* dol/dō-: PREP in, within; DAT
* fin/fī-: as; measuring
+* petʰ/pē-: PREP in (time), during (DAT with the same meaning but the
+ additional indication that the events were located entirely in the
+ specified period)
* sen/sē-: of, belonging to
### Conjunctions
### Roots
* b-t-r: length, measurement, (leg)
+* gʲ-l-p: transfer, commerce
* m-d-kʰ: language
* p-kʲʰ-t: movement
* p-s-ŋ: liquid/water
* febéter/fíbetēr (b-t-r): vi. to be clearly defined or bounded (rarely
used transitively to mean the subject is defined or has its
boundaries defined by the object)
+* fegʲélep/fígʲelēp (gʲ-l-p): vi. to be generous
* feréher/fírehēr (r-h-r): vi. to be content, to feel safe
* femédekʰ/fímedēkʰ (m-d-kʰ): vi. to be or become sapient, to be
capable of language
* fesso: num. twenty
* fibītrí (b-t-r): nm. a definition or act of defining, a boundary or
act of specifying boundaries
+* figʲīlpí (gʲ-l-p): nm. generosity
* fimīdkʰí (m-d-kʰ): nm. sapience
* fin: prep. as; measuring (used with the verb bémter/bemtēré to
indicate the measurement of the subject of the verb)
* fisīlhí (s-l-h): nm. freedom from constraint
* fobótro (b-t-r): adj. clearly defined, bounded, finite in extent
* fobotór (b-t-r): adj. indefinable, unbounded, infinite
+* fogʲolóp (gʲ-l-p): adj. ungenerous, covetous
+* fogʲólpo (gʲ-l-p): adj. generous
* fomódkʰo (m-d-kʰ): adj. sapient, capable of language
* fomodókʰ (m-d-kʰ): adj. non-sapient, incapable of language, mindless
* fopokʲʰót (p-kʲʰ-t): adj. passive, controlled by others
* fosólho (s-l-h): adj. free from constraint
* fosolóh (s-l-h): adj. constrained, not free (the specifics of
application to people varied a lot in different places)
+* gʲélpi/gʲelíp (gʲ-l-p): vd. to give
+* gʲélpit/tegʲélip (gʲ-l-p): v4. to trade, to exchange, to swap
+* gʲémlep/gʲemlēpé (gʲ-l-p): vi. to be valuable, to have value
+* gʲénlip/gʲelpín (gʲ-l-p): vd. to take
+* gʲilêp (gʲ-l-p): nm. gift
+* gʲiléspe (gʲ-l-p): nm. transaction
+* gʲīlmóp (gʲ-l-p): nn. property of being valuable
+* gʲílop (gʲ-l-p): nm. commercial relationship
+* gʲilpé (gʲ-l-p): nf. exchange, commerce
+* gʲīlpé (gʲ-l-p): nn. act of giving, sale
+* gʲîlpen (gʲ-l-p): nn. act of taking
+* gʲīlpís (gʲ-l-p): nf. act of exchanging or swapping
+* gʲolispó (gʲ-l-p): adj. exchanged, swapped, traded (the thing that is
+ traded)
+* gʲolnóp (gʲ-l-p): adj. taken, stolen
+* gʲólohip (gʲ-l-p): adj. selling
+* gʲolóp (gʲ-l-p): adj. given as a gift
+* gʲólpo (gʲ-l-p): adj. giving
+* gʲólpon (gʲ-l-p): adj. taking
+* gʲólsip (gʲ-l-p): adj. trading, exchanging, swapping; commercially
+ active
* hebītér (b-t-r): nm.ean act of measuring with a ruler or other
instrument, a measurement taken with a ruler or other instrument
(this carries an implication of both precision and small absolute
* hēdol: num. seven
* hēgʲi: num. six
+* hegʲīlép (gʲ-l-p): nm. act of selling or buying
+* hêgʲilop (gʲ-l-p): nv. merchant (one who buys and sells goods)
+* hegʲolpó (gʲ-l-p): adj. sold
* hekʷ: num. one
* hemīdékʰ (m-d-kʰ): nm. dictation, decree, declaration
* hêmidokʰ (m-d-kʰ): nv. orator, author, sage
* hesolhó (s-l-h): adj. being thrown-at
* hētér: num. four
* hibitrí (b-t-r): nf. toe; digit (a unit of length)
+* higʲilpí (gʲ-l-p): nf. purchase
* himidkʰí (m-d-kʰ): nf. word
* hipikʲʰtí (p-kʲʰ-t): nf. shake
* hipisŋí (p-s-ŋ): nf. pond, lake
* hōbetró/hōbétoro (b-t-r): vt. to measure with a ruler or other
instrument (this carries an implication of both precision and small
absolute magnitude)
+* hōgʲelpó/hōgʲélopo (gʲ-l-p): vd. to sell, to buy (often but not
+ always with the passive particle for buying)
* hōmedkʰó/hōmédokʰo (m-d-kʰ): vt/vd. to dictate, to cause to say or
* hōpekʲʰtó/hōpékʲʰoto (p-kʲʰ-t): vt. to put into motion, to cause to
entire correspondence between two or more people)
* mīdmókʰ (m-d-kʰ): nn. noise, sound
* mídokʰ (m-d-kʰ): nf. book, scroll
+* migʲílpo (gʲ-l-p): nn. money, coin
* mimídkʰo (m-d-kʰ): nn. pen, stylus, other writing instrument
* mipíkʲʰto (p-kʲʰ-t): nn. speed
* mipísŋo (p-s-ŋ): nn. canal
* módohikʰ (m-d-kʰ): adj. dictating, imperious, acting indirectly
* modókʰ (m-d-kʰ): adj. spoken, verbal, oral
* módsikʰo (m-d-kʰ): adj. communicating, expressive
+* mogʲolóp (gʲ-l-p): adj. worthless, cheap
+* mogʲólpo (gʲ-l-p): adj. valuable, expensive
* momódkʰo (m-d-kʰ): adj. noisy, loud
* momodókʰ (m-d-kʰ): adj. quiet, noiseless, silent
* mopokʲʰót (p-kʲʰ-t): adj. stationary, immobile
* nopikʲʰét (p-kʲʰ-t): nf. jump
* nôpisŋo (p-s-ŋ): nm. urine
* ŋôbitro (b-t-r): nm. heel, sole of foot
+* ŋôgʲilpo (gʲ-l-p): nm. theft
* ŋômidkʰo (m-d-kʰ): nm. nonsense, pathetic request
* ŋôpikʲʰto (p-kʲʰ-t): nm. coward
* ŋôrihro (r-h-r): nm. overly dependent and helpless person
* sipíseŋ (p-s-ŋ): nm. mouthful (esp. of liquids)
* sisíleh (s-l-h): nm. wingspan
* sobítir (b-t-r): nn. a far away place
+* sogʲílip (gʲ-l-p): nn. market
* sólho (s-l-h): adj. flying, flapping
* sólhon (s-l-h): adj. swooping, flying downward
* solishó (s-l-h): adj. flying high
* soríhir (r-h-r): nn. place of safety, home (in the sense of place
where one feels secure)
* sosílih (s-l-h): nn. high up place to perch on
+* petʰ: prep. during, in (in the sense of a time period) (the dative
+ case indicates that the events described took place exclusively in
+ the time period, while the prepositional case does not specify
+ whether they extend outside of this time in either direction).
* tepisŋó (p-s-ŋ): nm. blood
* terihró (r-h-r): nm. whimpers, pleading noises
* tobitír (b-t-r): nn. foot, paw; foot (a unit of length)
+* togʲilíp (gʲ-l-p): nn. price
* tōmidíkʰ (m-d-kʰ): nn. sentence
* tōpisíŋ (p-s-ŋ): nn. cup, waterskin, jug
* torihír (r-h-r): nn. mindless cat