of a structure</def>
1954 </sense>
1955 </entry>
1956 <entry xml:id="dict.dayusaysoh">
1957 <form>
1958 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāəsāsō</orth>
1959 </form>
1960 <sense>
1961 <gramGrp>
1962 <pos>adjective</pos>
1963 </gramGrp>
1964 <def>of a joint or connection</def>
1965 <def>jointed</def>
1966 </sense>
1967 <sense>
1968 <gramGrp>
1969 <pos>noun</pos>
1970 </gramGrp>
1971 <def>a joint</def>
1972 </sense>
1973 </entry>
1974 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtahdoh">
1975 <form>
1976 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtädō</orth>
1977 </form>
1978 <sense>
1979 <gramGrp>
1980 <pos>adjective</pos>
1981 </gramGrp>
1982 <def>of the head</def>
1983 <def>principal</def>
1984 </sense>
1985 <sense>
1986 <gramGrp>
1987 <pos>noun</pos>
1988 </gramGrp>
1989 <def>a head</def>
1990 <def>a person in charge of making decisions in a group</def>
1991 <def>the most important step in a procedure</def>
1992 </sense>
1993 </entry>
1994 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtohfiy">
1995 <form>
1996 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtōfī</orth>
1997 </form>
1998 <sense>
1999 <gramGrp>
2000 <pos>adjective</pos>
2001 </gramGrp>
2002 <def>of the nose</def>
2003 <def>(of a voice or speech) resonating in the nose</def>
2004 </sense>
2005 <sense>
2006 <gramGrp>
2007 <pos>noun</pos>
2008 </gramGrp>
2009 <def>a nose</def>
2010 </sense>
2011 </entry>
2012 <entry xml:id="dict.dohfahthhiy">
2013 <form>
2014 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōfätħī</orth>
2015 </form>
2016 <sense>
2017 <gramGrp>
2018 <pos>adjective</pos>
2019 </gramGrp>
2020 <def>of the hip</def>
2021 </sense>
2022 <sense>
2023 <gramGrp>
2024 <pos>noun</pos>
2025 </gramGrp>
2026 <def>a hip</def>
2027 </sense>
2028 </entry>
2029 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwayhhee">
2030 <form>
2031 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwāħē</orth>
2032 </form>
2033 <sense>
2034 <gramGrp>
2035 <pos>adjective</pos>
2036 </gramGrp>
2037 <def>of the heart</def>
2038 <def>positioned in the center</def>
2039 </sense>
2040 <sense>
2041 <gramGrp>
2042 <pos>noun</pos>
2043 </gramGrp>
2044 <def>a heart</def>
2045 <def>an integral or central part of something</def>
2046 </sense>
2047 </entry>
2048 <entry xml:id="dict.ehdaen">
2049 <form>
2050 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ëdæn</orth>
2051 </form>
2052 <sense>
2053 <gramGrp>
2054 <pos>adjective</pos>
2055 </gramGrp>
2056 <def>of the female breast</def>
2057 </sense>
2058 <sense>
2059 <gramGrp>
2060 <pos>noun</pos>
2061 </gramGrp>
2062 <def>a female breast</def>
2063 <def>a part of a garment designed to cover the female breast</def>
2064 </sense>
2065 </entry>
2066 <entry xml:id="dict.haydohsiy">
2067 <form>
2068 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hādōsī</orth>
2069 </form>
2070 <sense>
2071 <gramGrp>
2072 <pos>adjective</pos>
2073 </gramGrp>
2074 <def>of the eye</def>
2075 <def>(of a person) comprehending best through visual means</def>
2076 </sense>
2077 <sense>
2078 <gramGrp>
2079 <pos>noun</pos>
2080 </gramGrp>
2081 <def>an eye</def>
2082 </sense>
2083 </entry>
2084 <entry xml:id="dict.haydohsoh">
2085 <form>
2086 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hādōsō</orth>
2087 </form>
2088 <sense>
2089 <gramGrp>
2090 <pos>adjective</pos>
2091 </gramGrp>
2092 <def>of the blood</def>
2093 <def>(of an event) involving bloodshed</def>
2094 <def>covered in blood</def>
2095 </sense>
2096 <sense>
2097 <gramGrp>
2098 <pos>noun</pos>
2099 </gramGrp>
2100 <def>blood</def>
2101 <def>bloodshed</def>
2102 </sense>
2103 </entry>
2104 <entry xml:id="dict.hhayfohhee">
2105 <form>
2106 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħāfōhē</orth>
2107 </form>
2108 <sense>
2109 <gramGrp>
2110 <pos>adjective</pos>
2111 </gramGrp>
2112 <def>of the chest</def>
2113 <def>core</def>
2114 </sense>
2115 <sense>
2116 <gramGrp>
2117 <pos>noun</pos>
2118 </gramGrp>
2119 <def>a chest</def>
2120 <def>a torso</def>
2121 <def>a central part of something</def>
2122 </sense>
2123 </entry>
2124 <entry xml:id="dict.haysootway">
2125 <form>
2126 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hāsūtwā</orth>
2127 </form>
2128 <sense>
2129 <gramGrp>
2130 <pos>adjective</pos>
2131 </gramGrp>
2132 <def>of the shoulder</def>
2133 <def>on the edge</def>
2134 </sense>
2135 <sense>
2136 <gramGrp>
2137 <pos>noun</pos>
2138 </gramGrp>
2139 <def>a shoulder</def>
2140 <def>a part of a garment designed to cover the shoulder</def>
2141 <def>a part of something with a similar shape or position to the human shoulder</def>
2142 </sense>
2143 </entry>
2144 <entry xml:id="dict.haytoh">
2145 <form>
2146 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hātō</orth>
2147 </form>
2148 <sense>
2149 <gramGrp>
2150 <pos>adjective</pos>
2151 </gramGrp>
2152 <def>of the hair</def>
2153 <def>having a large amount of hair; hairy</def>
2154 </sense>
2155 <sense>
2156 <gramGrp>
2157 <pos>noun</pos>
2158 </gramGrp>
2159 <def>a hair</def>
2160 </sense>
2161 </entry>
2162 <entry xml:id="dict.hohpayjoh">
2163 <form>
2164 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōpājō</orth>
2165 </form>
2166 <sense>
2167 <gramGrp>
2168 <pos>adjective</pos>
2169 </gramGrp>
2170 <def>of the foot</def>
2171 <def>at the start or lowest point</def>
2172 </sense>
2173 <sense>
2174 <gramGrp>
2175 <pos>noun</pos>
2176 </gramGrp>
2177 <def>a foot</def>
2178 <def>the part of something which touches the ground; the base</def>
2179 <def>the starting point or first step of a procedure</def>
2180 </sense>
2181 </entry>
2182 <entry xml:id="dict.hohpusaytoh">
2183 <form>
2184 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōpəsātō</orth>
2185 </form>
2186 <sense>
2187 <gramGrp>
2188 <pos>adjective</pos>
2189 </gramGrp>
2190 <def>of the lung</def>
2191 <def>related to breathing</def>
2192 </sense>
2193 <sense>
2194 <gramGrp>
2195 <pos>noun</pos>
2196 </gramGrp>
2197 <def>a lung</def>
2198 </sense>
2199 </entry>
2200 <entry xml:id="dict.hhohsooayd">
2201 <form>
2202 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħōsūād</orth>
2203 </form>
2204 <sense>
2205 <gramGrp>
2206 <pos>adjective</pos>
2207 </gramGrp>
2208 <def>of the bones</def>
2209 <def>bony</def>
2210 </sense>
2211 <sense>
2212 <gramGrp>
2213 <pos>noun</pos>
2214 </gramGrp>
2215 <def>a bone</def>
2216 <def>a part of the frame or support of a structure</def>
2217 </sense>
2218 </entry>
2219 <entry xml:id="dict.ohwiytfee">
2220 <form>
2221 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōwītfē</orth>
2222 </form>
2223 <sense>
2224 <gramGrp>
2225 <pos>adjective</pos>
2226 </gramGrp>
2227 <def>of the teeth</def>
2228 <def>having teeth, esp. having large or numerous teeth</def>
2229 </sense>
2230 <sense>
2231 <gramGrp>
2232 <pos>noun</pos>
2233 </gramGrp>
2234 <def>a tooth</def>
2235 <sense>
2236 <q xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pə ōwītfē</q>
2237 <def>the teeth of an individual</def>
2238 </sense>
2239 </sense>
2240 </entry>
2241 <entry xml:id="dict.saydoh_1">
2242 <form>
2243 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sādō¹</orth>
2244 </form>
2245 <sense>
2246 <gramGrp>
2247 <pos>adjective</pos>
2248 </gramGrp>
2249 <def>of the leg</def>
2250 <def>having limbs</def>
2251 </sense>
2252 <sense>
2253 <gramGrp>
2254 <pos>noun</pos>
2255 </gramGrp>
2256 <def>a leg</def>
2257 <def>a support for a structure connecting to the ground</def>
2258 </sense>
2259 </entry>
2260 <entry xml:id="dict.sahtausay">
2261 <form>
2262 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sätåsā</orth>
2263 </form>
2264 <sense>
2265 <gramGrp>
2266 <pos>adjective</pos>
2267 </gramGrp>
2268 <def>of meat or flesh</def>
2269 <def>having a large amount of muscle</def>
2270 </sense>
2271 <sense>
2272 <gramGrp>
2273 <pos>noun</pos>
2274 </gramGrp>
2275 <def>meat or flesh</def>
2276 <def>muscle</def>
2277 <def>the edible part of something</def>
2278 </sense>
2279 </entry>
2280 <entry xml:id="dict.sahthayee">
2281 <form>
2282 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">säthāē</orth>
2283 </form>
2284 <sense>
2285 <gramGrp>
2286 <pos>adjective</pos>
2287 </gramGrp>
2288 <def>of the placenta</def>
2289 </sense>
2290 <sense>
2291 <gramGrp>
2292 <pos>noun</pos>
2293 </gramGrp>
2294 <def>a placenta</def>
2295 </sense>
2296 </entry>
2297 <entry xml:id="dict.sohds">
2298 <form>
2299 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōds</orth>
2300 </form>
2301 <sense>
2302 <gramGrp>
2303 <pos>adjective</pos>
2304 </gramGrp>
2305 <def>of the tongue</def>
2306 <def>talkative</def>
2307 </sense>
2308 <sense>
2309 <gramGrp>
2310 <pos>noun</pos>
2311 </gramGrp>
2312 <def>a tongue</def>
2313 </sense>
2314 </entry>
2315 <entry xml:id="dict.sohjay">
2316 <form>
2317 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōjā</orth>
2318 </form>
2319 <sense>
2320 <gramGrp>
2321 <pos>adjective</pos>
2322 </gramGrp>
2323 <def>of the finger</def>
2324 <def>having long fingers</def>
2325 </sense>
2326 <sense>
2327 <gramGrp>
2328 <pos>noun</pos>
2329 </gramGrp>
2330 <def>a finger</def>
2331 <def>a slender object resembling a finger</def>
2332 </sense>
2333 </entry>
2334 <entry xml:id="dict.sohwuh">
2335 <form>
2336 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōwə</orth>
2337 </form>
2338 <sense>
2339 <gramGrp>
2340 <pos>adjective</pos>
2341 </gramGrp>
2342 <def>of the skin</def>
2343 <def>naked</def>
2344 </sense>
2345 <sense>
2346 <gramGrp>
2347 <pos>noun</pos>
2348 </gramGrp>
2349 <def>skin</def>
2350 <def>an outer covering or layer</def>
2351 </sense>
2352 </entry>
2353 <entry xml:id="dict.suhohwee">
2354 <form>
2355 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">səhōwē</orth>
2356 </form>
2357 <sense>
2358 <gramGrp>
2359 <pos>adjective</pos>
2360 </gramGrp>
2361 <def>of or for use by the hand</def>
2362 </sense>
2363 <sense>
2364 <gramGrp>
2365 <pos>noun</pos>
2366 </gramGrp>
2367 <def>a hand</def>
2368 <def>an item attributable to someone because of certain features it contains, esp. in reference to art or handwriting</def>
2369 </sense>
2370 </entry>
2371 <entry xml:id="dict.suway">
2372 <form>
2373 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">səwā</orth>
2374 </form>
2375 <sense>
2376 <gramGrp>
2377 <pos>adjective</pos>
2378 </gramGrp>
2379 <def>of an arm</def>
2380 </sense>
2381 <sense>
2382 <gramGrp>
2383 <pos>noun</pos>
2384 </gramGrp>
2385 <def>an arm</def>
2386 <def>a support of a structure which does not connect to the ground</def>
2387 </sense>
2388 </entry>
2389 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaetohwoo">
2390 <form>
2391 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒætōwū</orth>
2392 </form>
2393 <sense>
2394 <gramGrp>
2395 <pos>adjective</pos>
2396 </gramGrp>
2397 <def>of the female reproductive system</def>
2398 </sense>
2399 <sense>
2400 <gramGrp>
2401 <pos>noun</pos>
2402 </gramGrp>
2403 <def>a female’s reproductive system, esp. a vulva</def>
2404 </sense>
2405 </entry>
2406 <entry xml:id="dict.zhoitoh">
2407 <form>
2408 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒœtō</orth>
2409 </form>
2410 <sense>
2411 <gramGrp>
2412 <pos>adjective</pos>
2413 </gramGrp>
2414 <def>of the male reproductive system</def>
2415 </sense>
2416 <sense>
2417 <gramGrp>
2418 <pos>noun</pos>
2419 </gramGrp>
2420 <def>a male’s reproductive system, esp. a penis</def>
2421 </sense>
2422 </entry>
2423 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohtsee">
2424 <form>
2425 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōtsē</orth>
2426 </form>
2427 <sense>
2428 <gramGrp>
2429 <pos>adjective</pos>
2430 </gramGrp>
2431 <def>of the mouth</def>
2432 </sense>
2433 <sense>
2434 <gramGrp>
2435 <pos>noun</pos>
2436 </gramGrp>
2437 <def>a mouth</def>
2438 <def>a large opening, esp. in the front of something</def>
2439 </sense>
2440 </entry>
2441 <entry xml:id="dict.usohtoh">
2442 <form>
2443 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">əsōtō</orth>
2444 </form>
2445 <sense>
2446 <gramGrp>
2447 <pos>adjective</pos>
2448 </gramGrp>
2449 <def>of a pair of pants</def>
2450 </sense>
2451 <sense>
2452 <gramGrp>
2453 <pos>noun</pos>
2454 </gramGrp>
2455 <def>a pair of pants</def>
2456 </sense>
2457 </entry>
2458 <entry xml:id="dict.dahtohsoh">
2459 <form>
2460 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dätōsō</orth>
2461 </form>
2462 <sense>
2463 <gramGrp>
2464 <pos>adjective</pos>
2465 </gramGrp>
2466 <def>of a shoe</def>
2467 </sense>
2468 <sense>
2469 <gramGrp>
2470 <pos>noun</pos>
2471 </gramGrp>
2472 <def>a shoe</def>
2473 </sense>
2474 </entry>
2475 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwohdah">
2476 <form>
2477 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwōdä</orth>
2478 </form>
2479 <sense>
2480 <gramGrp>
2481 <pos>adjective</pos>
2482 </gramGrp>
2483 <def>of a shirt</def>
2484 </sense>
2485 <sense>
2486 <gramGrp>
2487 <pos>noun</pos>
2488 </gramGrp>
2489 <def>a shirt</def>
2490 <def>a loose covering</def>
2491 </sense>
2492 </entry>
2493 <entry xml:id="dict.dutahday">
2494 <form>
2495 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dətädā</orth>
2496 </form>
2497 <sense>
2498 <gramGrp>
2499 <pos>adjective</pos>
2500 </gramGrp>
2501 <def>of a hat</def>
2502 </sense>
2503 <sense>
2504 <gramGrp>
2505 <pos>noun</pos>
2506 </gramGrp>
2507 <def>a hat</def>
2508 <def>a protective cover or lid, especially when used on the top of an object.</def>
2509 </sense>
2510 </entry>
2511 <entry xml:id="dict.jahtayduh">
2512 <form>
2513 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jätādə</orth>
2514 </form>
2515 <sense>
2516 <gramGrp>
2517 <pos>adjective</pos>
2518 </gramGrp>
2519 <def>masked</def>
2520 </sense>
2521 <sense>
2522 <gramGrp>
2523 <pos>noun</pos>
2524 </gramGrp>
2525 <def>a mask</def>
2526 </sense>
2527 </entry>
2528 <entry xml:id="dict.tohday">
2529 <form>
2530 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōdā</orth>
2531 </form>
2532 <sense>
2533 <gramGrp>
2534 <pos>adjective</pos>
2535 </gramGrp>
2536 <def>wearing clothing</def>
2537 </sense>
2538 <sense>
2539 <gramGrp>
2540 <pos>noun</pos>
2541 </gramGrp>
2542 <def>an article of clothing</def>
2543 <def>clothing collectively</def>
2544 </sense>
2545 </entry>
2546 <entry xml:id="dict.dayfoosoh">
2547 <form>
2548 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāfūsō</orth>
2549 </form>
2550 <sense>
2551 <gramGrp>
2552 <pos>adjective</pos>
2553 </gramGrp>
2554 <def>thirsty</def>
2555 </sense>
2556 <sense>
2557 <gramGrp>
2558 <pos>noun</pos>
2559 </gramGrp>
2560 <def>thirst</def>
2561 </sense>
2562 </entry>
2563 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtohgah">
2564 <form>
2565 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtōgä</orth>
2566 </form>
2567 <sense>
2568 <gramGrp>
2569 <pos>adjective</pos>
2570 </gramGrp>
2571 <def>tired</def>
2572 </sense>
2573 <sense>
2574 <gramGrp>
2575 <pos>noun</pos>
2576 </gramGrp>
2577 <def>sleep</def>
2578 </sense>
2579 </entry>
2580 <entry xml:id="dict.johsut">
2581 <form>
2582 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jōsət</orth>
2583 </form>
2584 <sense>
2585 <gramGrp>
2586 <pos>adjective</pos>
2587 </gramGrp>
2588 <def>needing to excrete waste</def>
2589 </sense>
2590 <sense>
2591 <gramGrp>
2592 <pos>noun</pos>
2593 </gramGrp>
2594 <def>an elimination of bodily waste</def>
2595 </sense>
2596 </entry>
2597 <entry xml:id="dict.saenahzhee">
2598 <form>
2599 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sænäʒē</orth>
2600 </form>
2601 <sense>
2602 <gramGrp>
2603 <pos>adjective</pos>
2604 </gramGrp>
2605 <def>menstrual</def>
2606 </sense>
2607 <sense>
2608 <gramGrp>
2609 <pos>noun</pos>
2610 </gramGrp>
2611 <def>menstruation</def>
2612 </sense>
2613 </entry>
2614 <entry xml:id="dict.seetgee">
2615 <form>
2616 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sētgē</orth>
2617 </form>
2618 <sense>
2619 <gramGrp>
2620 <pos>adjective</pos>
2621 </gramGrp>
2622 <def>hungry</def>
2623 </sense>
2624 <sense>
2625 <gramGrp>
2626 <pos>noun</pos>
2627 </gramGrp>
2628 <def>hunger</def>
2629 </sense>
2630 </entry>
2631 <entry xml:id="dict.biyfehoot">
2632 <form>
2633 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">bīfëūt</orth>
2634 </form>
2635 <sense>
2636 <gramGrp>
2637 <pos>adjective</pos>
2638 </gramGrp>
2639 <def>colored purple</def>
2640 </sense>
2641 <sense>
2642 <gramGrp>
2643 <pos>noun</pos>
2644 </gramGrp>
2645 <def>a purple color</def>
2646 </sense>
2647 </entry>
2648 <entry xml:id="dict.dayheetuh">
2649 <form>
2650 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāhētə</orth>
2651 </form>
2652 <sense>
2653 <gramGrp>
2654 <pos>adjective</pos>
2655 </gramGrp>
2656 <def>transparent or translucent</def>
2657 <def>lacking impurity or blemish</def>
2658 <def>(of a statement) without fault or contradiction</def>
2659 <def>unobscured, esp. of a choice or when referring to visibility</def>
2660 </sense>
2661 <sense>
2662 <gramGrp>
2663 <pos>noun</pos>
2664 </gramGrp>
2665 <def>translucency or clearness</def>
2666 </sense>
2667 </entry>
2668 <entry xml:id="dict.doiweht">
2669 <form>
2670 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dœwët</orth>
2671 </form>
2672 <sense>
2673 <gramGrp>
2674 <pos>adjective</pos>
2675 </gramGrp>
2676 <def>colored brown</def>
2677 </sense>
2678 <sense>
2679 <gramGrp>
2680 <pos>noun</pos>
2681 </gramGrp>
2682 <def>a brown color</def>
2683 </sense>
2684 </entry>
2685 <entry xml:id="dict.fohzhee">
2686 <form>
2687 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōʒē</orth>
2688 </form>
2689 <sense>
2690 <gramGrp>
2691 <pos>adjective</pos>
2692 </gramGrp>
2693 <def>visible</def>
2694 </sense>
2695 <sense>
2696 <gramGrp>
2697 <pos>noun</pos>
2698 </gramGrp>
2699 <def>vision</def>
2700 </sense>
2701 </entry>
2702 <entry xml:id="dict.hiyuh">
2703 <form>
2704 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hīə</orth>
2705 </form>
2706 <sense>
2707 <gramGrp>
2708 <pos>adjective</pos>
2709 </gramGrp>
2710 <def>colored green</def>
2711 <def>having large amounts of plant matter</def>
2712 </sense>
2713 <sense>
2714 <gramGrp>
2715 <pos>noun</pos>
2716 </gramGrp>
2717 <def>a green color</def>
2718 </sense>
2719 </entry>
2720 <entry xml:id="dict.hiyfuh">
2721 <form>
2722 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hīfə</orth>
2723 </form>
2724 <sense>
2725 <gramGrp>
2726 <pos>adjective</pos>
2727 </gramGrp>
2728 <def>luminous</def>
2729 </sense>
2730 <sense>
2731 <gramGrp>
2732 <pos>noun</pos>
2733 </gramGrp>
2734 <def>light</def>
2735 </sense>
2736 </entry>
2737 <entry xml:id="dict.jautuh">
2738 <form>
2739 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jåtə</orth>
2740 </form>
2741 <sense>
2742 <gramGrp>
2743 <pos>adjective</pos>
2744 </gramGrp>
2745 <def>colored blue</def>
2746 </sense>
2747 <sense>
2748 <gramGrp>
2749 <pos>noun</pos>
2750 </gramGrp>
2751 <def>a blue color</def>
2752 </sense>
2753 </entry>
2754 <entry xml:id="dict.waut">
2755 <form>
2756 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wåt</orth>
2757 </form>
2758 <sense>
2759 <gramGrp>
2760 <pos>adjective</pos>
2761 </gramGrp>
2762 <def>colored grey</def>
2763 <def>cloudy, esp. with precipitation</def>
2764 </sense>
2765 <sense>
2766 <gramGrp>
2767 <pos>noun</pos>
2768 </gramGrp>
2769 <def>a grey color</def>
2770 </sense>
2771 </entry>
2772 <entry xml:id="dict.utau_1">
2773 <form>
2774 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">utå¹</orth>
2775 </form>
2776 <sense>
2777 <gramGrp>
2778 <pos>adjective</pos>
2779 </gramGrp>
2780 <def>darkly colored</def>
2781 <def>colored black</def>
2782 </sense>
2783 <sense>
2784 <gramGrp>
2785 <pos>noun</pos>
2786 </gramGrp>
2787 <def>a dark color, esp. black</def>
2788 </sense>
2789 </entry>
2790 <entry xml:id="dict.zhau_1">
2791 <form>
2792 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒå¹</orth>
2793 </form>
2794 <sense>
2795 <gramGrp>
2796 <pos>adjective</pos>
2797 </gramGrp>
2798 <def>warmly colored</def>
2799 </sense>
2800 <sense>
2801 <gramGrp>
2802 <pos>noun</pos>
2803 </gramGrp>
2804 <def>a warm color</def>
2805 </sense>
2806 </entry>
2807 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaenday">
2808 <form>
2809 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒændā</orth>
2810 </form>
2811 <sense>
2812 <gramGrp>
2813 <pos>adjective</pos>
2814 </gramGrp>
2815 <def>lightly colored</def>
2816 <def>colored white</def>
2817 </sense>
2818 <sense>
2819 <gramGrp>
2820 <pos>noun</pos>
2821 </gramGrp>
2822 <def>a light color, esp. white</def>
2823 </sense>
2824 </entry>
2825 <entry xml:id="dict.hohfahsee">
2826 <form>
2827 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōfäsē</orth>
2828 </form>
2829 <sense>
2830 <gramGrp>
2831 <pos>adjective</pos>
2832 </gramGrp>
2833 <def>sensitive to the touch</def>
2834 </sense>
2835 <sense>
2836 <gramGrp>
2837 <pos>noun</pos>
2838 </gramGrp>
2839 <def>physical feeling, esp. the sense of touch</def>
2840 </sense>
2841 </entry>
2842 <entry xml:id="dict.tehdsiy">
2843 <form>
2844 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tëdsī</orth>
2845 </form>
2846 <sense>
2847 <gramGrp>
2848 <pos>adjective</pos>
2849 </gramGrp>
2850 <def>painful</def>
2851 </sense>
2852 <sense>
2853 <gramGrp>
2854 <pos>noun</pos>
2855 </gramGrp>
2856 <def>a feeling of pain</def>
2857 </sense>
2858 </entry>
2859 <entry xml:id="dict.daytiyt">
2860 <form>
2861 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātīt</orth>
2862 </form>
2863 <sense>
2864 <gramGrp>
2865 <pos>adjective</pos>
2866 </gramGrp>
2867 <def>sour</def>
2868 </sense>
2869 <sense>
2870 <gramGrp>
2871 <pos>noun</pos>
2872 </gramGrp>
2873 <def>sourness</def>
2874 </sense>
2875 </entry>
2876 <entry xml:id="dict.dohjiydoh">
2877 <form>
2878 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōjīdō</orth>
2879 </form>
2880 <sense>
2881 <gramGrp>
2882 <pos>adjective</pos>
2883 </gramGrp>
2884 <def>sweet</def>
2885 </sense>
2886 <sense>
2887 <gramGrp>
2888 <pos>noun</pos>
2889 </gramGrp>
2890 <def>sweetness</def>
2891 </sense>
2892 </entry>
2893 <entry xml:id="dict.johwahseht">
2894 <form>
2895 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jōwäsët</orth>
2896 </form>
2897 <sense>
2898 <gramGrp>
2899 <pos>adjective</pos>
2900 </gramGrp>
2901 <def>salty</def>
2902 </sense>
2903 <sense>
2904 <gramGrp>
2905 <pos>noun</pos>
2906 </gramGrp>
2907 <def>salt</def>
2908 <def>saltiness</def>
2909 </sense>
2910 </entry>
2911 <entry xml:id="dict.paufee">
2912 <form>
2913 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">påfē</orth>
2914 </form>
2915 <sense>
2916 <gramGrp>
2917 <pos>adjective</pos>
2918 </gramGrp>
2919 <def>having a hot (spicy) flavor</def>
2920 </sense>
2921 <sense>
2922 <gramGrp>
2923 <pos>noun</pos>
2924 </gramGrp>
2925 <def>hotness (spiciness)</def>
2926 </sense>
2927 </entry>
2928 <entry xml:id="dict.sohfeezhiy">
2929 <form>
2930 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōfēʒī</orth>
2931 </form>
2932 <sense>
2933 <gramGrp>
2934 <pos>adjective</pos>
2935 </gramGrp>
2936 <def>bitter</def>
2937 </sense>
2938 <sense>
2939 <gramGrp>
2940 <pos>noun</pos>
2941 </gramGrp>
2942 <def>bitterness</def>
2943 </sense>
2944 </entry>
2945 <entry xml:id="dict.ohjiys">
2946 <form>
2947 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōjīs</orth>
2948 </form>
2949 <sense>
2950 <gramGrp>
2951 <pos>adjective</pos>
2952 </gramGrp>
2953 <def>having a powerful odor</def>
2954 </sense>
2955 <sense>
2956 <gramGrp>
2957 <pos>noun</pos>
2958 </gramGrp>
2959 <def>a scent</def>
2960 </sense>
2961 </entry>
2962 <entry xml:id="dict.dohpahjee">
2963 <form>
2964 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōpäjē</orth>
2965 </form>
2966 <sense>
2967 <gramGrp>
2968 <pos>adjective</pos>
2969 </gramGrp>
2970 <def>loud; noisy</def>
2971 <def>(of a person) particularly rude or obnoxious</def>
2972 </sense>
2973 <sense>
2974 <gramGrp>
2975 <pos>noun</pos>
2976 </gramGrp>
2977 <def>noise</def>
2978 </sense>
2979 </entry>
2980 <entry xml:id="dict.fohzhoosoh">
2981 <form>
2982 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōʒūsō</orth>
2983 </form>
2984 <sense>
2985 <gramGrp>
2986 <pos>adjective</pos>
2987 </gramGrp>
2988 <def>quiet</def>
2989 <def>(of a person) shy or modest</def>
2990 </sense>
2991 <sense>
2992 <gramGrp>
2993 <pos>noun</pos>
2994 </gramGrp>
2995 <def>silence</def>
2996 </sense>
2997 </entry>
2998 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaypay">
2999 <form>
3000 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒāpā</orth>
3001 </form>
3002 <sense>
3003 <gramGrp>
3004 <pos>adjective</pos>
3005 </gramGrp>
3006 <def>producing sound</def>
3007 </sense>
3008 <sense>
3009 <gramGrp>
3010 <pos>noun</pos>
3011 </gramGrp>
3012 <def>a sound</def>
3013 </sense>
3014 </entry>
3015 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahsay_1">
3016 <form>
3017 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäsā¹</orth>
3018 </form>
3019 <sense>
3020 <gramGrp>
3021 <pos>adjective</pos>
3022 </gramGrp>
3023 <def>talkative</def>
3024 </sense>
3025 <sense>
3026 <gramGrp>
3027 <pos>noun</pos>
3028 </gramGrp>
3029 <def>speech</def>
3030 </sense>
3031 </entry>
3032 <entry xml:id="dict.pohwah">
3033 <form>
3034 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pōwä</orth>
3035 </form>
3036 <sense>
3037 <gramGrp>
3038 <pos>adjective</pos>
3039 </gramGrp>
3040 <def>musical; melodic</def>
3041 </sense>
3042 <sense>
3043 <gramGrp>
3044 <pos>noun</pos>
3045 </gramGrp>
3046 <def>a piece of music</def>
3047 <def>music collectively</def>
3048 </sense>
3049 </entry>
3050 <entry xml:id="dict.zhayoh_1">
3051 <form>
3052 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒāō¹</orth>
3053 </form>
3054 <sense>
3055 <gramGrp>
3056 <pos>adjective</pos>
3057 </gramGrp>
3058 <def>emotional</def>
3059 </sense>
3060 <sense>
3061 <gramGrp>
3062 <pos>noun</pos>
3063 </gramGrp>
3064 <def>an emotion</def>
3065 </sense>
3066 </entry>
3067 <entry xml:id="dict.dohday">
3068 <form>
3069 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōdā</orth>
3070 </form>
3071 <sense>
3072 <gramGrp>
3073 <pos>adjective</pos>
3074 </gramGrp>
3075 <def>happy</def>
3076 </sense>
3077 <sense>
3078 <gramGrp>
3079 <pos>noun</pos>
3080 </gramGrp>
3081 <def>happiness</def>
3082 </sense>
3083 </entry>
3084 <entry xml:id="dict.tohpay">
3085 <form>
3086 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōpā</orth>
3087 </form>
3088 <sense>
3089 <gramGrp>
3090 <pos>adjective</pos>
3091 </gramGrp>
3092 <def>angry</def>
3093 </sense>
3094 <sense>
3095 <gramGrp>
3096 <pos>noun</pos>
3097 </gramGrp>
3098 <def>anger</def>
3099 </sense>
3100 </entry>
3101 <entry xml:id="dict.hhoifoh">
3102 <form>
3103 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħœfō</orth>
3104 </form>
3105 <sense>
3106 <gramGrp>
3107 <pos>adjective</pos>
3108 </gramGrp>
3109 <def>sad</def>
3110 </sense>
3111 <sense>
3112 <gramGrp>
3113 <pos>noun</pos>
3114 </gramGrp>
3115 <def>sadness</def>
3116 </sense>
3117 </entry>
3118 <entry xml:id="dict.hohtahjoh">
3119 <form>
3120 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōtäjō</orth>
3121 </form>
3122 <sense>
3123 <gramGrp>
3124 <pos>adjective</pos>
3125 </gramGrp>
3126 <def>frustrated</def>
3127 </sense>
3128 <sense>
3129 <gramGrp>
3130 <pos>noun</pos>
3131 </gramGrp>
3132 <def>frustration</def>
3133 </sense>
3134 </entry>
3135 <entry xml:id="dict.hohzhiyd">
3136 <form>
3137 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōʒīd</orth>
3138 </form>
3139 <sense>
3140 <gramGrp>
3141 <pos>adjective</pos>
3142 </gramGrp>
3143 <def>loving</def>
3144 </sense>
3145 <sense>
3146 <gramGrp>
3147 <pos>noun</pos>
3148 </gramGrp>
3149 <def>love, between friends or family</def>
3150 </sense>
3151 </entry>
3152 <entry xml:id="dict.joowaendohsay">
3153 <form>
3154 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jūwændōsā</orth>
3155 </form>
3156 <sense>
3157 <gramGrp>
3158 <pos>adjective</pos>
3159 </gramGrp>
3160 <def>awed</def>
3161 </sense>
3162 <sense>
3163 <gramGrp>
3164 <pos>noun</pos>
3165 </gramGrp>
3166 <def>awe, esp. as the result of art or beauty</def>
3167 </sense>
3168 </entry>
3169 <entry xml:id="dict.wohway">
3170 <form>
3171 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wōwā</orth>
3172 </form>
3173 <sense>
3174 <gramGrp>
3175 <pos>adjective</pos>
3176 </gramGrp>
3177 <def>calm or peaceful</def>
3178 </sense>
3179 <sense>
3180 <gramGrp>
3181 <pos>noun</pos>
3182 </gramGrp>
3183 <def>calmness or peacefulness</def>
3184 </sense>
3185 </entry>
3186 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaujuh">
3187 <form>
3188 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒåjə</orth>
3189 </form>
3190 <sense>
3191 <gramGrp>
3192 <pos>adjective</pos>
3193 </gramGrp>
3194 <def>passionate</def>
3195 </sense>
3196 <sense>
3197 <gramGrp>
3198 <pos>noun</pos>
3199 </gramGrp>
3200 <def>passion, esp. for a person, idea, or activity</def>
3201 </sense>
3202 </entry>
3203 <entry xml:id="dict.dayohsee">
3204 <form>
3205 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāōsē</orth>
3206 </form>
3207 <sense>
3208 <gramGrp>
3209 <pos>adjective</pos>
3210 </gramGrp>
3211 <def>excited</def>
3212 </sense>
3213 <sense>
3214 <gramGrp>
3215 <pos>noun</pos>
3216 </gramGrp>
3217 <def>mental energy; excitement</def>
3218 </sense>
3219 </entry>
3220 <entry xml:id="dict.hahwee">
3221 <form>
3222 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">häwē</orth>
3223 </form>
3224 <sense>
3225 <gramGrp>
3226 <pos>adjective</pos>
3227 </gramGrp>
3228 <def>alive</def>
3229 </sense>
3230 <sense>
3231 <gramGrp>
3232 <pos>noun</pos>
3233 </gramGrp>
3234 <def>life</def>
3235 </sense>
3236 </entry>
3237 <entry xml:id="dict.hae">
3238 <form>
3239 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hæ</orth>
3240 </form>
3241 <sense>
3242 <gramGrp>
3243 <pos>adjective</pos>
3244 </gramGrp>
3245 <def>containing energy; energized</def>
3246 </sense>
3247 <sense>
3248 <gramGrp>
3249 <pos>noun</pos>
3250 </gramGrp>
3251 <def>energy</def>
3252 </sense>
3253 </entry>
3254 <entry xml:id="dict.fahee">
3255 <form>
3256 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fäē</orth>
3257 </form>
3258 <sense>
3259 <gramGrp>
3260 <pos>adjective</pos>
3261 </gramGrp>
3262 <def>dead</def>
3263 </sense>
3264 <sense>
3265 <gramGrp>
3266 <pos>noun</pos>
3267 </gramGrp>
3268 <def>death</def>
3269 </sense>
3270 </entry>
3271 <entry xml:id="dict.dahhhwee">
3272 <form>
3273 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däħwē</orth>
3274 </form>
3275 <sense>
3276 <gramGrp>
3277 <pos>adjective</pos>
3278 </gramGrp>
3279 <def>healthy</def>
3280 </sense>
3281 <sense>
3282 <gramGrp>
3283 <pos>noun</pos>
3284 </gramGrp>
3285 <def>health</def>
3286 </sense>
3287 </entry>
3288 <entry xml:id="dict.tahhhee">
3289 <form>
3290 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täħē</orth>
3291 </form>
3292 <sense>
3293 <gramGrp>
3294 <pos>adjective</pos>
3295 </gramGrp>
3296 <def>dying</def>
3297 </sense>
3298 <sense>
3299 <gramGrp>
3300 <pos>noun</pos>
3301 </gramGrp>
3302 <def>the process of dying</def>
3303 </sense>
3304 </entry>
3305 <entry xml:id="dict.ahtee">
3306 <form>
3307 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ätē</orth>
3308 </form>
3309 <sense>
3310 <gramGrp>
3311 <pos>adjective</pos>
3312 </gramGrp>
3313 <def>sick</def>
3314 </sense>
3315 <sense>
3316 <gramGrp>
3317 <pos>noun</pos>
3318 </gramGrp>
3319 <def>a sickness</def>
3320 </sense>
3321 </entry>
3322 <entry xml:id="dict.fehdsoh">
3323 <form>
3324 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fëdsō</orth>
3325 </form>
3326 <sense>
3327 <gramGrp>
3328 <pos>adjective</pos>
3329 </gramGrp>
3330 <def>injured</def>
3331 </sense>
3332 <sense>
3333 <gramGrp>
3334 <pos>noun</pos>
3335 </gramGrp>
3336 <def>an injury</def>
3337 </sense>
3338 </entry>
3339 <entry xml:id="dict.joh">
3340 <form>
3341 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jō</orth>
3342 </form>
3343 <sense>
3344 <gramGrp>
3345 <pos>adjective</pos>
3346 </gramGrp>
3347 <def>morally right (correct)</def>
3348 <def>factually accurate or true</def>
3349 </sense>
3350 <sense>
3351 <gramGrp>
3352 <pos>noun</pos>
3353 </gramGrp>
3354 <def>correctness</def>
3355 </sense>
3356 </entry>
3357 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahfoh">
3358 <form>
3359 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäfō</orth>
3360 </form>
3361 <sense>
3362 <gramGrp>
3363 <pos>adjective</pos>
3364 </gramGrp>
3365 <def>morally wrong</def>
3366 <def>factually inaccurate or false</def>
3367 </sense>
3368 <sense>
3369 <gramGrp>
3370 <pos>noun</pos>
3371 </gramGrp>
3372 <def>incorrectness</def>
3373 </sense>
3374 </entry>
3375 <entry xml:id="dict.dahfoh">
3376 <form>
3377 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däfō</orth>
3378 </form>
3379 <sense>
3380 <gramGrp>
3381 <pos>adjective</pos>
3382 </gramGrp>
3383 <def>knowledgeable</def>
3384 </sense>
3385 <sense>
3386 <gramGrp>
3387 <pos>noun</pos>
3388 </gramGrp>
3389 <def>knowledge</def>
3390 </sense>
3391 </entry>
3392 <entry xml:id="dict.jaufuh">
3393 <form>
3394 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jåfə</orth>
3395 </form>
3396 <sense>
3397 <gramGrp>
3398 <pos>adjective</pos>
3399 </gramGrp>
3400 <def>powerful</def>
3401 </sense>
3402 <sense>
3403 <gramGrp>
3404 <pos>noun</pos>
3405 </gramGrp>
3406 <def>power</def>
3407 </sense>
3408 </entry>
3409 <entry xml:id="dict.sohzhoowahd">
3410 <form>
3411 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōʒūwäd</orth>
3412 </form>
3413 <sense>
3414 <gramGrp>
3415 <pos>adjective</pos>
3416 </gramGrp>
3417 <def>beautiful</def>
3418 </sense>
3419 <sense>
3420 <gramGrp>
3421 <pos>noun</pos>
3422 </gramGrp>
3423 <def>beauty</def>
3424 </sense>
3425 </entry>
3426 <entry xml:id="dict.hohsee">
3427 <form>
3428 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōsē</orth>
3429 </form>
3430 <sense>
3431 <gramGrp>
3432 <pos>adjective</pos>
3433 </gramGrp>
3434 <def>trusting</def>
3435 </sense>
3436 <sense>
3437 <gramGrp>
3438 <pos>noun</pos>
3439 </gramGrp>
3440 <def>trust</def>
3441 </sense>
3442 </entry>
3443 <entry xml:id="dict.daygauwuh">
3444 <form>
3445 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāgåwə</orth>
3446 </form>
3447 <sense>
3448 <gramGrp>
3449 <pos>adjective</pos>
3450 </gramGrp>
3451 <def>hopeful</def>
3452 </sense>
3453 <sense>
3454 <gramGrp>
3455 <pos>noun</pos>
3456 </gramGrp>
3457 <def>hope</def>
3458 </sense>
3459 </entry>
3460 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtehhhfoh">
3461 <form>
3462 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtëħfō</orth>
3463 </form>
3464 <sense>
3465 <gramGrp>
3466 <pos>adjective</pos>
3467 </gramGrp>
3468 <def>courageous</def>
3469 </sense>
3470 <sense>
3471 <gramGrp>
3472 <pos>noun</pos>
3473 </gramGrp>
3474 <def>courage</def>
3475 </sense>
3476 </entry>
3477 <entry xml:id="dict.tohzhootsay">
3478 <form>
3479 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōʒūtsā</orth>
3480 </form>
3481 <sense>
3482 <gramGrp>
3483 <pos>adjective</pos>
3484 </gramGrp>
3485 <def>(of a statement) brief</def>
3486 </sense>
3487 <sense>
3488 <gramGrp>
3489 <pos>noun</pos>
3490 </gramGrp>
3491 <def>a word</def>
3492 </sense>
3493 </entry>
3494 <entry xml:id="dict.dohzhaytoh">
3495 <form>
3496 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōʒātō</orth>
3497 </form>
3498 <sense>
3499 <gramGrp>
3500 <pos>adjective</pos>
3501 </gramGrp>
3502 <def>(of a statement) with purpose or meaning</def>
3503 </sense>
3504 <sense>
3505 <gramGrp>
3506 <pos>noun</pos>
3507 </gramGrp>
3508 <def>a statement</def>
3509 </sense>
3510 </entry>
3511 <entry xml:id="dict.poit">
3512 <form>
3513 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pœt</orth>
3514 </form>
3515 <sense>
3516 <gramGrp>
3517 <pos>adjective</pos>
3518 </gramGrp>
3519 <def>momentary</def>
3520 </sense>
3521 <sense>
3522 <gramGrp>
3523 <pos>noun</pos>
3524 </gramGrp>
3525 <def>a moment</def>
3526 <def>time collectively</def>
3527 </sense>
3528 </entry>
3529 <entry xml:id="dict.hoipuh">
3530 <form>
3531 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hœpə</orth>
3532 </form>
3533 <sense>
3534 <gramGrp>
3535 <pos>adjective</pos>
3536 </gramGrp>
3537 <def>occurring at midday</def>
3538 </sense>
3539 <sense>
3540 <gramGrp>
3541 <pos>noun</pos>
3542 </gramGrp>
3543 <def>a day</def>
3544 <def>midday</def>
3545 </sense>
3546 </entry>
3547 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaenzhay">
3548 <form>
3549 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒænʒā</orth>
3550 </form>
3551 <sense>
3552 <gramGrp>
3553 <pos>adjective</pos>
3554 </gramGrp>
3555 <def>occurring at night</def>
3556 </sense>
3557 <sense>
3558 <gramGrp>
3559 <pos>noun</pos>
3560 </gramGrp>
3561 <def>night</def>
3562 </sense>
3563 </entry>
3564 <entry xml:id="dict.aedae">
3565 <form>
3566 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ædæ</orth>
3567 </form>
3568 <sense>
3569 <gramGrp>
3570 <pos>adjective</pos>
3571 </gramGrp>
3572 <def>occurring every month</def>
3573 </sense>
3574 <sense>
3575 <gramGrp>
3576 <pos>noun</pos>
3577 </gramGrp>
3578 <def>a month</def>
3579 </sense>
3580 </entry>
3581 <entry xml:id="dict.dohfiytuh">
3582 <form>
3583 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōfītə</orth>
3584 </form>
3585 <sense>
3586 <gramGrp>
3587 <pos>adjective</pos>
3588 </gramGrp>
3589 <def>occurring in the morning</def>
3590 </sense>
3591 <sense>
3592 <gramGrp>
3593 <pos>noun</pos>
3594 </gramGrp>
3595 <def>morning</def>
3596 </sense>
3597 </entry>
3598 <entry xml:id="dict.fuwohfuh">
3599 <form>
3600 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fəwōfə</orth>
3601 </form>
3602 <sense>
3603 <gramGrp>
3604 <pos>adjective</pos>
3605 </gramGrp>
3606 <def>occurring in the evening</def>
3607 <def>nearing the end of its life</def>
3608 </sense>
3609 <sense>
3610 <gramGrp>
3611 <pos>noun</pos>
3612 </gramGrp>
3613 <def>evening</def>
3614 </sense>
3615 </entry>
3616 <entry xml:id="dict.supoi">
3617 <form>
3618 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">səpœ</orth>
3619 </form>
3620 <sense>
3621 <gramGrp>
3622 <pos>adjective</pos>
3623 </gramGrp>
3624 <def>current; occurring presently</def>
3625 </sense>
3626 <sense>
3627 <gramGrp>
3628 <pos>noun</pos>
3629 </gramGrp>
3630 <def>the present</def>
3631 </sense>
3632 <etym><ptr target="#dict.sut" /> + <ptr target="#dict.poit" /></etym>
3633 </entry>
3634 <entry xml:id="dict.zhoit">
3635 <form>
3636 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒœt</orth>
3637 </form>
3638 <sense>
3639 <gramGrp>
3640 <pos>adjective</pos>
3641 </gramGrp>
3642 <def>occurring in the future</def>
3643 </sense>
3644 <sense>
3645 <gramGrp>
3646 <pos>noun</pos>
3647 </gramGrp>
3648 <def>the future</def>
3649 </sense>
3650 </entry>
3651 <entry xml:id="dict.pusah">
3652 <form>
3653 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pəsä</orth>
3654 </form>
3655 <sense>
3656 <gramGrp>
3657 <pos>adjective</pos>
3658 </gramGrp>
3659 <def>occurring in the past</def>
3660 </sense>
3661 <sense>
3662 <gramGrp>
3663 <pos>noun</pos>
3664 </gramGrp>
3665 <def>the past</def>
3666 </sense>
3667 </entry>
3668 <entry xml:id="dict.zhoh_1">
3669 <form>
3670 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒō¹</orth>
3671 </form>
3672 <sense>
3673 <gramGrp>
3674 <pos>adjective</pos>
3675 </gramGrp>
3676 <def>first</def>
3677 </sense>
3678 <sense>
3679 <gramGrp>
3680 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3681 </gramGrp>
3682 <def>one</def>
3683 </sense>
3684 </entry>
3685 <entry xml:id="dict.wohs">
3686 <form>
3687 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wōs</orth>
3688 </form>
3689 <sense>
3690 <gramGrp>
3691 <pos>adjective</pos>
3692 </gramGrp>
3693 <def>second</def>
3694 </sense>
3695 <sense>
3696 <gramGrp>
3697 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3698 </gramGrp>
3699 <def>two</def>
3700 </sense>
3701 </entry>
3702 <entry xml:id="dict.gohjoo">
3703 <form>
3704 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gōjū</orth>
3705 </form>
3706 <sense>
3707 <gramGrp>
3708 <pos>adjective</pos>
3709 </gramGrp>
3710 <def>third</def>
3711 </sense>
3712 <sense>
3713 <gramGrp>
3714 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3715 </gramGrp>
3716 <def>three</def>
3717 </sense>
3718 </entry>
3719 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahfay">
3720 <form>
3721 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäfā</orth>
3722 </form>
3723 <sense>
3724 <gramGrp>
3725 <pos>adjective</pos>
3726 </gramGrp>
3727 <def>fourth</def>
3728 </sense>
3729 <sense>
3730 <gramGrp>
3731 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3732 </gramGrp>
3733 <def>four</def>
3734 </sense>
3735 </entry>
3736 <entry xml:id="dict.wayt">
3737 <form>
3738 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wāt</orth>
3739 </form>
3740 <sense>
3741 <gramGrp>
3742 <pos>adjective</pos>
3743 </gramGrp>
3744 <def>fifth</def>
3745 </sense>
3746 <sense>
3747 <gramGrp>
3748 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3749 </gramGrp>
3750 <def>five</def>
3751 </sense>
3752 </entry>
3753 <entry xml:id="dict.sohpoh">
3754 <form>
3755 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōpō</orth>
3756 </form>
3757 <sense>
3758 <gramGrp>
3759 <pos>adjective</pos>
3760 </gramGrp>
3761 <def>sixth</def>
3762 </sense>
3763 <sense>
3764 <gramGrp>
3765 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3766 </gramGrp>
3767 <def>six</def>
3768 </sense>
3769 </entry>
3770 <entry xml:id="dict.jaht">
3771 <form>
3772 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jät</orth>
3773 </form>
3774 <sense>
3775 <gramGrp>
3776 <pos>adjective</pos>
3777 </gramGrp>
3778 <def>seventh</def>
3779 </sense>
3780 <sense>
3781 <gramGrp>
3782 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3783 </gramGrp>
3784 <def>seven</def>
3785 </sense>
3786 </entry>
3787 <entry xml:id="dict.saentoh">
3788 <form>
3789 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sæntō</orth>
3790 </form>
3791 <sense>
3792 <gramGrp>
3793 <pos>adjective</pos>
3794 </gramGrp>
3795 <def>eighth</def>
3796 </sense>
3797 <sense>
3798 <gramGrp>
3799 <pos>quantifier</pos>
3800 </gramGrp>
3801 <def>eight</def>
3802 </sense>
3803 </entry>
3804 <entry xml:id="dict.daysoh">
3805 <form>
3806 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāsō</orth>
3807 </form>
3808 <sense>
3809 <gramGrp>
3810 <pos>adjective</pos>
3811 </gramGrp>
3812 <def>fluid; watery</def>
3813 </sense>
3814 <sense>
3815 <gramGrp>
3816 <pos>noun</pos>
3817 </gramGrp>
3818 <def>water</def>
3819 </sense>
3820 </entry>
3821 <entry xml:id="dict.fehweht">
3822 <form>
3823 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fëwët</orth>
3824 </form>
3825 <sense>
3826 <gramGrp>
3827 <pos>adjective</pos>
3828 </gramGrp>
3829 <def>made of wood</def>
3830 </sense>
3831 <sense>
3832 <gramGrp>
3833 <pos>noun</pos>
3834 </gramGrp>
3835 <def>wood</def>
3836 </sense>
3837 </entry>
3838 <entry xml:id="dict.pohzhahsoh">
3839 <form>
3840 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pōʒäsō</orth>
3841 </form>
3842 <sense>
3843 <gramGrp>
3844 <pos>adjective</pos>
3845 </gramGrp>
3846 <def>made of stone</def>
3847 </sense>
3848 <sense>
3849 <gramGrp>
3850 <pos>noun</pos>
3851 </gramGrp>
3852 <def>stone</def>
3853 <def>a rock</def>
3854 </sense>
3855 </entry>
3856 <entry xml:id="dict.pohzhuh">
3857 <form>
3858 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pōʒə</orth>
3859 </form>
3860 <sense>
3861 <gramGrp>
3862 <pos>adjective</pos>
3863 </gramGrp>
3864 <def>of the ground, as opposed to being of the sky</def>
3865 </sense>
3866 <sense>
3867 <gramGrp>
3868 <pos>noun</pos>
3869 </gramGrp>
3870 <def>ground</def>
3871 </sense>
3872 </entry>
3873 <entry xml:id="dict.dausee">
3874 <form>
3875 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåsē</orth>
3876 </form>
3877 <sense>
3878 <gramGrp>
3879 <pos>adjective</pos>
3880 </gramGrp>
3881 <def>burning</def>
3882 </sense>
3883 <sense>
3884 <gramGrp>
3885 <pos>noun</pos>
3886 </gramGrp>
3887 <def>fire</def>
3888 <def>a flame</def>
3889 </sense>
3890 </entry>
3891 <entry xml:id="dict.dohzhuh">
3892 <form>
3893 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōʒə</orth>
3894 </form>
3895 <sense>
3896 <gramGrp>
3897 <pos>adjective</pos>
3898 </gramGrp>
3899 <def>made of metal</def>
3900 </sense>
3901 <sense>
3902 <gramGrp>
3903 <pos>noun</pos>
3904 </gramGrp>
3905 <def>metal</def>
3906 </sense>
3907 </entry>
3908 <entry xml:id="dict.tohfoosoh">
3909 <form>
3910 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōfūsō</orth>
3911 </form>
3912 <sense>
3913 <gramGrp>
3914 <pos>adjective</pos>
3915 </gramGrp>
3916 <def>made of clay</def>
3917 </sense>
3918 <sense>
3919 <gramGrp>
3920 <pos>noun</pos>
3921 </gramGrp>
3922 <def>clay</def>
3923 </sense>
3924 </entry>
3925 <entry xml:id="dict.dautuh">
3926 <form>
3927 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåtə</orth>
3928 </form>
3929 <sense>
3930 <gramGrp>
3931 <pos>adjective</pos>
3932 </gramGrp>
3933 <def>of the sky</def>
3934 <def>pointed skyward</def>
3935 </sense>
3936 <sense>
3937 <gramGrp>
3938 <pos>noun</pos>
3939 </gramGrp>
3940 <def>the sky</def>
3941 </sense>
3942 </entry>
3943 <entry xml:id="dict.hhiytuh">
3944 <form>
3945 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħītə</orth>
3946 </form>
3947 <sense>
3948 <gramGrp>
3949 <pos>adjective</pos>
3950 </gramGrp>
3951 <def>of or relating to the moon</def>
3952 </sense>
3953 <sense>
3954 <gramGrp>
3955 <pos>noun</pos>
3956 </gramGrp>
3957 <def>the moon</def>
3958 </sense>
3959 </entry>
3960 <entry xml:id="dict.tohfahee">
3961 <form>
3962 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōfäē</orth>
3963 </form>
3964 <sense>
3965 <gramGrp>
3966 <pos>adjective</pos>
3967 </gramGrp>
3968 <def>of a star</def>
3969 <def>guiding, helpful</def>
3970 </sense>
3971 <sense>
3972 <gramGrp>
3973 <pos>noun</pos>
3974 </gramGrp>
3975 <def>a star</def>
3976 </sense>
3977 </entry>
3978 <entry xml:id="dict.hohzhay">
3979 <form>
3980 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōʒā</orth>
3981 </form>
3982 <sense>
3983 <gramGrp>
3984 <pos>adjective</pos>
3985 </gramGrp>
3986 <def>of the land</def>
3987 </sense>
3988 <sense>
3989 <gramGrp>
3990 <pos>noun</pos>
3991 </gramGrp>
3992 <def>the land</def>
3993 </sense>
3994 </entry>
3995 <entry xml:id="dict.toodaysoh">
3996 <form>
3997 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūdāsō</orth>
3998 </form>
3999 <sense>
4000 <gramGrp>
4001 <pos>adjective</pos>
4002 </gramGrp>
4003 <def>of a river</def>
4004 </sense>
4005 <sense>
4006 <gramGrp>
4007 <pos>noun</pos>
4008 </gramGrp>
4009 <def>a river or creek</def>
4010 </sense>
4011 </entry>
4012 <entry xml:id="dict.doifahsoh">
4013 <form>
4014 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dœfäsō</orth>
4015 </form>
4016 <sense>
4017 <gramGrp>
4018 <pos>adjective</pos>
4019 </gramGrp>
4020 <def>of a large body of water</def>
4021 </sense>
4022 <sense>
4023 <gramGrp>
4024 <pos>noun</pos>
4025 </gramGrp>
4026 <def>a large body of water</def>
4027 </sense>
4028 </entry>
4029 <entry xml:id="dict.tohwoodoh">
4030 <form>
4031 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōwūdō</orth>
4032 </form>
4033 <sense>
4034 <gramGrp>
4035 <pos>adjective</pos>
4036 </gramGrp>
4037 <def>of a smaller body of water</def>
4038 </sense>
4039 <sense>
4040 <gramGrp>
4041 <pos>noun</pos>
4042 </gramGrp>
4043 <def>a smaller body of water</def>
4044 </sense>
4045 </entry>
4046 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwahtsay">
4047 <form>
4048 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwätsā</orth>
4049 </form>
4050 <sense>
4051 <gramGrp>
4052 <pos>adjective</pos>
4053 </gramGrp>
4054 <def>of a mountain</def>
4055 <def>mountainous</def>
4056 </sense>
4057 <sense>
4058 <gramGrp>
4059 <pos>noun</pos>
4060 </gramGrp>
4061 <def>a mountain</def>
4062 </sense>
4063 </entry>
4064 <entry xml:id="dict.tohfootzhay">
4065 <form>
4066 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōfūtʒā</orth>
4067 </form>
4068 <sense>
4069 <gramGrp>
4070 <pos>adjective</pos>
4071 </gramGrp>
4072 <def>of a valley</def>
4073 <def>(of a surface) indented</def>
4074 </sense>
4075 <sense>
4076 <gramGrp>
4077 <pos>noun</pos>
4078 </gramGrp>
4079 <def>a valley</def>
4080 <def>an indentation in a flat surface</def>
4081 </sense>
4082 </entry>
4083 <entry xml:id="dict.daysohzhay">
4084 <form>
4085 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāsōʒā</orth>
4086 </form>
4087 <sense>
4088 <gramGrp>
4089 <pos>adjective</pos>
4090 </gramGrp>
4091 <def>of an island</def>
4092 <def>isolated</def>
4093 </sense>
4094 <sense>
4095 <gramGrp>
4096 <pos>noun</pos>
4097 </gramGrp>
4098 <def>an island</def>
4099 </sense>
4100 </entry>
4101 <entry xml:id="dict.zhau_2">
4102 <form>
4103 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒå²</orth>
4104 </form>
4105 <sense>
4106 <gramGrp>
4107 <pos>adjective</pos>
4108 </gramGrp>
4109 <def>of the air</def>
4110 <def>airy; open</def>
4111 <def>moving with a fluid motion; free</def>
4112 </sense>
4113 <sense>
4114 <gramGrp>
4115 <pos>noun</pos>
4116 </gramGrp>
4117 <def>air</def>
4118 </sense>
4119 </entry>
4120 <entry xml:id="dict.goopuh">
4121 <form>
4122 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gūpə</orth>
4123 </form>
4124 <sense>
4125 <gramGrp>
4126 <pos>adjective</pos>
4127 </gramGrp>
4128 <def>of the Earth</def>
4129 </sense>
4130 <sense>
4131 <gramGrp>
4132 <pos>noun</pos>
4133 </gramGrp>
4134 <def>a world, esp. the Earth</def>
4135 </sense>
4136 <etym><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gūd</mentioned> + <ptr target="#dict.pohzhuh" /> <gloss>allground</gloss></etym>
4137 </entry>
4138 <entry xml:id="dict.dautohsay">
4139 <form>
4140 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåtōsā</orth>
4141 </form>
4142 <sense>
4143 <gramGrp>
4144 <pos>adjective</pos>
4145 </gramGrp>
4146 <def>having weather</def>
4147 </sense>
4148 <sense>
4149 <gramGrp>
4150 <pos>noun</pos>
4151 </gramGrp>
4152 <def>weather</def>
4153 <def>the atmosphere produced by a group or conversation</def>
4154 </sense>
4155 </entry>
4156 <entry xml:id="dict.daytahsoh">
4157 <form>
4158 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātäsō</orth>
4159 </form>
4160 <sense>
4161 <gramGrp>
4162 <pos>adjective</pos>
4163 </gramGrp>
4164 <def>cloudy</def>
4165 </sense>
4166 <sense>
4167 <gramGrp>
4168 <pos>noun</pos>
4169 </gramGrp>
4170 <def>a cloud</def>
4171 </sense>
4172 </entry>
4173 <entry xml:id="dict.dohzhay">
4174 <form>
4175 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōʒā</orth>
4176 </form>
4177 <sense>
4178 <gramGrp>
4179 <pos>adjective</pos>
4180 </gramGrp>
4181 <def>rainy</def>
4182 </sense>
4183 <sense>
4184 <gramGrp>
4185 <pos>noun</pos>
4186 </gramGrp>
4187 <def>the rain</def>
4188 <def>a raindrop</def>
4189 </sense>
4190 </entry>
4191 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtus">
4192 <form>
4193 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtəs</orth>
4194 </form>
4195 <sense>
4196 <gramGrp>
4197 <pos>adjective</pos>
4198 </gramGrp>
4199 <def>snowy</def>
4200 </sense>
4201 <sense>
4202 <gramGrp>
4203 <pos>noun</pos>
4204 </gramGrp>
4205 <def>the snow</def>
4206 <def>a snowflake</def>
4207 </sense>
4208 </entry>
4209 <entry xml:id="dict.johway">
4210 <form>
4211 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jōwā</orth>
4212 </form>
4213 <sense>
4214 <gramGrp>
4215 <pos>adjective</pos>
4216 </gramGrp>
4217 <def>windy</def>
4218 </sense>
4219 <sense>
4220 <gramGrp>
4221 <pos>noun</pos>
4222 </gramGrp>
4223 <def>a wind</def>
4224 </sense>
4225 </entry>
4226 <entry xml:id="dict.utau_2">
4227 <form>
4228 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">utå²</orth>
4229 </form>
4230 <sense>
4231 <gramGrp>
4232 <pos>adjective</pos>
4233 </gramGrp>
4234 <def>stormy</def>
4235 </sense>
4236 <sense>
4237 <gramGrp>
4238 <pos>noun</pos>
4239 </gramGrp>
4240 <def>a storm</def>
4241 </sense>
4242 </entry>
4243 <entry xml:id="dict.johfus">
4244 <form>
4245 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jōfəs</orth>
4246 </form>
4247 <sense>
4248 <gramGrp>
4249 <pos>adjective</pos>
4250 </gramGrp>
4251 <def>hailing</def>
4252 </sense>
4253 <sense>
4254 <gramGrp>
4255 <pos>noun</pos>
4256 </gramGrp>
4257 <def>hail</def>
4258 <def>a hailstone</def>
4259 </sense>
4260 </entry>
4261 <entry xml:id="dict.zhausuh">
4262 <form>
4263 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒåsə</orth>
4264 </form>
4265 <sense>
4266 <gramGrp>
4267 <pos>adjective</pos>
4268 </gramGrp>
4269 <def>characterized by or producing lightning</def>
4270 </sense>
4271 <sense>
4272 <gramGrp>
4273 <pos>noun</pos>
4274 </gramGrp>
4275 <def>lightning</def>
4276 <def>a lightning bolt</def>
4277 </sense>
4278 </entry>
4279 <entry xml:id="dict.haypee">
4280 <form>
4281 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hāpē</orth>
4282 </form>
4283 <sense>
4284 <gramGrp>
4285 <pos>adjective</pos>
4286 </gramGrp>
4287 <def>vernal</def>
4288 </sense>
4289 <sense>
4290 <gramGrp>
4291 <pos>noun</pos>
4292 </gramGrp>
4293 <def>a period characterized by lengthening days centered around the vernal equinox and taking up one‐fourth of the year</def>
4294 </sense>
4295 </entry>
4296 <entry xml:id="dict.hhiywah">
4297 <form>
4298 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħīwä</orth>
4299 </form>
4300 <sense>
4301 <gramGrp>
4302 <pos>adjective</pos>
4303 </gramGrp>
4304 <def>annual</def>
4305 <def>estival</def>
4306 </sense>
4307 <sense>
4308 <gramGrp>
4309 <pos>noun</pos>
4310 </gramGrp>
4311 <def>a year</def>
4312 <def>a period characterized by warmer temperatures and longer days centered around the summer solstice and taking up one‐fourth of the year</def>
4313 </sense>
4314 </entry>
4315 <entry xml:id="dict.tahaenee">
4316 <form>
4317 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täænē</orth>
4318 </form>
4319 <sense>
4320 <gramGrp>
4321 <pos>adjective</pos>
4322 </gramGrp>
4323 <def>autumnal</def>
4324 </sense>
4325 <sense>
4326 <gramGrp>
4327 <pos>noun</pos>
4328 </gramGrp>
4329 <def>a period characterized by shortening days centered around the autumnal equinox</def>
4330 </sense>
4331 </entry>
4332 <entry xml:id="dict.aenduh">
4333 <form>
4334 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ændə</orth>
4335 </form>
4336 <sense>
4337 <gramGrp>
4338 <pos>adjective</pos>
4339 </gramGrp>
4340 <def>hibernal</def>
4341 </sense>
4342 <sense>
4343 <gramGrp>
4344 <pos>noun</pos>
4345 </gramGrp>
4346 <def>a period characterized by colder temperatures and short days centered around the winter solstice and taking up one‐fourth of the year</def>
4347 </sense>
4348 </entry>
4349 <entry xml:id="dict.taen">
4350 <form>
4351 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tæn</orth>
4352 </form>
4353 <sense>
4354 <gramGrp>
4355 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
4356 </gramGrp>
4357 </sense>
4358 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tahaenee" /></etym>
4359 </entry>
4360 <entry xml:id="dict.iyohtaehiyuh">
4361 <form>
4362 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īōtæhīə</orth>
4363 </form>
4364 <sense>
4365 <gramGrp>
4366 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
4367 </gramGrp>
4368 </sense>
4369 <etym><ptr target="#dict.iyohtay" /> + <ptr target="#dict.hiyuh" /> <gloss>green shoot</gloss></etym>
4370 <re type="derived">
4371 <form>
4372 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īō</orth>
4373 </form>
4374 </re>
4375 </entry>
4376 <entry xml:id="dict.iyoh">
4377 <form>
4378 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īō</orth>
4379 </form>
4380 <sense>
4381 <gramGrp>
4382 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
4383 </gramGrp>
4384 </sense>
4385 <etym><ptr target="#dict.iyohtaehiyuh" /></etym>
4386 </entry>
4387 <entry xml:id="dict.day">
4388 <form>
4389 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dā</orth>
4390 </form>
4391 <sense>
4392 <gramGrp>
4393 <pos>adjective</pos>
4394 </gramGrp>
4395 <def>quick</def>
4396 <def>nimble</def>
4397 <def>clever</def>
4398 </sense>
4399 <sense>
4400 <gramGrp>
4401 <pos>noun</pos>
4402 </gramGrp>
4403 <def>speed</def>
4404 </sense>
4405 </entry>
4406 <entry xml:id="dict.tood">
4407 <form>
4408 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūd</orth>
4409 </form>
4410 <sense>
4411 <gramGrp>
4412 <pos>adjective</pos>
4413 </gramGrp>
4414 <def>slow</def>
4415 </sense>
4416 <sense>
4417 <gramGrp>
4418 <pos>noun</pos>
4419 </gramGrp>
4420 <def>slowness; sloth (trait)</def>
4421 </sense>
4422 </entry>
4423 <entry xml:id="dict.johfah">
4424 <form>
4425 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jōfä</orth>
4426 </form>
4427 <sense>
4428 <gramGrp>
4429 <pos>adjective</pos>
4430 </gramGrp>
4431 <def>grand; great</def>
4432 </sense>
4433 <sense>
4434 <gramGrp>
4435 <pos>noun</pos>
4436 </gramGrp>
4437 <def>grandiosity; greatness</def>
4438 </sense>
4439 </entry>
4440 <entry xml:id="dict.fohwoo">
4441 <form>
4442 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōwū</orth>
4443 </form>
4444 <sense>
4445 <gramGrp>
4446 <pos>adjective</pos>
4447 </gramGrp>
4448 <def>small; unimportant</def>
4449 </sense>
4450 <sense>
4451 <gramGrp>
4452 <pos>noun</pos>
4453 </gramGrp>
4454 <def>smallness; unimportance</def>
4455 </sense>
4456 </entry>
4457 <entry xml:id="dict.gohpah">
4458 <form>
4459 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gōpä</orth>
4460 </form>
4461 <sense>
4462 <gramGrp>
4463 <pos>adjective</pos>
4464 </gramGrp>
4465 <def>strong</def>
4466 </sense>
4467 <sense>
4468 <gramGrp>
4469 <pos>noun</pos>
4470 </gramGrp>
4471 <def>strength</def>
4472 </sense>
4473 </entry>
4474 <entry xml:id="dict.tahwoo">
4475 <form>
4476 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täwū</orth>
4477 </form>
4478 <sense>
4479 <gramGrp>
4480 <pos>adjective</pos>
4481 </gramGrp>
4482 <def>weak</def>
4483 </sense>
4484 <sense>
4485 <gramGrp>
4486 <pos>noun</pos>
4487 </gramGrp>
4488 <def>the condition of being weak</def>
4489 <def>a weakness</def>
4490 </sense>
4491 </entry>
4492 <entry xml:id="dict.daypeh">
4493 <form>
4494 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāpë</orth>
4495 </form>
4496 <sense>
4497 <gramGrp>
4498 <pos>adjective</pos>
4499 </gramGrp>
4500 <def>good</def>
4501 </sense>
4502 <sense>
4503 <gramGrp>
4504 <pos>noun</pos>
4505 </gramGrp>
4506 <def>goodness</def>
4507 </sense>
4508 </entry>
4509 <entry xml:id="dict.tayt">
4510 <form>
4511 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tāt</orth>
4512 </form>
4513 <sense>
4514 <gramGrp>
4515 <pos>adjective</pos>
4516 </gramGrp>
4517 <def>bad</def>
4518 </sense>
4519 <sense>
4520 <gramGrp>
4521 <pos>noun</pos>
4522 </gramGrp>
4523 <def>badness</def>
4524 </sense>
4525 </entry>
4526 <entry xml:id="dict.wauwuh">
4527 <form>
4528 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wåwə</orth>
4529 </form>
4530 <sense>
4531 <gramGrp>
4532 <pos>adjective</pos>
4533 </gramGrp>
4534 <def>wise</def>
4535 </sense>
4536 <sense>
4537 <gramGrp>
4538 <pos>noun</pos>
4539 </gramGrp>
4540 <def>wisdom</def>
4541 </sense>
4542 </entry>
4543 <entry xml:id="dict.daytahzhoh">
4544 <form>
4545 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātäʒō</orth>
4546 </form>
4547 <sense>
4548 <gramGrp>
4549 <pos>adjective</pos>
4550 </gramGrp>
4551 <def>stupid</def>
4552 </sense>
4553 <sense>
4554 <gramGrp>
4555 <pos>noun</pos>
4556 </gramGrp>
4557 <def>stupidity</def>
4558 </sense>
4559 <note>Usage of <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātäʒō</mentioned> is generally considered rude, use <ptr target="#dict.tahzhoh" /> if possible.</note>
4560 </entry>
4561 <entry xml:id="dict.tahzhoh">
4562 <form>
4563 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täʒō</orth>
4564 </form>
4565 <sense>
4566 <gramGrp>
4567 <pos>adjective</pos>
4568 </gramGrp>
4569 <def>foolish</def>
4570 </sense>
4571 <sense>
4572 <gramGrp>
4573 <pos>noun</pos>
4574 </gramGrp>
4575 <def>foolishness</def>
4576 </sense>
4577 <etym><ptr target="#dict.daytahzhoh" /></etym>
4578 </entry>
4579 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtayhhhoh">
4580 <form>
4581 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtāħhō</orth>
4582 </form>
4583 <sense>
4584 <gramGrp>
4585 <pos>adjective</pos>
4586 </gramGrp>
4587 <def>hardworking; determined</def>
4588 </sense>
4589 <sense>
4590 <gramGrp>
4591 <pos>noun</pos>
4592 </gramGrp>
4593 <def>the quality of being hardworking; determination</def>
4594 </sense>
4595 </entry>
4596 <entry xml:id="dict.toodfoo">
4597 <form>
4598 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūdfū</orth>
4599 </form>
4600 <sense>
4601 <gramGrp>
4602 <pos>adjective</pos>
4603 </gramGrp>
4604 <def>lazy</def>
4605 </sense>
4606 <sense>
4607 <gramGrp>
4608 <pos>noun</pos>
4609 </gramGrp>
4610 <def>laziness</def>
4611 </sense>
4612 </entry>
4613 <entry xml:id="dict.ahhhmoh">
4614 <form>
4615 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äħmō</orth>
4616 </form>
4617 <sense>
4618 <gramGrp>
4619 <pos>adjective</pos>
4620 </gramGrp>
4621 <def>sharp</def>
4622 <def>(of a statement) particularly harsh or direct</def>
4623 </sense>
4624 <sense>
4625 <gramGrp>
4626 <pos>noun</pos>
4627 </gramGrp>
4628 <def>sharpness</def>
4629 </sense>
4630 </entry>
4631 <entry xml:id="dict.hhaysoh">
4632 <form>
4633 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħāsō</orth>
4634 </form>
4635 <sense>
4636 <gramGrp>
4637 <pos>adjective</pos>
4638 </gramGrp>
4639 <def>front</def>
4640 </sense>
4641 <sense>
4642 <gramGrp>
4643 <pos>noun</pos>
4644 </gramGrp>
4645 <def>the front side</def>
4646 <def>the leading edge</def>
4647 </sense>
4648 </entry>
4649 <entry xml:id="dict.susah">
4650 <form>
4651 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">səsä</orth>
4652 </form>
4653 <sense>
4654 <gramGrp>
4655 <pos>adjective</pos>
4656 </gramGrp>
4657 <def>back</def>
4658 </sense>
4659 <sense>
4660 <gramGrp>
4661 <pos>noun</pos>
4662 </gramGrp>
4663 <def>the back side</def>
4664 </sense>
4665 </entry>
4666 <entry xml:id="dict.tiyhayd">
4667 <form>
4668 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tīhād</orth>
4669 </form>
4670 <sense>
4671 <gramGrp>
4672 <pos>adjective</pos>
4673 </gramGrp>
4674 <def>of a side, esp. other than the front or back</def>
4675 </sense>
4676 <sense>
4677 <gramGrp>
4678 <pos>noun</pos>
4679 </gramGrp>
4680 <def>a side</def>
4681 </sense>
4682 </entry>
4683 <entry xml:id="dict.diytuh">
4684 <form>
4685 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dītə</orth>
4686 </form>
4687 <sense>
4688 <gramGrp>
4689 <pos>adjective</pos>
4690 </gramGrp>
4691 <def>top</def>
4692 </sense>
4693 <sense>
4694 <gramGrp>
4695 <pos>noun</pos>
4696 </gramGrp>
4697 <def>the top side</def>
4698 </sense>
4699 </entry>
4700 <entry xml:id="dict.oisuh">
4701 <form>
4702 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">œsə</orth>
4703 </form>
4704 <sense>
4705 <gramGrp>
4706 <pos>adjective</pos>
4707 </gramGrp>
4708 <def>bottom</def>
4709 </sense>
4710 <sense>
4711 <gramGrp>
4712 <pos>noun</pos>
4713 </gramGrp>
4714 <def>the bottom side</def>
4715 </sense>
4716 </entry>
4717 <entry xml:id="dict.piy">
4718 <form>
4719 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pī</orth>
4720 </form>
4721 <sense>
4722 <gramGrp>
4723 <pos>adjective</pos>
4724 </gramGrp>
4725 <def>right</def>
4726 </sense>
4727 <sense>
4728 <gramGrp>
4729 <pos>noun</pos>
4730 </gramGrp>
4731 <def>the right side</def>
4732 </sense>
4733 </entry>
4734 <entry xml:id="dict.diy">
4735 <form>
4736 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dī</orth>
4737 </form>
4738 <sense>
4739 <gramGrp>
4740 <pos>adjective</pos>
4741 </gramGrp>
4742 <def>left</def>
4743 </sense>
4744 <sense>
4745 <gramGrp>
4746 <pos>noun</pos>
4747 </gramGrp>
4748 <def>the left side</def>
4749 </sense>
4750 </entry>
4751 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahtoh">
4752 <form>
4753 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒätō</orth>
4754 </form>
4755 <sense>
4756 <gramGrp>
4757 <pos>adjective</pos>
4758 </gramGrp>
4759 <def>near</def>
4760 <def>(of an idea) relevant</def>
4761 </sense>
4762 <sense>
4763 <gramGrp>
4764 <pos>noun</pos>
4765 </gramGrp>
4766 <def>nearness</def>
4767 <def>(of an idea) relevance</def>
4768 </sense>
4769 </entry>
4770 <entry xml:id="dict.sohjoh">
4771 <form>
4772 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōjō</orth>
4773 </form>
4774 <sense>
4775 <gramGrp>
4776 <pos>adjective</pos>
4777 </gramGrp>
4778 <def>far</def>
4779 <def>(of an idea) irrelevant</def>
4780 </sense>
4781 <sense>
4782 <gramGrp>
4783 <pos>noun</pos>
4784 </gramGrp>
4785 <def>distance</def>
4786 </sense>
4787 </entry>
4788 <entry xml:id="dict.zhiy">
4789 <form>
4790 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒī</orth>
4791 </form>
4792 <sense>
4793 <gramGrp>
4794 <pos>first person pronoun</pos>
4795 </gramGrp>
4796 <def/>
4797 </sense>
4798 </entry>
4799 <entry xml:id="dict.uwayd">
4800 <form>
4801 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">əwād</orth>
4802 </form>
4803 <sense>
4804 <gramGrp>
4805 <pos>second person pronoun</pos>
4806 </gramGrp>
4807 <def/>
4808 </sense>
4809 </entry>
4810 <entry xml:id="dict.ae">
4811 <form>
4812 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">æ</orth>
4813 </form>
4814 <sense>
4815 <gramGrp>
4816 <pos>feminine third person pronoun</pos>
4817 </gramGrp>
4818 <def/>
4819 </sense>
4820 </entry>
4821 <entry xml:id="dict.ay">
4822 <form>
4823 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ā</orth>
4824 </form>
4825 <sense>
4826 <gramGrp>
4827 <pos>neuter third person pronoun</pos>
4828 </gramGrp>
4829 <def/>
4830 </sense>
4831 </entry>
4832 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohd">
4833 <form>
4834 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōd</orth>
4835 </form>
4836 <sense>
4837 <gramGrp>
4838 <pos>inanimate third person pronoun</pos>
4839 </gramGrp>
4840 <def/>
4841 </sense>
4842 </entry>
4843 <entry xml:id="dict.sut">
4844 <form>
4845 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sət</orth>
4846 </form>
4847 <sense>
4848 <gramGrp>
4849 <pos>proximal demonstrative adjective</pos>
4850 </gramGrp>
4851 <def/>
4852 </sense>
4853 <sense>
4854 <gramGrp>
4855 <pos>proximal demonstrative noun</pos>
4856 </gramGrp>
4857 <def/>
4858 </sense>
4859 </entry>
4860 <entry xml:id="dict.zhoh_2">
4861 <form>
4862 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒō²</orth>
4863 </form>
4864 <sense>
4865 <gramGrp>
4866 <pos>medial demonstrative adjective</pos>
4867 </gramGrp>
4868 <def/>
4869 </sense>
4870 <sense>
4871 <gramGrp>
4872 <pos>medial demonstrative noun</pos>
4873 </gramGrp>
4874 <def/>
4875 </sense>
4876 </entry>
4877 <entry xml:id="dict.soo">
4878 <form>
4879 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sū</orth>
4880 </form>
4881 <sense>
4882 <gramGrp>
4883 <pos>distal demonstrative adjective</pos>
4884 </gramGrp>
4885 <def/>
4886 </sense>
4887 <sense>
4888 <gramGrp>
4889 <pos>distal demonstrative noun</pos>
4890 </gramGrp>
4891 <def/>
4892 </sense>
4893 </entry>
4894 <entry xml:id="dict.suhiy">
4895 <form>
4896 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">səī</orth>
4897 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sähī</orth>
4898 </form>
4899 <sense>
4900 <gramGrp>
4901 <pos>proximal locational pronoun</pos>
4902 </gramGrp>
4903 <def/>
4904 </sense>
4905 </entry>
4906 <entry xml:id="dict.dohsiy_1">
4907 <form>
4908 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōsī¹</orth>
4909 </form>
4910 <sense>
4911 <gramGrp>
4912 <pos>medial locational pronoun</pos>
4913 </gramGrp>
4914 <def/>
4915 </sense>
4916 </entry>
4917 <entry xml:id="dict.sehd">
4918 <form>
4919 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sëd</orth>
4920 </form>
4921 <sense>
4922 <gramGrp>
4923 <pos>distal locational pronoun</pos>
4924 </gramGrp>
4925 <def/>
4926 </sense>
4927 </entry>
4928 <entry xml:id="dict.fiy">
4929 <form>
4930 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fī</orth>
4931 </form>
4932 <sense>
4933 <gramGrp>
4934 <pos>animate interrogative pronoun</pos>
4935 </gramGrp>
4936 <def/>
4937 </sense>
4938 </entry>
4939 <entry xml:id="dict.foht">
4940 <form>
4941 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōt</orth>
4942 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fœt</orth>
4943 </form>
4944 <sense>
4945 <gramGrp>
4946 <pos>inanimate interrogative pronoun</pos>
4947 </gramGrp>
4948 <def/>
4949 </sense>
4950 </entry>
4951 <entry xml:id="dict.dayzheet">
4952 <form>
4953 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāʒēt</orth>
4954 </form>
4955 <sense>
4956 <gramGrp>
4957 <pos>adjective</pos>
4958 </gramGrp>
4959 <def>starving</def>
4960 </sense>
4961 <sense>
4962 <gramGrp>
4963 <pos>noun</pos>
4964 </gramGrp>
4965 <def>starvation</def>
4966 </sense>
4967 </entry>
4968 <entry xml:id="dict.ohdaysoh">
4969 <form>
4970 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōdāsō</orth>
4971 </form>
4972 <sense>
4973 <gramGrp>
4974 <pos>adjective</pos>
4975 </gramGrp>
4976 <def>extremely thirsty</def>
4977 </sense>
4978 <sense>
4979 <gramGrp>
4980 <pos>noun</pos>
4981 </gramGrp>
4982 <def>suffering or death caused by thirst</def>
4983 </sense>
4984 </entry>
4985 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtahsfay">
4986 <form>
4987 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtäsfā</orth>
4988 </form>
4989 <sense>
4990 <gramGrp>
4991 <pos>adjective</pos>
4992 </gramGrp>
4993 <def>exhausted</def>
4994 </sense>
4995 <sense>
4996 <gramGrp>
4997 <pos>noun</pos>
4998 </gramGrp>
4999 <def>exhaustion</def>
5000 </sense>
5001 </entry>
5002 <entry xml:id="dict.autuh">
5003 <form>
5004 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åtə</orth>
5005 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åtë</orth>
5006 </form>
5007 <sense>
5008 <gramGrp>
5009 <pos>adjective</pos>
5010 </gramGrp>
5011 <def>broken</def>
5012 </sense>
5013 <sense>
5014 <gramGrp>
5015 <pos>noun</pos>
5016 </gramGrp>
5017 <def>the state of being broken</def>
5018 </sense>
5019 </entry>
5020 <entry xml:id="dict.toowah">
5021 <form>
5022 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūwä</orth>
5023 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūdæn</orth>
5024 </form>
5025 <sense>
5026 <gramGrp>
5027 <pos>adjective</pos>
5028 </gramGrp>
5029 <def>old; aged</def>
5030 </sense>
5031 <sense>
5032 <gramGrp>
5033 <pos>noun</pos>
5034 </gramGrp>
5035 <def>age</def>
5036 </sense>
5037 </entry>
5038 <entry xml:id="dict.ohtayd">
5039 <form>
5040 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōtād</orth>
5041 </form>
5042 <sense>
5043 <gramGrp>
5044 <pos>adjective</pos>
5045 </gramGrp>
5046 <def>young</def>
5047 </sense>
5048 <sense>
5049 <gramGrp>
5050 <pos>noun</pos>
5051 </gramGrp>
5052 <def>youth</def>
5053 </sense>
5054 </entry>
5055 <entry xml:id="dict.aen">
5056 <form>
5057 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">æn</orth>
5058 </form>
5059 <sense>
5060 <gramGrp>
5061 <pos>adjective</pos>
5062 </gramGrp>
5063 <def>female</def>
5064 </sense>
5065 <sense>
5066 <gramGrp>
5067 <pos>noun</pos>
5068 </gramGrp>
5069 <def>femininity</def>
5070 </sense>
5071 </entry>
5072 <entry xml:id="dict.soit">
5073 <form>
5074 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sœt</orth>
5075 </form>
5076 <sense>
5077 <gramGrp>
5078 <pos>adjective</pos>
5079 </gramGrp>
5080 <def>male</def>
5081 </sense>
5082 <sense>
5083 <gramGrp>
5084 <pos>noun</pos>
5085 </gramGrp>
5086 <def>masculinity</def>
5087 </sense>
5088 </entry>
5089 <entry xml:id="dict.fahd">
5090 <form>
5091 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fäd</orth>
5092 </form>
5093 <sense>
5094 <gramGrp>
5095 <pos>adjective</pos>
5096 </gramGrp>
5097 <def>hard</def>
5098 <def>difficulty</def>
5099 </sense>
5100 <sense>
5101 <gramGrp>
5102 <pos>noun</pos>
5103 </gramGrp>
5104 <def>hardness</def>
5105 <def>difficult</def>
5106 </sense>
5107 </entry>
5108 <entry xml:id="dict.ohfoo">
5109 <form>
5110 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōfū</orth>
5111 </form>
5112 <sense>
5113 <gramGrp>
5114 <pos>adjective</pos>
5115 </gramGrp>
5116 <def>soft</def>
5117 <def>(of a person) gentle</def>
5118 </sense>
5119 <sense>
5120 <gramGrp>
5121 <pos>noun</pos>
5122 </gramGrp>
5123 <def>softness</def>
5124 </sense>
5125 </entry>
5126 <entry xml:id="dict.hhoit">
5127 <form>
5128 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħœt</orth>
5129 </form>
5130 <sense>
5131 <gramGrp>
5132 <pos>adjective</pos>
5133 </gramGrp>
5134 <def>rough</def>
5135 <def>(of a person) lacking tact</def>
5136 <def>(of a work) unpolished; crude</def>
5137 </sense>
5138 <sense>
5139 <gramGrp>
5140 <pos>noun</pos>
5141 </gramGrp>
5142 <def>roughness</def>
5143 </sense>
5144 </entry>
5145 <entry xml:id="dict.daes">
5146 <form>
5147 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dæs</orth>
5148 </form>
5149 <sense>
5150 <gramGrp>
5151 <pos>adjective</pos>
5152 </gramGrp>
5153 <def>smooth</def>
5154 <def>(of a person) tactful</def>
5155 <def>(of a work) polished; finished</def>
5156 </sense>
5157 <sense>
5158 <gramGrp>
5159 <pos>noun</pos>
5160 </gramGrp>
5161 <def>smoothness</def>
5162 <def>(of a person) tact</def>
5163 <def>(of a work) level of completion or polish</def>
5164 </sense>
5165 </entry>
5166 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohsee">
5167 <form>
5168 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōsē</orth>
5169 </form>
5170 <sense>
5171 <gramGrp>
5172 <pos>adjective</pos>
5173 </gramGrp>
5174 <def>hot</def>
5175 </sense>
5176 <sense>
5177 <gramGrp>
5178 <pos>noun</pos>
5179 </gramGrp>
5180 <def>heat</def>
5181 </sense>
5182 </entry>
5183 <entry xml:id="dict.oitahs">
5184 <form>
5185 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">œtäs</orth>
5186 </form>
5187 <sense>
5188 <gramGrp>
5189 <pos>adjective</pos>
5190 </gramGrp>
5191 <def>cold</def>
5192 </sense>
5193 <sense>
5194 <gramGrp>
5195 <pos>noun</pos>
5196 </gramGrp>
5197 <def>coldness</def>
5198 </sense>
5199 </entry>
5200 <entry xml:id="dict.hheewuh">
5201 <form>
5202 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħēwə</orth>
5203 </form>
5204 <sense>
5205 <gramGrp>
5206 <pos>adjective</pos>
5207 </gramGrp>
5208 <def>flexible</def>
5209 <def>(of a person) open to change</def>
5210 </sense>
5211 <sense>
5212 <gramGrp>
5213 <pos>noun</pos>
5214 </gramGrp>
5215 <def>flexibility</def>
5216 <def>(of a person) openness to change</def>
5217 </sense>
5218 </entry>
5219 <entry xml:id="dict.zhoodsoh">
5220 <form>
5221 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒūdsō</orth>
5222 </form>
5223 <sense>
5224 <gramGrp>
5225 <pos>adjective</pos>
5226 </gramGrp>
5227 <def>beautiful</def>
5228 </sense>
5229 <sense>
5230 <gramGrp>
5231 <pos>noun</pos>
5232 </gramGrp>
5233 <def>beauty</def>
5234 </sense>
5235 </entry>
5236 <entry xml:id="dict.hhohtzhiy">
5237 <form>
5238 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħōtʒī</orth>
5239 </form>
5240 <sense>
5241 <gramGrp>
5242 <pos>adjective</pos>
5243 </gramGrp>
5244 <def>ugly</def>
5245 <def>(of a situation) undesirable</def>
5246 </sense>
5247 <sense>
5248 <gramGrp>
5249 <pos>noun</pos>
5250 </gramGrp>
5251 <def>ugliness</def>
5252 </sense>
5253 </entry>
5254 <entry xml:id="dict.daytohwee">
5255 <form>
5256 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātōwē</orth>
5257 </form>
5258 <sense>
5259 <gramGrp>
5260 <pos>adjective</pos>
5261 </gramGrp>
5262 <def>smiling</def>
5263 </sense>
5264 <sense>
5265 <gramGrp>
5266 <pos>noun</pos>
5267 </gramGrp>
5268 <def>a smile</def>
5269 </sense>
5270 </entry>
5271 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohtay">
5272 <form>
5273 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōtā</orth>
5274 </form>
5275 <sense>
5276 <gramGrp>
5277 <pos>adjective</pos>
5278 </gramGrp>
5279 <def>frowning</def>
5280 </sense>
5281 <sense>
5282 <gramGrp>
5283 <pos>noun</pos>
5284 </gramGrp>
5285 <def>a frown</def>
5286 </sense>
5287 </entry>
5288 <entry xml:id="dict.dusaytoh">
5289 <form>
5290 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dəsātō</orth>
5291 </form>
5292 <sense>
5293 <gramGrp>
5294 <pos>adjective</pos>
5295 </gramGrp>
5296 <def>laughing</def>
5297 </sense>
5298 <sense>
5299 <gramGrp>
5300 <pos>noun</pos>
5301 </gramGrp>
5302 <def>laughter</def>
5303 </sense>
5304 </entry>
5305 <entry xml:id="dict.dohjay">
5306 <form>
5307 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōjā</orth>
5308 </form>
5309 <sense>
5310 <gramGrp>
5311 <pos>adjective</pos>
5312 </gramGrp>
5313 <def>crying</def>
5314 </sense>
5315 <sense>
5316 <gramGrp>
5317 <pos>noun</pos>
5318 </gramGrp>
5319 <def>a tear</def>
5320 </sense>
5321 </entry>
5322 <entry xml:id="dict.daytohsoh">
5323 <form>
5324 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātōsō</orth>
5325 </form>
5326 <sense>
5327 <gramGrp>
5328 <pos>adjective</pos>
5329 </gramGrp>
5330 <def>wolflike</def>
5331 </sense>
5332 <sense>
5333 <gramGrp>
5334 <pos>noun</pos>
5335 </gramGrp>
5336 <def>a wolf</def>
5337 </sense>
5338 </entry>
5339 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohzhoh">
5340 <form>
5341 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōʒō</orth>
5342 </form>
5343 <sense>
5344 <gramGrp>
5345 <pos>adjective</pos>
5346 </gramGrp>
5347 <def>froglike</def>
5348 </sense>
5349 <sense>
5350 <gramGrp>
5351 <pos>noun</pos>
5352 </gramGrp>
5353 <def>a frog</def>
5354 </sense>
5355 </entry>
5356 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohfay">
5357 <form>
5358 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōfā</orth>
5359 </form>
5360 <sense>
5361 <gramGrp>
5362 <pos>adjective</pos>
5363 </gramGrp>
5364 <def>snakelike</def>
5365 </sense>
5366 <sense>
5367 <gramGrp>
5368 <pos>noun</pos>
5369 </gramGrp>
5370 <def>a snake</def>
5371 </sense>
5372 </entry>
5373 <entry xml:id="dict.gausiy">
5374 <form>
5375 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gåsī</orth>
5376 </form>
5377 <sense>
5378 <gramGrp>
5379 <pos>adjective</pos>
5380 </gramGrp>
5381 <def>having the qualities or appearance of a salamander</def>
5382 </sense>
5383 <sense>
5384 <gramGrp>
5385 <pos>noun</pos>
5386 </gramGrp>
5387 <def>a salamander</def>
5388 </sense>
5389 </entry>
5390 <entry xml:id="dict.gohsuh">
5391 <form>
5392 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gōsə</orth>
5393 </form>
5394 <sense>
5395 <gramGrp>
5396 <pos>adjective</pos>
5397 </gramGrp>
5398 <def>birdlike</def>
5399 </sense>
5400 <sense>
5401 <gramGrp>
5402 <pos>noun</pos>
5403 </gramGrp>
5404 <def>a bird</def>
5405 </sense>
5406 </entry>
5407 <entry xml:id="dict.hohtusee">
5408 <form>
5409 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōtūsē</orth>
5410 </form>
5411 <sense>
5412 <gramGrp>
5413 <pos>adjective</pos>
5414 </gramGrp>
5415 <def>crablike</def>
5416 <def>(of a person) not willing to share one’s opinions</def>
5417 </sense>
5418 <sense>
5419 <gramGrp>
5420 <pos>noun</pos>
5421 </gramGrp>
5422 <def>a crab</def>
5423 <def>one who is not willing to share one’s opinions</def>
5424 </sense>
5425 </entry>
5426 <entry xml:id="dict.dayzhaht">
5427 <form>
5428 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāʒät</orth>
5429 </form>
5430 <sense>
5431 <gramGrp>
5432 <pos>adjective</pos>
5433 </gramGrp>
5434 <def>fishlike</def>
5435 <def>(of a person) hard to contact or reach</def>
5436 </sense>
5437 <sense>
5438 <gramGrp>
5439 <pos>noun</pos>
5440 </gramGrp>
5441 <def>a fish</def>
5442 </sense>
5443 </entry>
5444 <entry xml:id="dict.tahfee">
5445 <form>
5446 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täfē</orth>
5447 </form>
5448 <sense>
5449 <gramGrp>
5450 <pos>adjective</pos>
5451 </gramGrp>
5452 <def>insectlike</def>
5453 </sense>
5454 <sense>
5455 <gramGrp>
5456 <pos>noun</pos>
5457 </gramGrp>
5458 <def>an insect</def>
5459 </sense>
5460 </entry>
5461 <entry xml:id="dict.daydee">
5462 <form>
5463 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dādē</orth>
5464 </form>
5465 <sense>
5466 <gramGrp>
5467 <pos>adjective</pos>
5468 </gramGrp>
5469 <def>having the qualities or appearance of a leporid</def>
5470 </sense>
5471 <sense>
5472 <gramGrp>
5473 <pos>noun</pos>
5474 </gramGrp>
5475 <def>a leporid</def>
5476 <def>(fictional) an aquatic species of hare</def>
5477 </sense>
5478 </entry>
5479 <entry xml:id="dict.gayoh">
5480 <form>
5481 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gāō</orth>
5482 </form>
5483 <sense>
5484 <gramGrp>
5485 <pos>adjective</pos>
5486 </gramGrp>
5487 <def>having qualities commonly attributed to small mammals</def>
5488 </sense>
5489 <sense>
5490 <gramGrp>
5491 <pos>noun</pos>
5492 </gramGrp>
5493 <def>a small mammal</def>
5494 </sense>
5495 </entry>
5496 <entry xml:id="dict.tahbau">
5497 <form>
5498 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täbå</orth>
5499 </form>
5500 <sense>
5501 <gramGrp>
5502 <pos>adjective</pos>
5503 </gramGrp>
5504 <def>mouselike</def>
5505 </sense>
5506 <sense>
5507 <gramGrp>
5508 <pos>noun</pos>
5509 </gramGrp>
5510 <def>a mouse or rat</def>
5511 <def>a fictional species of spiny rat</def>
5512 </sense>
5513 </entry>
5514 <entry xml:id="dict.dofiy">
5515 <form>
5516 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōfī</orth>
5517 </form>
5518 <sense>
5519 <gramGrp>
5520 <pos>adjective</pos>
5521 </gramGrp>
5522 <def>bearlike</def>
5523 </sense>
5524 <sense>
5525 <gramGrp>
5526 <pos>noun</pos>
5527 </gramGrp>
5528 <def>a bear</def>
5529 </sense>
5530 </entry>
5531 <entry xml:id="dict.sahtsooee">
5532 <form>
5533 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sätsūē</orth>
5534 </form>
5535 <sense>
5536 <gramGrp>
5537 <pos>adjective</pos>
5538 </gramGrp>
5539 <def>deerlike</def>
5540 </sense>
5541 <sense>
5542 <gramGrp>
5543 <pos>noun</pos>
5544 </gramGrp>
5545 <def>a deer</def>
5546 </sense>
5547 </entry>
5548 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahtee">
5549 <form>
5550 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒätē</orth>
5551 </form>
5552 <sense>
5553 <gramGrp>
5554 <pos>adjective</pos>
5555 </gramGrp>
5556 <def>having animal qualities</def>
5557 </sense>
5558 <sense>
5559 <gramGrp>
5560 <pos>noun</pos>
5561 </gramGrp>
5562 <def>animal</def>
5563 </sense>
5564 </entry>
5565 <entry xml:id="dict.hhohfee">
5566 <form>
5567 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħōfē</orth>
5568 </form>
5569 <sense>
5570 <gramGrp>
5571 <pos>adjective</pos>
5572 </gramGrp>
5573 <def>cowlike</def>
5574 </sense>
5575 <sense>
5576 <gramGrp>
5577 <pos>noun</pos>
5578 </gramGrp>
5579 <def>a cow</def>
5580 <def>(fictional) a semiaquatic creature that feeds on seaweed and aquatic grasses</def>
5581 </sense>
5582 </entry>
5583 <entry xml:id="dict.fauzhee">
5584 <form>
5585 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fåʒē</orth>
5586 </form>
5587 <sense>
5588 <gramGrp>
5589 <pos>adjective</pos>
5590 </gramGrp>
5591 <def>piglike</def>
5592 <def>(of a person) humble</def>
5593 </sense>
5594 <sense>
5595 <gramGrp>
5596 <pos>noun</pos>
5597 </gramGrp>
5598 <def>a pig</def>
5599 </sense>
5600 </entry>
5601 <entry xml:id="dict.dahtzhee">
5602 <form>
5603 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dätʒē</orth>
5604 </form>
5605 <sense>
5606 <gramGrp>
5607 <pos>adjective</pos>
5608 </gramGrp>
5609 <def>foxlike</def>
5610 <def>(of a person) swift, nimble, or clever</def>
5611 </sense>
5612 <sense>
5613 <gramGrp>
5614 <pos>noun</pos>
5615 </gramGrp>
5616 <def>a fox</def>
5617 <def>(fictional) a semiaquatic foxlike creature that feeds mainly on fish and berries</def>
5618 </sense>
5619 </entry>
5620 <entry xml:id="dict.hiyaht">
5621 <form>
5622 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hīät</orth>
5623 </form>
5624 <sense>
5625 <gramGrp>
5626 <pos>adjective</pos>
5627 </gramGrp>
5628 <def>vegetated</def>
5629 </sense>
5630 <sense>
5631 <gramGrp>
5632 <pos>noun</pos>
5633 </gramGrp>
5634 <def>vegetation</def>
5635 </sense>
5636 </entry>
5637 <entry xml:id="dict.dauzhiyt">
5638 <form>
5639 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåʒīt</orth>
5640 </form>
5641 <sense>
5642 <gramGrp>
5643 <pos>adjective</pos>
5644 </gramGrp>
5645 <def>flowery</def>
5646 <def>elaborate or full of adornment</def>
5647 </sense>
5648 <sense>
5649 <gramGrp>
5650 <pos>noun</pos>
5651 </gramGrp>
5652 <def>a flowering plant</def>
5653 </sense>
5654 </entry>
5655 <entry xml:id="dict.ohfiy">
5656 <form>
5657 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōfī</orth>
5658 </form>
5659 <sense>
5660 <gramGrp>
5661 <pos>adjective</pos>
5662 </gramGrp>
5663 <def>bushlike</def>
5664 <def>complex or chaotic</def>
5665 <def>overgrown</def>
5666 </sense>
5667 <sense>
5668 <gramGrp>
5669 <pos>noun</pos>
5670 </gramGrp>
5671 <def>a bush</def>
5672 </sense>
5673 </entry>
5674 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtiyaht">
5675 <form>
5676 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtīät</orth>
5677 </form>
5678 <sense>
5679 <gramGrp>
5680 <pos>adjective</pos>
5681 </gramGrp>
5682 <def>treelike</def>
5683 <def>forested</def>
5684 </sense>
5685 <sense>
5686 <gramGrp>
5687 <pos>noun</pos>
5688 </gramGrp>
5689 <def>a tree</def>
5690 </sense>
5691 </entry>
5692 <entry xml:id="dict.iyohtay">
5693 <form>
5694 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īōtā</orth>
5695 </form>
5696 <sense>
5697 <gramGrp>
5698 <pos>adjective</pos>
5699 </gramGrp>
5700 <def>sproutlike</def>
5701 <def>(of a person) particularly new or unexperienced in a feild</def>
5702 </sense>
5703 <sense>
5704 <gramGrp>
5705 <pos>noun</pos>
5706 </gramGrp>
5707 <def>a sprout</def>
5708 </sense>
5709 </entry>
5710 <entry xml:id="dict.seet">
5711 <form>
5712 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sēt</orth>
5713 </form>
5714 <sense>
5715 <gramGrp>
5716 <pos>adjective</pos>
5717 </gramGrp>
5718 <def>edible</def>
5719 </sense>
5720 <sense>
5721 <gramGrp>
5722 <pos>noun</pos>
5723 </gramGrp>
5724 <def>food</def>
5725 </sense>
5726 </entry>
5727 <entry xml:id="dict.hiyfee">
5728 <form>
5729 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hīfē</orth>
5730 </form>
5731 <sense>
5732 <gramGrp>
5733 <pos>adjective</pos>
5734 </gramGrp>
5735 <def>vegetable</def>
5736 </sense>
5737 <sense>
5738 <gramGrp>
5739 <pos>noun</pos>
5740 </gramGrp>
5741 <def>edible plantstuffs, esp. other than fruit</def>
5742 </sense>
5743 </entry>
5744 <entry xml:id="dict.sayfee">
5745 <form>
5746 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sāfē</orth>
5747 </form>
5748 <sense>
5749 <gramGrp>
5750 <pos>adjective</pos>
5751 </gramGrp>
5752 <def>(of a food) made primarily of meat</def>
5753 </sense>
5754 <sense>
5755 <gramGrp>
5756 <pos>noun</pos>
5757 </gramGrp>
5758 <def>meat</def>
5759 </sense>
5760 </entry>
5761 <entry xml:id="dict.tiydfee">
5762 <form>
5763 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tīdfē</orth>
5764 </form>
5765 <sense>
5766 <gramGrp>
5767 <pos>adjective</pos>
5768 </gramGrp>
5769 <def>(of a food) made primarily of or with a distinct flavor of fruit; fruity</def>
5770 </sense>
5771 <sense>
5772 <gramGrp>
5773 <pos>noun</pos>
5774 </gramGrp>
5775 <def>fruit</def>
5776 </sense>
5777 </entry>
5778 <entry xml:id="dict.fohtaysee">
5779 <form>
5780 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōtāsē</orth>
5781 </form>
5782 <sense>
5783 <gramGrp>
5784 <pos>adjective</pos>
5785 </gramGrp>
5786 <def>(of a food) containing a notable amount of rice</def>
5787 </sense>
5788 <sense>
5789 <gramGrp>
5790 <pos>noun</pos>
5791 </gramGrp>
5792 <def>rice</def>
5793 </sense>
5794 </entry>
5795 <entry xml:id="dict.dayhhiytsuh">
5796 <form>
5797 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāħītsə</orth>
5798 </form>
5799 <sense>
5800 <gramGrp>
5801 <pos>adjective</pos>
5802 </gramGrp>
5803 <def>(of a food) made with apples</def>
5804 </sense>
5805 <sense>
5806 <gramGrp>
5807 <pos>noun</pos>
5808 </gramGrp>
5809 <def>an apple</def>
5810 </sense>
5811 </entry>
5812 <entry xml:id="dict.daedsay">
5813 <form>
5814 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dædsā</orth>
5815 </form>
5816 <sense>
5817 <gramGrp>
5818 <pos>adjective</pos>
5819 </gramGrp>
5820 <def>(of a food) made with citrus</def>
5821 </sense>
5822 <sense>
5823 <gramGrp>
5824 <pos>noun</pos>
5825 </gramGrp>
5826 <def>a citrus fruit</def>
5827 <def>(fictional) a citrus fruit similar in size and flavor to a satsuma, but with a lighter colored skin</def>
5828 </sense>
5829 </entry>
5830 <entry xml:id="dict.tohfiytsee">
5831 <form>
5832 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōfītsē</orth>
5833 </form>
5834 <sense>
5835 <gramGrp>
5836 <pos>adjective</pos>
5837 </gramGrp>
5838 <def>(of a food) made with compound berries</def>
5839 </sense>
5840 <sense>
5841 <gramGrp>
5842 <pos>noun</pos>
5843 </gramGrp>
5844 <def>a compound berry</def>
5845 </sense>
5846 </entry>
5847 <entry xml:id="dict.ohdsayoh">
5848 <form>
5849 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōdsāō</orth>
5850 </form>
5851 <sense>
5852 <gramGrp>
5853 <pos>adjective</pos>
5854 </gramGrp>
5855 <def>alcoholic</def>
5856 </sense>
5857 <sense>
5858 <gramGrp>
5859 <pos>noun</pos>
5860 </gramGrp>
5861 <def>alcohol</def>
5862 </sense>
5863 </entry>
5864 <entry xml:id="dict.tauway">
5865 <form>
5866 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tåwā</orth>
5867 </form>
5868 <sense>
5869 <gramGrp>
5870 <pos>adjective</pos>
5871 </gramGrp>
5872 <def>usable as a weapon</def>
5873 </sense>
5874 <sense>
5875 <gramGrp>
5876 <pos>noun</pos>
5877 </gramGrp>
5878 <def>a weapon</def>
5879 </sense>
5880 </entry>
5881 <entry xml:id="dict.ohwiy">
5882 <form>
5883 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōwī</orth>
5884 </form>
5885 <sense>
5886 <gramGrp>
5887 <pos>adjective</pos>
5888 </gramGrp>
5889 <def>sharp</def>
5890 </sense>
5891 <sense>
5892 <gramGrp>
5893 <pos>noun</pos>
5894 </gramGrp>
5895 <def>a sharp object, esp. a blade</def>
5896 </sense>
5897 </entry>
5898 <entry xml:id="dict.gusiy">
5899 <form>
5900 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gəsī</orth>
5901 </form>
5902 <sense>
5903 <gramGrp>
5904 <pos>adjective</pos>
5905 </gramGrp>
5906 <def>spearlike</def>
5907 </sense>
5908 <sense>
5909 <gramGrp>
5910 <pos>noun</pos>
5911 </gramGrp>
5912 <def>a spear</def>
5913 </sense>
5914 </entry>
5915 <entry xml:id="dict.aufiyt">
5916 <form>
5917 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åfīt</orth>
5918 </form>
5919 <sense>
5920 <gramGrp>
5921 <pos>adjective</pos>
5922 </gramGrp>
5923 <def>knifelike</def>
5924 </sense>
5925 <sense>
5926 <gramGrp>
5927 <pos>noun</pos>
5928 </gramGrp>
5929 <def>a knife</def>
5930 </sense>
5931 </entry>
5932 <entry xml:id="dict.hohfahdoh">
5933 <form>
5934 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōfädō</orth>
5935 </form>
5936 <sense>
5937 <gramGrp>
5938 <pos>adjective</pos>
5939 </gramGrp>
5940 <def>wheel‐shaped</def>
5941 </sense>
5942 <sense>
5943 <gramGrp>
5944 <pos>noun</pos>
5945 </gramGrp>
5946 <def>a wheel</def>
5947 </sense>
5948 </entry>
5949 <entry xml:id="dict.hohfaydsoh">
5950 <form>
5951 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōfādsō</orth>
5952 </form>
5953 <sense>
5954 <gramGrp>
5955 <pos>adjective</pos>
5956 </gramGrp>
5957 <def>wheeled</def>
5958 </sense>
5959 <sense>
5960 <gramGrp>
5961 <pos>noun</pos>
5962 </gramGrp>
5963 <def>a wheeled cart</def>
5964 </sense>
5965 <etym><ptr target="#dict.hohfahdoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.soo" /></etym>
5966 </entry>
5967 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtsiytoh">
5968 <form>
5969 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtsītō</orth>
5970 </form>
5971 <sense>
5972 <gramGrp>
5973 <pos>adjective</pos>
5974 </gramGrp>
5975 <def>having a cavity in which items can be stored</def>
5976 </sense>
5977 <sense>
5978 <gramGrp>
5979 <pos>noun</pos>
5980 </gramGrp>
5981 <def>a pot or similar container</def>
5982 </sense>
5983 </entry>
5984 <entry xml:id="dict.dahzheetsee">
5985 <form>
5986 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däʒētsē</orth>
5987 </form>
5988 <sense>
5989 <gramGrp>
5990 <pos>adjective</pos>
5991 </gramGrp>
5992 <def>in the shape of or worn as a necklace</def>
5993 </sense>
5994 <sense>
5995 <gramGrp>
5996 <pos>noun</pos>
5997 </gramGrp>
5998 <def>necklace</def>
5999 </sense>
6000 </entry>
6001 <entry xml:id="dict.sudeetsay">
6002 <form>
6003 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sədētsā</orth>
6004 </form>
6005 <sense>
6006 <gramGrp>
6007 <pos>adjective</pos>
6008 </gramGrp>
6009 <def>in the shape of or worn as a bracelet</def>
6010 </sense>
6011 <sense>
6012 <gramGrp>
6013 <pos>noun</pos>
6014 </gramGrp>
6015 <def>bracelet</def>
6016 </sense>
6017 </entry>
6018 <entry xml:id="dict.ohwiytsee">
6019 <form>
6020 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōwītsē</orth>
6021 </form>
6022 <sense>
6023 <gramGrp>
6024 <pos>adjective</pos>
6025 </gramGrp>
6026 <def>wearable via body piercing</def>
6027 </sense>
6028 <sense>
6029 <gramGrp>
6030 <pos>noun</pos>
6031 </gramGrp>
6032 <def>jewelry worn via body piercing</def>
6033 </sense>
6034 </entry>
6035 <entry xml:id="dict.jaysohtuh">
6036 <form>
6037 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jāsōtə</orth>
6038 </form>
6039 <sense>
6040 <gramGrp>
6041 <pos>adjective</pos>
6042 </gramGrp>
6043 <def>(of a piece of music) featuring large amounts of percussion</def>
6044 </sense>
6045 <sense>
6046 <gramGrp>
6047 <pos>noun</pos>
6048 </gramGrp>
6049 <def>a drum (instrument)</def>
6050 </sense>
6051 </entry>
6052 <entry xml:id="dict.zhayoh_2">
6053 <form>
6054 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒāō²</orth>
6055 </form>
6056 <sense>
6057 <gramGrp>
6058 <pos>adjective</pos>
6059 </gramGrp>
6060 <def>(of a piece of music) played primarily with strings</def>
6061 </sense>
6062 <sense>
6063 <gramGrp>
6064 <pos>noun</pos>
6065 </gramGrp>
6066 <def>a string instrument</def>
6067 </sense>
6068 </entry>
6069 <entry xml:id="dict.dohway">
6070 <form>
6071 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwā</orth>
6072 </form>
6073 <sense>
6074 <gramGrp>
6075 <pos>adjective</pos>
6076 </gramGrp>
6077 <def>(of a piece of music) played primarily with flutes or other wind instruments</def>
6078 </sense>
6079 <sense>
6080 <gramGrp>
6081 <pos>noun</pos>
6082 </gramGrp>
6083 <def>a wind instrument, esp. a flute</def>
6084 </sense>
6085 </entry>
6086 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtohtsuh">
6087 <form>
6088 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtōtsə</orth>
6089 </form>
6090 <sense>
6091 <gramGrp>
6092 <pos>adjective</pos>
6093 </gramGrp>
6094 <def>made of copper</def>
6095 <def>coppery in color</def>
6096 </sense>
6097 <sense>
6098 <gramGrp>
6099 <pos>noun</pos>
6100 </gramGrp>
6101 <def>copper</def>
6102 </sense>
6103 </entry>
6104 <entry xml:id="dict.dahwohtsuh">
6105 <form>
6106 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däwōtsə</orth>
6107 </form>
6108 <sense>
6109 <gramGrp>
6110 <pos>adjective</pos>
6111 </gramGrp>
6112 <def>made of bronze</def>
6113 <def>bronze in color</def>
6114 </sense>
6115 <sense>
6116 <gramGrp>
6117 <pos>noun</pos>
6118 </gramGrp>
6119 <def>bronze</def>
6120 </sense>
6121 </entry>
6122 <entry xml:id="dict.hiyohtsuh">
6123 <form>
6124 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hīōtsə</orth>
6125 </form>
6126 <sense>
6127 <gramGrp>
6128 <pos>adjective</pos>
6129 </gramGrp>
6130 <def>made of gold</def>
6131 <def>gold in color</def>
6132 </sense>
6133 <sense>
6134 <gramGrp>
6135 <pos>noun</pos>
6136 </gramGrp>
6137 <def>gold</def>
6138 </sense>
6139 </entry>
6140 <entry xml:id="dict.ohzhays">
6141 <form>
6142 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōʒās</orth>
6143 </form>
6144 <sense>
6145 <gramGrp>
6146 <pos>adjective</pos>
6147 </gramGrp>
6148 <def>made of dirt</def>
6149 <def>dirty</def>
6150 </sense>
6151 <sense>
6152 <gramGrp>
6153 <pos>noun</pos>
6154 </gramGrp>
6155 <def>dirt</def>
6156 </sense>
6157 </entry>
6158 <entry xml:id="dict.tohzhoh_1">
6159 <form>
6160 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōʒō¹</orth>
6161 </form>
6162 <sense>
6163 <gramGrp>
6164 <pos>adjective</pos>
6165 </gramGrp>
6166 <def>made of cloth</def>
6167 </sense>
6168 <sense>
6169 <gramGrp>
6170 <pos>noun</pos>
6171 </gramGrp>
6172 <def>cloth</def>
6173 </sense>
6174 </entry>
6175 <entry xml:id="dict.sohsootee">
6176 <form>
6177 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sōsūtē</orth>
6178 </form>
6179 <sense>
6180 <gramGrp>
6181 <pos>adjective</pos>
6182 </gramGrp>
6183 <def>made of leather</def>
6184 </sense>
6185 <sense>
6186 <gramGrp>
6187 <pos>noun</pos>
6188 </gramGrp>
6189 <def>leather</def>
6190 </sense>
6191 </entry>
6192 <entry xml:id="dict.zhood">
6193 <form>
6194 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒūd</orth>
6195 </form>
6196 <sense>
6197 <gramGrp>
6198 <pos>adjective</pos>
6199 </gramGrp>
6200 <def>fine; okay</def>
6201 </sense>
6202 <sense>
6203 <gramGrp>
6204 <pos>noun</pos>
6205 </gramGrp>
6206 <def>acceptablility</def>
6207 </sense>
6208 </entry>
6209 <entry xml:id="dict.autfee">
6210 <form>
6211 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åtfē</orth>
6212 </form>
6213 <sense>
6214 <gramGrp>
6215 <pos>adjective</pos>
6216 </gramGrp>
6217 <def>dangerous</def>
6218 </sense>
6219 <sense>
6220 <gramGrp>
6221 <pos>noun</pos>
6222 </gramGrp>
6223 <def>danger</def>
6224 </sense>
6225 </entry>
6226 <entry xml:id="dict.payzhoh">
6227 <form>
6228 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pāʒō</orth>
6229 </form>
6230 <sense>
6231 <gramGrp>
6232 <pos>adjective</pos>
6233 </gramGrp>
6234 <def>initial; at the beginning</def>
6235 </sense>
6236 <sense>
6237 <gramGrp>
6238 <pos>noun</pos>
6239 </gramGrp>
6240 <def>the start; the beginning</def>
6241 </sense>
6242 </entry>
6243 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahtsoh">
6244 <form>
6245 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒätsō</orth>
6246 </form>
6247 <sense>
6248 <gramGrp>
6249 <pos>adjective</pos>
6250 </gramGrp>
6251 <def>terminal; at the end</def>
6252 </sense>
6253 <sense>
6254 <gramGrp>
6255 <pos>noun</pos>
6256 </gramGrp>
6257 <def>the finish; the end</def>
6258 </sense>
6259 </entry>
6260 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahtayzhoh">
6261 <form>
6262 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒätāʒō</orth>
6263 </form>
6264 <sense>
6265 <gramGrp>
6266 <pos>adjective</pos>
6267 </gramGrp>
6268 <def>greater</def>
6269 </sense>
6270 <sense>
6271 <gramGrp>
6272 <pos>quantifier</pos>
6273 </gramGrp>
6274 <def>more</def>
6275 </sense>
6276 </entry>
6277 <entry xml:id="dict.daus">
6278 <form>
6279 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dås</orth>
6280 </form>
6281 <sense>
6282 <gramGrp>
6283 <pos>adjective</pos>
6284 </gramGrp>
6285 <def>lesser</def>
6286 </sense>
6287 <sense>
6288 <gramGrp>
6289 <pos>quantifier</pos>
6290 </gramGrp>
6291 <def>less</def>
6292 </sense>
6293 </entry>
6294 <entry xml:id="dict.aust">
6295 <form>
6296 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åst</orth>
6297 </form>
6298 <sense>
6299 <gramGrp>
6300 <pos>indefinite pronoun</pos>
6301 </gramGrp>
6302 <def>another</def>
6303 </sense>
6304 </entry>
6305 <entry xml:id="dict.tohzhoh_2">
6306 <form>
6307 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōʒō²</orth>
6308 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōʒū</orth>
6309 </form>
6310 <sense>
6311 <gramGrp>
6312 <pos>adjective</pos>
6313 </gramGrp>
6314 <def>mapped</def>
6315 </sense>
6316 <sense>
6317 <gramGrp>
6318 <pos>noun</pos>
6319 </gramGrp>
6320 <def>a map</def>
6321 </sense>
6322 <etym><ptr target="#dict.hohzhay" /> + <ptr target="#dict.tohfoosoh" /> <gloss>clay land</gloss></etym>
6323 </entry>
6324 <entry xml:id="dict.doowah">
6325 <form>
6326 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dūwä</orth>
6327 </form>
6328 <sense>
6329 <gramGrp>
6330 <pos>adjective</pos>
6331 </gramGrp>
6332 <def>of or intended for a room</def>
6333 </sense>
6334 <sense>
6335 <gramGrp>
6336 <pos>noun</pos>
6337 </gramGrp>
6338 <def>a room</def>
6339 </sense>
6340 </entry>
6341 <entry xml:id="dict.doowaytsah">
6342 <form>
6343 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dūwātsä</orth>
6344 </form>
6345 <sense>
6346 <gramGrp>
6347 <pos>adjective</pos>
6348 </gramGrp>
6349 <def>of a city</def>
6350 </sense>
6351 <sense>
6352 <gramGrp>
6353 <pos>noun</pos>
6354 </gramGrp>
6355 <def>a city</def>
6356 </sense>
6357 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tooayd" /> + <ptr target="#dict.dohwahtsay" /></etym>
6358 </entry>
6359 <entry xml:id="dict.dayzhoh">
6360 <form>
6361 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāʒō</orth>
6362 </form>
6363 <sense>
6364 <gramGrp>
6365 <pos>adjective</pos>
6366 </gramGrp>
6367 <def>like or of a story</def>
6368 </sense>
6369 <sense>
6370 <gramGrp>
6371 <pos>noun</pos>
6372 </gramGrp>
6373 <def>a story (literature)</def>
6374 </sense>
6375 <etym><ptr target="#dict.dohzhaytoh" /></etym>
6376 </entry>
6377 <entry xml:id="dict.fohtjoh">
6378 <form>
6379 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōtjō</orth>
6380 </form>
6381 <sense>
6382 <gramGrp>
6383 <pos>adjective</pos>
6384 </gramGrp>
6385 <def>long</def>
6386 </sense>
6387 <sense>
6388 <gramGrp>
6389 <pos>noun</pos>
6390 </gramGrp>
6391 <def>a length</def>
6392 </sense>
6393 <etym><ptr target="#dict.foht" /> + <ptr target="#dict.sohjoh" /> <gloss>what farness</gloss></etym>
6394 </entry>
6395 <entry xml:id="dict.fahhhseehh">
6396 <form>
6397 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fäħsēħ</orth>
6398 </form>
6399 <sense>
6400 <gramGrp>
6401 <pos>adjective</pos>
6402 </gramGrp>
6403 <def>having been drafted</def>
6404 </sense>
6405 <sense>
6406 <gramGrp>
6407 <pos>noun</pos>
6408 </gramGrp>
6409 <def>a draft</def>
6410 </sense>
6411 <etym><ptr target="#dict.faytjohsoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.lhhuh" /> <gloss>drawing</gloss></etym>
6412 </entry>
6413 <entry xml:id="dict.waydoizhuh">
6414 <form>
6415 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wādœʒə</orth>
6416 </form>
6417 <sense>
6418 <gramGrp>
6419 <pos>adjective</pos>
6420 </gramGrp>
6421 <def>of or having a name</def>
6422 </sense>
6423 <sense>
6424 <gramGrp>
6425 <pos>noun</pos>
6426 </gramGrp>
6427 <def>a name</def>
6428 </sense>
6429 <etym><ptr target="#dict.jahsaytoh" /> + <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">œʒə</mentioned> + <ptr target="#dict.uwayd" /> <gloss>how are you spoken</gloss></etym>
6430 </entry>
6431 <entry xml:id="dict.doo">
6432 <form>
6433 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dū</orth>
6434 </form>
6435 <sense>
6436 <gramGrp>
6437 <pos>sentence word</pos>
6438 </gramGrp>
6439 <def>that is correct</def>
6440 </sense>
6441 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dū</mentioned> is not a direct translation for the <lang>English</lang> word <mentioned>yes</mentioned>, as <mentioned>yes</mentioned> contests a negative statement, while <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dū</mentioned> affirms it.</note>
6442 </entry>
6443 <entry xml:id="dict.foh">
6444 <form>
6445 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fō</orth>
6446 </form>
6447 <sense>
6448 <gramGrp>
6449 <pos>sentence word</pos>
6450 </gramGrp>
6451 <def>that is incorrect</def>
6452 </sense>
6453 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fō</mentioned> is not a direct translation for the <lang>English</lang> word <mentioned>no</mentioned>, as <mentioned>no</mentioned> affirms a negative statement, while <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fō</mentioned> contests it.</note>
6454 </entry>
6455 <entry xml:id="dict.fae">
6456 <form>
6457 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fæ</orth>
6458 </form>
6459 <sense>
6460 <gramGrp>
6461 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6462 </gramGrp>
6463 <def>for; because</def>
6464 </sense>
6465 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fæ</mentioned> is used when the second statement <emph>explains or causes</emph> the first.</note>
6466 </entry>
6467 <entry xml:id="dict.dau">
6468 <form>
6469 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">då</orth>
6470 </form>
6471 <sense>
6472 <gramGrp>
6473 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6474 </gramGrp>
6475 <def>just as… so</def>
6476 </sense>
6477 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">då</mentioned> is used when the second statement <emph>parallels or is related to</emph> the first.</note>
6478 </entry>
6479 <entry xml:id="dict.ohd">
6480 <form>
6481 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōd</orth>
6482 </form>
6483 <sense>
6484 <gramGrp>
6485 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6486 </gramGrp>
6487 <def>yet; although</def>
6488 </sense>
6489 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōd</mentioned> is used when the second statement <emph>contrasts</emph> the first.</note>
6490 </entry>
6491 <entry xml:id="dict.oh">
6492 <form>
6493 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ō</orth>
6494 </form>
6495 <sense>
6496 <gramGrp>
6497 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6498 </gramGrp>
6499 <def>but</def>
6500 </sense>
6501 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ō</mentioned> is used when the second statement is <emph>an alternative to</emph> the first.</note>
6502 </entry>
6503 <entry xml:id="dict.see">
6504 <form>
6505 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sē</orth>
6506 </form>
6507 <sense>
6508 <gramGrp>
6509 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6510 </gramGrp>
6511 <def>so</def>
6512 </sense>
6513 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sē</mentioned> is used when the second statement is <emph>results from</emph> the first.</note>
6514 </entry>
6515 <entry xml:id="dict.woi">
6516 <form>
6517 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wœ</orth>
6518 </form>
6519 <sense>
6520 <gramGrp>
6521 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6522 </gramGrp>
6523 <def>and</def>
6524 </sense>
6525 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wœ</mentioned> is used when <emph>both</emph> statements have the same polarity.</note>
6526 </entry>
6527 <entry xml:id="dict.zhah">
6528 <form>
6529 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒä</orth>
6530 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äʒə</orth>
6531 </form>
6532 <sense>
6533 <gramGrp>
6534 <pos>coordinating conjunction</pos>
6535 </gramGrp>
6536 <def>or</def>
6537 </sense>
6538 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒä</mentioned> is used when both statements <emph>do not</emph> have the same polarity.</note>
6539 </entry>
6540 <entry xml:id="dict.lhhuh">
6541 <form>
6542 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’ħə</orth>
6543 </form>
6544 <sense>
6545 <gramGrp>
6546 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6547 </gramGrp>
6548 <def>participle modifier</def>
6549 </sense>
6550 <note>Participles can be used like nominals in a sentence.</note>
6551 </entry>
6552 <entry xml:id="dict.lfeht">
6553 <form>
6554 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’fët</orth>
6555 </form>
6556 <sense>
6557 <gramGrp>
6558 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6559 </gramGrp>
6560 <def>procedural nominalizing modifier</def>
6561 </sense>
6562 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’fët</mentioned> creates nominals which describe actions or proceedures, similar to <mentioned>‐tion</mentioned> in <lang>English</lang>.</note>
6563 </entry>
6564 <entry xml:id="dict.ltoh">
6565 <form>
6566 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’tō</orth>
6567 </form>
6568 <sense>
6569 <gramGrp>
6570 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6571 </gramGrp>
6572 <def>agentive nominalizing modifier</def>
6573 </sense>
6574 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’tō</mentioned> creates nominals which describe the person(s) who perform an action, similar to <mentioned>‐er</mentioned> in <lang>English</lang>.</note>
6575 </entry>
6576 <entry xml:id="dict.tohl">
6577 <form>
6578 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōl’‐</orth>
6579 </form>
6580 <sense>
6581 <gramGrp>
6582 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6583 </gramGrp>
6584 <def>un‐</def>
6585 </sense>
6586 </entry>
6587 <entry xml:id="dict.wehtl">
6588 <form>
6589 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wëtl’‐</orth>
6590 </form>
6591 <sense>
6592 <gramGrp>
6593 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6594 </gramGrp>
6595 <def>re‐</def>
6596 </sense>
6597 </entry>
6598 <entry xml:id="dict.oohhl">
6599 <form>
6600 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ūħl’‐</orth>
6601 </form>
6602 <sense>
6603 <gramGrp>
6604 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6605 </gramGrp>
6606 <def>optative modifier</def>
6607 <def>(+<ptr target="#dict.l" />) permissive modifier</def>
6608 </sense>
6609 <note>The optative mood is used to express hopes and wishes (<q>it would be nice if…</q>), and the permissive mood is used to signify that an action is permitted (<q>it is alright if…</q>).</note>
6610 </entry>
6611 <entry xml:id="dict.ahl">
6612 <form>
6613 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äl’‐</orth>
6614 </form>
6615 <sense>
6616 <gramGrp>
6617 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6618 </gramGrp>
6619 <def>mirative modifier</def>
6620 </sense>
6621 <note>The mirative mood is used to express that information is unexpected.</note>
6622 </entry>
6623 <entry xml:id="dict.ohdl">
6624 <form>
6625 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōdl’‐</orth>
6626 </form>
6627 <sense>
6628 <gramGrp>
6629 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6630 </gramGrp>
6631 <def>assumptive/deductive modifier</def>
6632 <def>(+<ptr target="#dict.l" />) hortative modifier</def>
6633 </sense>
6634 <note>The assumptive/deductive mood is used to show that the information is not known, but that it is usually true under similar conditions. The hortative mood is used to urge another to act. Both moods can be represented by the word <mentioned>must</mentioned> in English (<q>This must be the case</q>/<q>You must do this for me</q>).</note>
6635 </entry>
6636 <entry xml:id="dict.dool">
6637 <form>
6638 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dūl’‐</orth>
6639 </form>
6640 <sense>
6641 <gramGrp>
6642 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6643 </gramGrp>
6644 <def>alethic modifier</def>
6645 <def>(+<ptr target="#dict.l" />) jussive modifier</def>
6646 </sense>
6647 <note>The alethic mood is used to show that the information has been logically proven to be truthful; for example, all mathematical statements are alethic. The jussive mood is used for orders to stress that the party in question has no other choice. Both moods can be represented by the word <mentioned>shall</mentioned> in English (<q>One plus one shall equal two</q>/<q>He shall do his duty</q>).</note>
6648 </entry>
6649 <entry xml:id="dict.fiyl">
6650 <form>
6651 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fīl’‐</orth>
6652 </form>
6653 <sense>
6654 <gramGrp>
6655 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6656 </gramGrp>
6657 <def>negatory modifier</def>
6658 </sense>
6659 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fīl‐</mentioned> negates the verb it is attached to. It can be represented by the word <mentioned>not</mentioned> in English (<q>He is not what he describes</q>).</note>
6660 </entry>
6661 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaysl">
6662 <form>
6663 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒāsl’‐</orth>
6664 </form>
6665 <sense>
6666 <gramGrp>
6667 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6668 </gramGrp>
6669 <def>renarrative modifier</def>
6670 </sense>
6671 <note>The renarrative mood is used to show that the information is second‐hand, especially when the validity of the original source is questioned (<q>I heard that…</q>).</note>
6672 </entry>
6673 <entry xml:id="dict.tahdl">
6674 <form>
6675 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tädl’‐</orth>
6676 </form>
6677 <sense>
6678 <gramGrp>
6679 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6680 </gramGrp>
6681 <def>commissive modifier</def>
6682 <def>(+<ptr target="#dict.l" />) precative modifier</def>
6683 </sense>
6684 <note>The commissive mood is used to make a promise that an event will occur (<q>I promise that…</q>). The precative mood is used to make a request (<q>Would you…</q>).</note>
6685 </entry>
6686 <entry xml:id="dict.l">
6687 <form>
6688 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l</orth>
6689 </form>
6690 <sense>
6691 <gramGrp>
6692 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6693 </gramGrp>
6694 <def>used to vary modality of a verb, often in combination with other verb modifiers</def>
6695 <def>(without another modal modifier) imperative modifier</def>
6696 </sense>
6697 <note>The imperative mood is used to make a command. In <lang>English</lang>, it is often formed by leaving off the subject (which is implied to be <mentioned>you</mentioned>). In <lang>Jastugay</lang>, the imperative mood still requires all parts of a sentence, and may be first‐ or third‐person.</note>
6698 </entry>
6699 <entry xml:id="dict.lgiy">
6700 <form>
6701 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’gī</orth>
6702 </form>
6703 <sense>
6704 <gramGrp>
6705 <pos>verb modifier</pos>
6706 </gramGrp>
6707 <def>infinitive modifier</def>
6708 </sense>
6709 </entry>
6710 <entry xml:id="dict.puh">
6711 <form>
6712 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pə</orth>
6713 </form>
6714 <sense>
6715 <gramGrp>
6716 <pos>definite article</pos>
6717 </gramGrp>
6718 <def/>
6719 </sense>
6720 </entry>
6721 <entry xml:id="dict.zhay">
6722 <form>
6723 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒā</orth>
6724 </form>
6725 <sense>
6726 <gramGrp>
6727 <pos>indefinite article</pos>
6728 </gramGrp>
6729 <def/>
6730 </sense>
6731 </entry>
6732 <entry xml:id="dict.ahzhuh">
6733 <form>
6734 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äʒə</orth>
6735 </form>
6736 <sense>
6737 <gramGrp>
6738 <pos>proper article</pos>
6739 </gramGrp>
6740 <def/>
6741 </sense>
6742 </entry>
6743 <entry xml:id="dict.ohdoh">
6744 <form>
6745 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōdō</orth>
6746 </form>
6747 <sense>
6748 <gramGrp>
6749 <pos>interjection</pos>
6750 </gramGrp>
6751 <def>hello</def>
6752 </sense>
6753 </entry>
6754 <entry xml:id="dict.zhauzhay">
6755 <form>
6756 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒåʒā</orth>
6757 </form>
6758 <sense>
6759 <gramGrp>
6760 <pos>adjective</pos>
6761 </gramGrp>
6762 <def>of or having an aura or atmosphere</def>
6763 </sense>
6764 <sense>
6765 <gramGrp>
6766 <pos>noun</pos>
6767 </gramGrp>
6768 <def>an aura or atmosphere</def>
6769 </sense>
6770 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhayoh_1" /> + <ptr target="#dict.zhau" /> <gloss>emotion of the air</gloss></etym>
6771 </entry>
6772 <entry xml:id="dict.toozhauay">
6773 <form>
6774 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tūʒåā</orth>
6775 </form>
6776 <sense>
6777 <gramGrp>
6778 <pos>adjective</pos>
6779 </gramGrp>
6780 <def>of a spirit</def>
6781 </sense>
6782 <sense>
6783 <gramGrp>
6784 <pos>noun</pos>
6785 </gramGrp>
6786 <def>a spirit or presence</def>
6787 </sense>
6788 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tooayd" /> + <ptr target="#dict.zhauzhay" /> <gloss>aura person</gloss></etym>
6789 </entry>
6790 <entry xml:id="dict.doiway">
6791 <form>
6792 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dœwā</orth>
6793 </form>
6794 <sense>
6795 <gramGrp>
6796 <pos>adjective</pos>
6797 </gramGrp>
6798 <def>of or related to coffee</def>
6799 </sense>
6800 <sense>
6801 <gramGrp>
6802 <pos>noun</pos>
6803 </gramGrp>
6804 <def>coffee</def>
6805 </sense>
6806 </entry>
6807 <entry xml:id="dict.iyzhayoh">
6808 <form>
6809 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īʒāō</orth>
6810 </form>
6811 <sense>
6812 <gramGrp>
6813 <pos>adjective</pos>
6814 </gramGrp>
6815 <def>of or related to bread</def>
6816 </sense>
6817 <sense>
6818 <gramGrp>
6819 <pos>noun</pos>
6820 </gramGrp>
6821 <def>bread</def>
6822 </sense>
6823 <etym><ptr target="#dict.diytayzhoh" /> + <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">‐l’āō</mentioned> <gloss>risen</gloss></etym>
6824 </entry>
6825 <entry xml:id="dict.zhau">
6826 <form>
6827 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒå</orth>
6828 </form>
6829 <sense>
6830 <gramGrp>
6831 <pos>postposition</pos>
6832 </gramGrp>
6833 <def>with</def>
6834 </sense>
6835 </entry>
6836 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohhh">
6837 <form>
6838 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōħ</orth>
6839 </form>
6840 <sense>
6841 <gramGrp>
6842 <pos>postposition</pos>
6843 </gramGrp>
6844 <def>to</def>
6845 </sense>
6846 </entry>
6847 <entry xml:id="dict.siy">
6848 <form>
6849 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sī</orth>
6850 </form>
6851 <sense>
6852 <gramGrp>
6853 <pos>postposition</pos>
6854 </gramGrp>
6855 <def>from</def>
6856 </sense>
6857 </entry>
6858 <entry xml:id="dict.zhufoh">
6859 <form>
6860 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒəfō</orth>
6861 </form>
6862 <sense>
6863 <gramGrp>
6864 <pos>postposition</pos>
6865 </gramGrp>
6866 <def>in(to)</def>
6867 </sense>
6868 </entry>
6869 <entry xml:id="dict.tahhhdee">
6870 <form>
6871 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">täħdē</orth>
6872 </form>
6873 <sense>
6874 <gramGrp>
6875 <pos>postposition</pos>
6876 </gramGrp>
6877 <def>out (of)</def>
6878 </sense>
6879 </entry>
6880 <entry xml:id="dict.iyuh">
6881 <form>
6882 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īyə</orth>
6883 </form>
6884 <sense>
6885 <gramGrp>
6886 <pos>postposition</pos>
6887 </gramGrp>
6888 <def>on(to)</def>
6889 </sense>
6890 </entry>
6891 <entry xml:id="dict.tohsuh">
6892 <form>
6893 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōsə</orth>
6894 </form>
6895 <sense>
6896 <gramGrp>
6897 <pos>postposition</pos>
6898 </gramGrp>
6899 <def>off (of)</def>
6900 </sense>
6901 </entry>
6902 <entry xml:id="dict.ayd">
6903 <form>
6904 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ād</orth>
6905 </form>
6906 <sense>
6907 <gramGrp>
6908 <pos>postposition</pos>
6909 </gramGrp>
6910 <def>around</def>
6911 </sense>
6912 </entry>
6913 <entry xml:id="dict.ayoh">
6914 <form>
6915 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āō</orth>
6916 </form>
6917 <sense>
6918 <gramGrp>
6919 <pos>postposition</pos>
6920 </gramGrp>
6921 <def>through</def>
6922 </sense>
6923 </entry>
6924 <entry xml:id="dict.gohs">
6925 <form>
6926 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gōs</orth>
6927 </form>
6928 <sense>
6929 <gramGrp>
6930 <pos>postposition</pos>
6931 </gramGrp>
6932 <def>above</def>
6933 </sense>
6934 </entry>
6935 <entry xml:id="dict.aysoh">
6936 <form>
6937 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āsō</orth>
6938 </form>
6939 <sense>
6940 <gramGrp>
6941 <pos>postposition</pos>
6942 </gramGrp>
6943 <def>below</def>
6944 </sense>
6945 </entry>
6946 <entry xml:id="dict.ayiy">
6947 <form>
6948 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āī</orth>
6949 </form>
6950 <sense>
6951 <gramGrp>
6952 <pos>postposition</pos>
6953 </gramGrp>
6954 <def>between</def>
6955 </sense>
6956 </entry>
6957 <entry xml:id="dict.ahaydiy">
6958 <form>
6959 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äādī</orth>
6960 </form>
6961 <sense>
6962 <gramGrp>
6963 <pos>postposition</pos>
6964 </gramGrp>
6965 <def>beside</def>
6966 </sense>
6967 </entry>
6968 <entry xml:id="dict.ayzhoh">
6969 <form>
6970 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āʒō</orth>
6971 </form>
6972 <sense>
6973 <gramGrp>
6974 <pos>postposition</pos>
6975 </gramGrp>
6976 <def>of</def>
6977 </sense>
6978 <etym><ptr target="#dict.ayoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.zhau" /></etym>
6979 </entry>
6980 <entry xml:id="dict.ayfiy">
6981 <form>
6982 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āfī</orth>
6983 </form>
6984 <sense>
6985 <gramGrp>
6986 <pos>postposition</pos>
6987 </gramGrp>
6988 <def>at</def>
6989 </sense>
6990 <etym><ptr target="#dict.ayzhoh" /> + <mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">āfōhī</mentioned> <gloss>of where</gloss></etym>
6991 </entry>
6992 <entry xml:id="dict.doht">
6993 <form>
6994 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōt</orth>
6995 </form>
6996 <sense>
6997 <gramGrp>
6998 <pos>verb</pos>
6999 </gramGrp>
7000 <def>is defined</def>
7001 </sense>
7002 <note><mentioned xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōt</mentioned> is only for use with permanent conditions; for temporary conditions, see <ptr target="#dict.dohhiy" />.</note>
7003 </entry>
7004 <entry xml:id="dict.hohway">
7005 <form>
7006 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōwā</orth>
7007 </form>
7008 <sense>
7009 <gramGrp>
7010 <pos>verb</pos>
7011 </gramGrp>
7012 <def>is done</def>
7013 </sense>
7014 </entry>
7015 <entry xml:id="dict.dayoh">
7016 <form>
7017 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāō</orth>
7018 </form>
7019 <sense>
7020 <gramGrp>
7021 <pos>verb</pos>
7022 </gramGrp>
7023 <def>is gone (to)</def>
7024 </sense>
7025 </entry>
7026 <entry xml:id="dict.tehoh">
7027 <form>
7028 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tëō</orth>
7029 </form>
7030 <sense>
7031 <gramGrp>
7032 <pos>verb</pos>
7033 </gramGrp>
7034 <def>is stopped</def>
7035 </sense>
7036 </entry>
7037 <entry xml:id="dict.ohtsee">
7038 <form>
7039 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōtsē</orth>
7040 </form>
7041 <sense>
7042 <gramGrp>
7043 <pos>verb</pos>
7044 </gramGrp>
7045 <def>is eaten</def>
7046 </sense>
7047 </entry>
7048 <entry xml:id="dict.ohdsoh">
7049 <form>
7050 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōdsō</orth>
7051 </form>
7052 <sense>
7053 <gramGrp>
7054 <pos>verb</pos>
7055 </gramGrp>
7056 <def>is drunk</def>
7057 </sense>
7058 </entry>
7059 <entry xml:id="dict.hhohwee">
7060 <form>
7061 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħōwē</orth>
7062 </form>
7063 <sense>
7064 <gramGrp>
7065 <pos>verb</pos>
7066 </gramGrp>
7067 <def>is made</def>
7068 </sense>
7069 </entry>
7070 <entry xml:id="dict.auhee">
7071 <form>
7072 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åhē</orth>
7073 </form>
7074 <sense>
7075 <gramGrp>
7076 <pos>verb</pos>
7077 </gramGrp>
7078 <def>is destroyed</def>
7079 </sense>
7080 </entry>
7081 <entry xml:id="dict.dausut">
7082 <form>
7083 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåsət</orth>
7084 </form>
7085 <sense>
7086 <gramGrp>
7087 <pos>verb</pos>
7088 </gramGrp>
7089 <def>is given</def>
7090 </sense>
7091 </entry>
7092 <entry xml:id="dict.dayohsoh">
7093 <form>
7094 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāōsō</orth>
7095 </form>
7096 <sense>
7097 <gramGrp>
7098 <pos>verb</pos>
7099 </gramGrp>
7100 <def>is taken</def>
7101 </sense>
7102 </entry>
7103 <entry xml:id="dict.dohhiy">
7104 <form>
7105 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōhī</orth>
7106 </form>
7107 <sense>
7108 <gramGrp>
7109 <pos>verb</pos>
7110 </gramGrp>
7111 <def>is had</def>
7112 </sense>
7113 </entry>
7114 <entry xml:id="dict.tausoh">
7115 <form>
7116 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tåsō</orth>
7117 </form>
7118 <sense>
7119 <gramGrp>
7120 <pos>verb</pos>
7121 </gramGrp>
7122 <def>is wanted</def>
7123 </sense>
7124 </entry>
7125 <entry xml:id="dict.dahsayt">
7126 <form>
7127 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däsāt</orth>
7128 </form>
7129 <sense>
7130 <gramGrp>
7131 <pos>verb</pos>
7132 </gramGrp>
7133 <def>is needed</def>
7134 </sense>
7135 </entry>
7136 <entry xml:id="dict.dudohwah">
7137 <form>
7138 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dədōwä</orth>
7139 </form>
7140 <sense>
7141 <gramGrp>
7142 <pos>verb</pos>
7143 </gramGrp>
7144 <def>is grown</def>
7145 </sense>
7146 </entry>
7147 <entry xml:id="dict.ohsuh">
7148 <form>
7149 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōsə</orth>
7150 </form>
7151 <sense>
7152 <gramGrp>
7153 <pos>verb</pos>
7154 </gramGrp>
7155 <def>is used</def>
7156 </sense>
7157 </entry>
7158 <entry xml:id="dict.zhaysoh">
7159 <form>
7160 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒāsō</orth>
7161 </form>
7162 <sense>
7163 <gramGrp>
7164 <pos>verb</pos>
7165 </gramGrp>
7166 <def>is touched or felt</def>
7167 </sense>
7168 </entry>
7169 <entry xml:id="dict.jahsaytoh">
7170 <form>
7171 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jäsātō</orth>
7172 </form>
7173 <sense>
7174 <gramGrp>
7175 <pos>verb</pos>
7176 </gramGrp>
7177 <def>is spoken</def>
7178 </sense>
7179 </entry>
7180 <entry xml:id="dict.dohtohwah">
7181 <form>
7182 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōtōwä</orth>
7183 </form>
7184 <sense>
7185 <gramGrp>
7186 <pos>verb</pos>
7187 </gramGrp>
7188 <def>is made to sleep</def>
7189 </sense>
7190 </entry>
7191 <entry xml:id="dict.hohwohsee">
7192 <form>
7193 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hōwōsē</orth>
7194 </form>
7195 <sense>
7196 <gramGrp>
7197 <pos>verb</pos>
7198 </gramGrp>
7199 <def>is seen</def>
7200 </sense>
7201 </entry>
7202 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwayt">
7203 <form>
7204 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwāt</orth>
7205 </form>
7206 <sense>
7207 <gramGrp>
7208 <pos>verb</pos>
7209 </gramGrp>
7210 <def>is mixed</def>
7211 </sense>
7212 </entry>
7213 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtoh">
7214 <form>
7215 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtō</orth>
7216 </form>
7217 <sense>
7218 <gramGrp>
7219 <pos>verb</pos>
7220 </gramGrp>
7221 <def>is enabled</def>
7222 </sense>
7223 </entry>
7224 <entry xml:id="dict.dautayoh">
7225 <form>
7226 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåtāō</orth>
7227 </form>
7228 <sense>
7229 <gramGrp>
7230 <pos>verb</pos>
7231 </gramGrp>
7232 <def>is flown</def>
7233 </sense>
7234 </entry>
7235 <entry xml:id="dict.dahood">
7236 <form>
7237 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däūd</orth>
7238 </form>
7239 <sense>
7240 <gramGrp>
7241 <pos>verb</pos>
7242 </gramGrp>
7243 <def>is grabbed</def>
7244 </sense>
7245 </entry>
7246 <entry xml:id="dict.fohaysoh">
7247 <form>
7248 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fōāsō</orth>
7249 </form>
7250 <sense>
7251 <gramGrp>
7252 <pos>verb</pos>
7253 </gramGrp>
7254 <def>is dropped</def>
7255 </sense>
7256 </entry>
7257 <entry xml:id="dict.eedautiy">
7258 <form>
7259 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ēdåtī</orth>
7260 </form>
7261 <sense>
7262 <gramGrp>
7263 <pos>verb</pos>
7264 </gramGrp>
7265 <def>is attacked</def>
7266 </sense>
7267 </entry>
7268 <entry xml:id="dict.ahtaus">
7269 <form>
7270 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ätås</orth>
7271 </form>
7272 <sense>
7273 <gramGrp>
7274 <pos>verb</pos>
7275 </gramGrp>
7276 <def>is hurt</def>
7277 </sense>
7278 </entry>
7279 <entry xml:id="dict.siytay">
7280 <form>
7281 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sītā</orth>
7282 </form>
7283 <sense>
7284 <gramGrp>
7285 <pos>verb</pos>
7286 </gramGrp>
7287 <def>is punched</def>
7288 </sense>
7289 </entry>
7290 <entry xml:id="dict.seetiy">
7291 <form>
7292 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sētī</orth>
7293 </form>
7294 <sense>
7295 <gramGrp>
7296 <pos>verb</pos>
7297 </gramGrp>
7298 <def>is kicked</def>
7299 </sense>
7300 </entry>
7301 <entry xml:id="dict.saydoh_2">
7302 <form>
7303 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sādō²</orth>
7304 </form>
7305 <sense>
7306 <gramGrp>
7307 <pos>verb</pos>
7308 </gramGrp>
7309 <def>is brought</def>
7310 </sense>
7311 </entry>
7312 <entry xml:id="dict.dohsiy_2">
7313 <form>
7314 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōsī²</orth>
7315 </form>
7316 <sense>
7317 <gramGrp>
7318 <pos>verb</pos>
7319 </gramGrp>
7320 <def>is arrived (at)</def>
7321 </sense>
7322 </entry>
7323 <entry xml:id="dict.tohtay">
7324 <form>
7325 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōtā</orth>
7326 </form>
7327 <sense>
7328 <gramGrp>
7329 <pos>verb</pos>
7330 </gramGrp>
7331 <def>is departed (from)</def>
7332 </sense>
7333 </entry>
7334 <entry xml:id="dict.hhohutee">
7335 <form>
7336 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħōwətē</orth>
7337 </form>
7338 <sense>
7339 <gramGrp>
7340 <pos>verb</pos>
7341 </gramGrp>
7342 <def>is killed</def>
7343 </sense>
7344 </entry>
7345 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohhhzhuh">
7346 <form>
7347 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōħʒə</orth>
7348 </form>
7349 <sense>
7350 <gramGrp>
7351 <pos>verb</pos>
7352 </gramGrp>
7353 <def>is arrived</def>
7354 </sense>
7355 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhohhh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.hohzhay" /> <mentioned>to land</mentioned></etym>
7356 </entry>
7357 <entry xml:id="dict.diytayzhoh">
7358 <form>
7359 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dītāʒō</orth>
7360 </form>
7361 <sense>
7362 <gramGrp>
7363 <pos>verb</pos>
7364 </gramGrp>
7365 <def>is raised</def>
7366 </sense>
7367 <etym><ptr target="#dict.diytuh" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhoh_2" /> <ptr target="#dict.saydoh_2" /></etym>
7368 </entry>
7369 <entry xml:id="dict.faytjohsoh">
7370 <form>
7371 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fātjōsō</orth>
7372 </form>
7373 <sense>
7374 <gramGrp>
7375 <pos>verb</pos>
7376 </gramGrp>
7377 <def>is drawn (in)</def>
7378 </sense>
7379 <etym><ptr target="#dict.fohtjoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.dayohsoh" /> <gloss>long take</gloss></etym>
7380 </entry>
7381 <entry xml:id="dict.futahsoh">
7382 <form>
7383 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fətäsō</orth>
7384 </form>
7385 <sense>
7386 <gramGrp>
7387 <pos>verb</pos>
7388 </gramGrp>
7389 <def>is drawn (as in, a picture)</def>
7390 </sense>
7391 <etym><ptr target="#dict.faytjohsoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.jahsaytoh" /> <gloss>drawn speech</gloss></etym>
7392 </entry>
7393 <entry xml:id="dict.daudoh">
7394 <form>
7395 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dådō</orth>
7396 </form>
7397 <sense>
7398 <gramGrp>
7399 <pos>verb</pos>
7400 </gramGrp>
7401 <def>is pulled</def>
7402 </sense>
7403 <etym><ptr target="#dict.saydoh_2" /></etym>
7404 </entry>
7405 <entry xml:id="dict.zhiyzhau">
7406 <form>
7407 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒīʒå</orth>
7408 </form>
7409 <sense>
7410 <gramGrp>
7411 <pos>adjective</pos>
7412 </gramGrp>
7413 <def>together; collected</def>
7414 </sense>
7415 <sense>
7416 <gramGrp>
7417 <pos>noun</pos>
7418 </gramGrp>
7419 <def>togetherness</def>
7420 </sense>
7421 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhiy" /> + <ptr target="#dict.zhau" /> <gloss>with ourselves</gloss></etym>
7422 </entry>
7423 <entry xml:id="dict.poh">
7424 <form>
7425 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pō</orth>
7426 </form>
7427 <sense>
7428 <gramGrp>
7429 <pos>subordinating conjunction</pos>
7430 </gramGrp>
7431 <def>while</def>
7432 </sense>
7433 <etym><ptr target="#dict.poit" /></etym>
7434 </entry>
7435 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahhhsoh">
7436 <form>
7437 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäħsō</orth>
7438 </form>
7439 <sense>
7440 <gramGrp>
7441 <pos>masculine given name</pos>
7442 </gramGrp>
7443 </sense>
7444 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhoodsoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.ahhhmoh" /> <gloss>sharp beauty</gloss></etym>
7445 </entry>
7446 <entry xml:id="dict.dayhhuh">
7447 <form>
7448 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāħə</orth>
7449 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dāħë</orth>
7450 </form>
7451 <sense>
7452 <gramGrp>
7453 <pos>adjective</pos>
7454 </gramGrp>
7455 <def>having house‐like qualities</def>
7456 </sense>
7457 <sense>
7458 <gramGrp>
7459 <pos>noun</pos>
7460 </gramGrp>
7461 <def>a house</def>
7462 <def>(of an animal) a habitat</def>
7463 </sense>
7464 <etym><ptr target="#dict.dahhhwee" /> + <ptr target="#dict.ayfiy" /> <gloss>living at</gloss></etym>
7465 </entry>
7466 <entry xml:id="dict.sayhheet">
7467 <form>
7468 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sāħēt</orth>
7469 </form>
7470 <sense>
7471 <gramGrp>
7472 <pos>adjective</pos>
7473 </gramGrp>
7474 <def>of or found in a store</def>
7475 </sense>
7476 <sense>
7477 <gramGrp>
7478 <pos>noun</pos>
7479 </gramGrp>
7480 <def>a store, esp. for food</def>
7481 </sense>
7482 <etym><ptr target="#dict.dayhhuh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.seet" /> <gloss>food house</gloss></etym>
7483 </entry>
7484 <entry xml:id="dict.pahtoh">
7485 <form>
7486 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">pätō</orth>
7487 </form>
7488 <sense>
7489 <gramGrp>
7490 <pos>adjective</pos>
7491 </gramGrp>
7492 <def>fatherly</def>
7493 </sense>
7494 <sense>
7495 <gramGrp>
7496 <pos>noun</pos>
7497 </gramGrp>
7498 <def>father</def>
7499 </sense>
7500 </entry>
7501 <entry xml:id="dict.iyzhoh">
7502 <form>
7503 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">īʒō</orth>
7504 </form>
7505 <sense>
7506 <gramGrp>
7507 <pos>verb</pos>
7508 </gramGrp>
7509 <def>is met</def>
7510 </sense>
7511 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhiyzhau" /> + <ptr target="#dict.hhohwee" /> <gloss>assemble</gloss></etym>
7512 </entry>
7513 <entry xml:id="dict.dauhhuh">
7514 <form>
7515 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dåħə</orth>
7516 </form>
7517 <sense>
7518 <gramGrp>
7519 <pos>adjective</pos>
7520 </gramGrp>
7521 <def>of or from a brothel</def>
7522 </sense>
7523 <sense>
7524 <gramGrp>
7525 <pos>noun</pos>
7526 </gramGrp>
7527 <def>a brothel</def>
7528 </sense>
7529 </entry>
7530 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahsaytooay">
7531 <form>
7532 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäsātūā</orth>
7533 </form>
7534 <sense>
7535 <gramGrp>
7536 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
7537 </gramGrp>
7538 </sense>
7539 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhaysoh" /> + <ptr target="#dict.toozhauay" /> <gloss>heard by the spirits</gloss></etym>
7540 <re type="derived">
7541 <form>
7542 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäsā²</orth>
7543 </form>
7544 </re>
7545 </entry>
7546 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahsay_2">
7547 <form>
7548 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäsā²</orth>
7549 </form>
7550 <sense>
7551 <gramGrp>
7552 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
7553 </gramGrp>
7554 </sense>
7555 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhahsaytooay" /></etym>
7556 </entry>
7557 <entry xml:id="dict.gautoh">
7558 <form>
7559 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">gåtō</orth>
7560 </form>
7561 <sense>
7562 <gramGrp>
7563 <pos>adjective</pos>
7564 </gramGrp>
7565 <def>of a prostitute</def>
7566 </sense>
7567 <sense>
7568 <gramGrp>
7569 <pos>noun</pos>
7570 </gramGrp>
7571 <def>a prostitute</def>
7572 </sense>
7573 </entry>
7574 <entry xml:id="dict.tohhhfoh">
7575 <form>
7576 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōħfō</orth>
7577 </form>
7578 <sense>
7579 <gramGrp>
7580 <pos>verb</pos>
7581 </gramGrp>
7582 <def>(vulgar) is engaged in sexual intercourse by a prostitute</def>
7583 </sense>
7584 </entry>
7585 <entry xml:id="dict.dahoofut">
7586 <form>
7587 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däūfət</orth>
7588 </form>
7589 <sense>
7590 <gramGrp>
7591 <pos>adjective</pos>
7592 </gramGrp>
7593 <def>portioned</def>
7594 </sense>
7595 <sense>
7596 <gramGrp>
7597 <pos>noun</pos>
7598 </gramGrp>
7599 <def>a portion</def>
7600 </sense>
7601 </entry>
7602 <entry xml:id="dict.tauzhuh">
7603 <form>
7604 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tåʒə</orth>
7605 </form>
7606 <sense>
7607 <gramGrp>
7608 <pos>adjective</pos>
7609 </gramGrp>
7610 <def>syllabic</def>
7611 </sense>
7612 <sense>
7613 <gramGrp>
7614 <pos>noun</pos>
7615 </gramGrp>
7616 <def>a syllable</def>
7617 </sense>
7618 </entry>
7619 <entry xml:id="dict.dohwuh">
7620 <form>
7621 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōwə</orth>
7622 </form>
7623 <sense>
7624 <gramGrp>
7625 <pos>adjective</pos>
7626 </gramGrp>
7627 <def>related to the Roman alphabet</def>
7628 <def>(of a text) written using the dōwə system</def>
7629 </sense>
7630 <sense>
7631 <gramGrp>
7632 <pos>noun</pos>
7633 </gramGrp>
7634 <def>the Roman alphabet</def>
7635 <def>a system of romanization for the Jastugay syllabary</def>
7636 </sense>
7637 </entry>
7638 <entry xml:id="dict.sahiyfay">
7639 <form>
7640 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">säīfā</orth>
7641 </form>
7642 <sense>
7643 <gramGrp>
7644 <pos>verb</pos>
7645 </gramGrp>
7646 <def>is moved</def>
7647 </sense>
7648 </entry>
7649 <entry xml:id="dict.siyfaydooway">
7650 <form>
7651 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sīfādūwā</orth>
7652 </form>
7653 <sense>
7654 <gramGrp>
7655 <pos>adjective</pos>
7656 </gramGrp>
7657 <def>of a bus</def>
7658 </sense>
7659 <sense>
7660 <gramGrp>
7661 <pos>noun</pos>
7662 </gramGrp>
7663 <def>a bus</def>
7664 </sense>
7665 </entry>
7666 <entry xml:id="dict.hahweeohs">
7667 <form>
7668 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">hāwēōs</orth>
7669 </form>
7670 <sense>
7671 <gramGrp>
7672 <pos>verb</pos>
7673 </gramGrp>
7674 <def>is hunted</def>
7675 </sense>
7676 </entry>
7677 <entry xml:id="dict.ahwoh">
7678 <form>
7679 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">äwō</orth>
7680 </form>
7681 <sense>
7682 <gramGrp>
7683 <pos>verb</pos>
7684 </gramGrp>
7685 <def>is asked</def>
7686 </sense>
7687 </entry>
7688 <entry xml:id="dict.dahoo">
7689 <form>
7690 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">däū</orth>
7691 </form>
7692 <sense>
7693 <gramGrp>
7694 <pos>verb</pos>
7695 </gramGrp>
7696 <def>is broken up</def>
7697 </sense>
7698 </entry>
7699 <entry xml:id="dict.auayoh">
7700 <form>
7701 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åāō</orth>
7702 </form>
7703 <sense>
7704 <gramGrp>
7705 <pos>adjective</pos>
7706 </gramGrp>
7707 <def>detailed</def>
7708 </sense>
7709 <sense>
7710 <gramGrp>
7711 <pos>noun</pos>
7712 </gramGrp>
7713 <def>a detail</def>
7714 </sense>
7715 </entry>
7716 <entry xml:id="dict.auhh">
7717 <form>
7718 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">åħ</orth>
7719 </form>
7720 <sense>
7721 <gramGrp>
7722 <pos>postposition</pos>
7723 </gramGrp>
7724 <def>for</def>
7725 </sense>
7726 </entry>
7727 <entry xml:id="dict.jaysoh">
7728 <form>
7729 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">jāsō</orth>
7730 </form>
7731 <sense>
7732 <gramGrp>
7733 <pos>masculine given name</pos>
7734 </gramGrp>
7735 </sense>
7736 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhaysoh" /></etym>
7737 </entry>
7738 <entry xml:id="dict.utaeoh">
7739 <form>
7740 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ətæō</orth>
7741 </form>
7742 <sense>
7743 <gramGrp>
7744 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
7745 </gramGrp>
7746 <etym><ptr target="#dict.utau_1" /> or <ptr target="#dict.utau_2" /></etym>
7747 </sense>
7748 </entry>
7749 <entry xml:id="dict.too">
7750 <form>
7751 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tū</orth>
7752 </form>
7753 <sense>
7754 <gramGrp>
7755 <pos>postposition</pos>
7756 </gramGrp>
7757 <def>like</def>
7758 </sense>
7759 </entry>
7760 <entry xml:id="dict.taygaus">
7761 <form>
7762 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tāgås</orth>
7763 </form>
7764 <sense>
7765 <gramGrp>
7766 <pos>verb</pos>
7767 </gramGrp>
7768 <def>is meant or intended</def>
7769 </sense>
7770 </entry>
7771 <entry xml:id="dict.hhiyhoh">
7772 <form>
7773 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ħīhō</orth>
7774 </form>
7775 <sense>
7776 <gramGrp>
7777 <pos>masculine given name</pos>
7778 </gramGrp>
7779 </sense>
7780 <etym><ptr target="#dict.hiyfuh" /></etym>
7781 </entry>
7782 <entry xml:id="dict.daytoh">
7783 <form>
7784 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dātō</orth>
7785 </form>
7786 <sense>
7787 <gramGrp>
7788 <pos>adjective</pos>
7789 </gramGrp>
7790 <def>of or having a wing</def>
7791 </sense>
7792 <sense>
7793 <gramGrp>
7794 <pos>noun</pos>
7795 </gramGrp>
7796 <def>a wing</def>
7797 </sense>
7798 </entry>
7799 <entry xml:id="dict.tayaufoot">
7800 <form>
7801 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tāåfūt</orth>
7802 </form>
7803 <sense>
7804 <gramGrp>
7805 <pos>adjective</pos>
7806 </gramGrp>
7807 <def>of a feather; feathered</def>
7808 </sense>
7809 <sense>
7810 <gramGrp>
7811 <pos>noun</pos>
7812 </gramGrp>
7813 <def>a feather</def>
7814 </sense>
7815 </entry>
7816 <entry xml:id="dict.taefah">
7817 <form>
7818 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tæfä</orth>
7819 </form>
7820 <sense>
7821 <gramGrp>
7822 <pos>feminine given name</pos>
7823 </gramGrp>
7824 </sense>
7825 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tayaufoot" /></etym>
7826 </entry>
7827 <entry xml:id="dict.dohfuh">
7828 <form>
7829 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">dōfə</orth>
7830 </form>
7831 <sense>
7832 <gramGrp>
7833 <pos>adjective</pos>
7834 </gramGrp>
7835 <def>tall; high</def>
7836 </sense>
7837 <sense>
7838 <gramGrp>
7839 <pos>noun</pos>
7840 </gramGrp>
7841 <def>height</def>
7842 </sense>
7843 </entry>
7844 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahtiys">
7845 <form>
7846 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒätīs</orth>
7847 </form>
7848 <sense>
7849 <gramGrp>
7850 <pos>adjective</pos>
7851 </gramGrp>
7852 <def>empathetic</def>
7853 </sense>
7854 <sense>
7855 <gramGrp>
7856 <pos>noun</pos>
7857 </gramGrp>
7858 <def>empathy; condolences</def>
7859 </sense>
7860 <etym><ptr target="#dict.uwayd" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhau" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhiy" /> <ptr target="#dict.ahtaus" /></etym>
7861 </entry>
7862 <entry xml:id="dict.faytjuday">
7863 <form>
7864 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">fātjədā</orth>
7865 </form>
7866 <sense>
7867 <gramGrp>
7868 <pos>verb</pos>
7869 </gramGrp>
7870 <def>is concerned; minds</def>
7871 </sense>
7872 <etym><ptr target="#dict.faytjohsoh" /> <ptr target="#dict.joodaentehd" /> <gloss>drawn as a caretaker</gloss></etym>
7873 </entry>
7874 <entry xml:id="dict.sauduh">
7875 <form>
7876 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">sådə</orth>
7877 </form>
7878 <sense>
7879 <gramGrp>
7880 <pos>verb</pos>
7881 </gramGrp>
7882 <def>is exchanged</def>
7883 </sense>
7884 <etym><ptr target="#dict.susah" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhohhh" /> <ptr target="#dict.dausut" /></etym>
7885 </entry>
7886 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohfau">
7887 <form>
7888 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōfå</orth>
7889 </form>
7890 <sense>
7891 <gramGrp>
7892 <pos>adjective</pos>
7893 </gramGrp>
7894 <def>valuable</def>
7895 </sense>
7896 <sense>
7897 <gramGrp>
7898 <pos>noun</pos>
7899 </gramGrp>
7900 <def>value</def>
7901 </sense>
7902 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhay" /> <ptr target="#dict.johfah" /> <ptr target="#dict.sauduh" /></etym>
7903 </entry>
7904 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohaus">
7905 <form>
7906 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōås</orth>
7907 </form>
7908 <sense>
7909 <gramGrp>
7910 <pos>verb</pos>
7911 </gramGrp>
7912 <def>is appreciated</def>
7913 </sense>
7914 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhay" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhohfau" /> <ptr target="#dict.dausut" /></etym>
7915 </entry>
7916 <entry xml:id="dict.tay">
7917 <form>
7918 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tā</orth>
7919 </form>
7920 <sense>
7921 <gramGrp>
7922 <pos>honorific</pos>
7923 </gramGrp>
7924 <def>neuter honorific</def>
7925 </sense>
7926 <etym>‐<ptr target="#dict.tayhhahtoi" /></etym>
7927 </entry>
7928 <entry xml:id="dict.tae">
7929 <form>
7930 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tæ</orth>
7931 </form>
7932 <sense>
7933 <gramGrp>
7934 <pos>honorific</pos>
7935 </gramGrp>
7936 <def>feminine honorific</def>
7937 </sense>
7938 <etym>‐<ptr target="#dict.tayhhahtoi" /></etym>
7939 </entry>
7940 <entry xml:id="dict.taufoh">
7941 <form>
7942 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tåfō</orth>
7943 </form>
7944 <sense>
7945 <gramGrp>
7946 <pos>pronoun</pos>
7947 </gramGrp>
7948 <def>none; nothing</def>
7949 </sense>
7950 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tooayd" /> <ptr target="#dict.foh" /></etym>
7951 </entry>
7952 <entry xml:id="dict.toizhau">
7953 <form>
7954 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tœʒå</orth>
7955 </form>
7956 <sense>
7957 <gramGrp>
7958 <pos>pronoun</pos>
7959 </gramGrp>
7960 <def>all; everything</def>
7961 </sense>
7962 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tooayd" /> <ptr target="#dict.zhiyzhau" /></etym>
7963 </entry>
7964 <entry xml:id="dict.wau">
7965 <form>
7966 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">wå</orth>
7967 </form>
7968 <sense>
7969 <gramGrp>
7970 <pos>subordinating conjunction</pos>
7971 </gramGrp>
7972 <def>to</def>
7973 </sense>
7974 <etym><ptr target="#dict.woi" /> <ptr target="#dict.auhh" /></etym>
7975 </entry>
7976 <entry xml:id="dict.tohdahhh">
7977 <form>
7978 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōdäħ</orth>
7979 </form>
7980 <sense>
7981 <gramGrp>
7982 <pos>verb</pos>
7983 </gramGrp>
7984 <def>is lived</def>
7985 </sense>
7986 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tohtay" /> <ptr target="#dict.dahhhwee" /></etym>
7987 </entry>
7988 <entry xml:id="dict.uhhwohs">
7989 <form>
7990 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">əħwōs</orth>
7991 </form>
7992 <sense>
7993 <gramGrp>
7994 <pos>verb</pos>
7995 </gramGrp>
7996 <def>is shown; is presented</def>
7997 </sense>
7998 <etym><ptr target="#dict.oohhl" /><ptr target="#dict.hohwohsee" /></etym>
7999 </entry>
8000 <entry xml:id="dict.zhohsiy">
8001 <form>
8002 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒōsī</orth>
8003 </form>
8004 <sense>
8005 <gramGrp>
8006 <pos>classifier</pos>
8007 </gramGrp>
8008 <def>generic object classifier</def>
8009 </sense>
8010 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhohd" /> <ptr target="#dict.siy" /></etym>
8011 </entry>
8012 <entry xml:id="dict.zhahfuh">
8013 <form>
8014 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ʒäfə</orth>
8015 </form>
8016 <sense>
8017 <gramGrp>
8018 <pos>adjective</pos>
8019 </gramGrp>
8020 <def>partitioned; fragmented</def>
8021 </sense>
8022 <sense>
8023 <gramGrp>
8024 <pos>noun</pos>
8025 </gramGrp>
8026 <def>a thing</def>
8027 <def>a piece</def>
8028 </sense>
8029 <etym><ptr target="#dict.zhohd" /> <ptr target="#dict.dahoofut" /></etym>
8030 </entry>
8031 <entry xml:id="dict.ohwayhhooeh">
8032 <form>
8033 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">ōwāħūë</orth>
8034 </form>
8035 <sense>
8036 <gramGrp>
8037 <pos>adjective</pos>
8038 </gramGrp>
8039 <def>practiced</def>
8040 </sense>
8041 <sense>
8042 <gramGrp>
8043 <pos>noun</pos>
8044 </gramGrp>
8045 <def>practice</def>
8046 </sense>
8047 <etym><ptr target="#dict.hohway" /><ptr target="#dict.lgiy" /> <ptr target="#dict.auhh" /> <ptr target="#dict.daypeh" /></etym>
8048 </entry>
8049 <entry xml:id="dict.tohhhhoh">
8050 <form>
8051 <orth xml:lang="qjt-Latn">tōħhō</orth>
8052 </form>
8053 <sense>
8054 <gramGrp>
8055 <pos>adjective</pos>
8056 </gramGrp>
8057 <def>studious</def>
8058 </sense>
8059 <sense>
8060 <gramGrp>
8061 <pos>noun</pos>
8062 </gramGrp>
8063 <def>student</def>
8064 </sense>
8065 <etym><ptr target="#dict.tohtayhhhoh" /></etym>
8066 </entry>
8070 </body>
8072 <!-- END TEXT -->
8074 </text>
8076 </TEI>
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