]> Lady’s Gitweb - OldStandard/shortlog
2025-01-30 LadyRemove hinting ladys
2025-01-30 LadyRemove ‹ TTF › layer
2025-01-30 LadyInitial fork setup
2025-01-30 Robert Alessibugfix: the vertical dimensions of onum in italic and... upstream 2.7.1
2025-01-30 Robert Alessilnum/tnum must not be just empty tables 2.7.0
2025-01-30 Robert Alessiupdated doc and makefile. this is 2.7
2025-01-30 Robert Alessiadded onum to italic and bolditalic and lnum+tnum to...
2025-01-30 Robert Alessinot yet 2.7, acutecomb needs to be corrected and oldsty...
2025-01-30 Robert Alessithis is 2.7 + Math 1.0
2025-01-30 Robert Alessipreparing 2.7
2023-08-15 Robert Alessiupdated AUTHORS.md, LICENSE and README.MD files
2023-06-26 Robert Alessiadded onum in Regular and Bold styles
2023-01-30 Robert Alessiupdated README
2023-01-30 Robert Alessiupdated AUTHORS LICENSE README makefile and .tex file
2023-01-30 Robert Alessiadded AUTHORS.md
2023-01-30 Robert AlessiOFL.txt -> LICENSE
2022-03-09 Robert Alessimistaken oxia for tonos above BI 'ou' ligature
2022-03-09 Robert Alessinew feature 'cv01' for marking the distinction between...
2022-03-07 Robert Alessitesting: real tonos
2022-03-04 Robert Alessiacute needed to be repositioned in BoldItalic as well
2022-03-04 Robert Alessiacute needed to be repositioned in Regular and Bold
2022-03-04 Robert Alessione missing hlig in Italic
2022-03-04 Robert Alessinew hlig lookup table with omicron+upsilon as first...
2022-02-18 Robert Alessiadded missing Greek mappings in smcp table (voweltonos...
2021-12-29 Robert Alessireplace open theta with closed theta in slot 03B8 and...
2020-12-18 Robert Alessiupdated to v2.6 2.6.0
2020-12-17 Robert Alessiupdated font files to v2.6
2020-12-17 Robert Alessiupdated FONTLOG.txt
2020-12-17 Robert Alessinew file: OldStandard.fontspec, updated naming schemes...
2020-02-29 Robert Alessibabel-greek is now fixed
2020-02-27 Robert Alessiadded FONTLOG.txt. babel's handling of Greek is current...
2020-02-24 Robert Alessiadded 2nd pointer to AK's archived webpage
2020-02-24 Robert Alessiupdated to v2.5 2.5.0
2020-02-02 Robert Alessiadded small capitals (smcp) for all Greek accented...
2020-01-28 Robert Alessiremoved duplicate c2sc and smcp rules
2020-01-25 Robert Alessireset all hinting information and intructions
2019-11-22 Robert Alessiuse NewComputerModern for Sans and Mono faces
2019-08-25 Robert Alessiuse UMTypewriter for examples in the documentation
2019-08-07 Robert Alessibug fix: incorrect French TTF name of Bold Italic
2019-08-07 Robert Alessiadded font table
2019-08-06 Robert Alessiadded missing small capitals Ā, Ī and Ū
2019-08-05 Robert Alessiupdated README
2019-08-03 Robert Alessiupdated README and documentation
2019-07-29 Robert Alessiupdated oldstandard.tex and makefile
2019-07-29 Robert Alessiin the end, do not include oldstandard.pdf
2019-07-29 Robert Alessiremoved circularity in makefile
2019-07-29 Robert Alessiadded olstandard.pdf
2019-07-29 Robert Alessiupdated documentation
2019-07-29 Robert Alessibetter gcaron
2019-07-28 Robert Alessiwrong side bearings in Regular: reverting to [bbf9d9f]
2019-07-28 Robert AlessiRegular: unliked wrong references from vowels + acute...
2019-07-28 Robert Alessimoved up the section about documentation in oldstandard.tex
2019-07-28 Robert Alessiuse local Old Standard to compile the doc. updated...
2019-07-26 Robert Alessitypo
2019-07-26 Robert Alessiupdated README.md and oldstandard.tex
2019-07-25 Robert Alessireshaped macron, acute, grave and j in bold italic 2.4.1
2019-07-25 Robert Alessiupdated to v2.4 2.4.0
2019-07-25 Robert Alessiwrong side bearings in BoldItalic
2019-07-25 Robert Alessiadded (auto-generated) Bold Italic
2019-07-25 Robert Alessia typo
2019-07-25 Robert Alessia correction
2019-07-25 Robert Alessisome further corrections in the documentation
2019-07-25 Robert Alessiupdated .tex, .sfd and .otf to reflect changge of name...
2019-07-25 Robert Alessirenamed source files
2019-07-25 Robert Alessirenamed Old Standard T to Old Standard
2019-07-25 Robert Alessirenamed repository
2019-07-24 Robert Alessiremoved xurl. this is v1.0
2019-07-24 Robert Alessiuri needs to be loaded after hyperref
2019-07-24 Robert Alessitypo
2019-07-24 Robert Alessiupdated README
2019-07-24 Robert Alessiuse pkgver and pkgdate
2019-07-24 Robert Alessiadded makefile
2019-07-24 Robert Alessidone documenting
2019-07-23 Robert Alessistill documenting
2019-07-23 Robert Alessidocumenting
2019-07-22 Robert Alessibugfix [Bold]: make +ss06 work if beta is preceded...
2019-07-22 Robert Alessibugfix [Italic]: make +ss06 work if beta is preceded...
2019-07-22 Robert Alessibugfix [Regular]: make +ss06 work if beta is preceded...
2019-07-22 Robert Alessiadded small capitals in Bold (French, German, Italian...
2019-07-22 Robert Alessiadded small capitals in Italic (French, German, Italian...
2019-07-22 Robert Alessiadded small capitals in Regular (French, German, Italia...
2019-07-21 Robert Alessiadded gcaron in Italic
2019-07-21 Robert Alessiadded gcaron in Bold
2019-07-21 Robert Alessiadded gcaron in Regular
2019-07-21 Robert Alessiadded otf/
2019-07-21 Robert Alessifixed missing control points, wrong coordinates and...
2019-07-21 Robert Alessifixed missing direction in U+2023
2019-07-20 Robert Alessitypo
2019-07-20 Robert Alessitypo
2019-07-20 Robert Alessimoved *.sfd into src/
2019-07-20 Robert Alessitypo
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiupdated README.md
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiadded README.md
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiadded copyright notices in OFL.txt
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiadded OFL.txt and OFL-FAQ.txt
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiupdated font names, release no and copyright
2019-07-20 Robert Alessirenamed .sfd files
2019-07-20 Robert Alessiinitial commit
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