]> Lady’s Gitweb - Wiki/history - Sources/Page
A second sentence for Midekh
[Wiki] / Sources / Page /
2024-09-26 Surinna Curtis-Qui... A second sentence for Midekh live
2024-09-26 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh insult/offense root
2024-09-26 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh theft/removal root
2024-09-17 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh god root, from/to preps
2024-09-16 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh example sentence and gloss.
2024-09-16 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh root for own/rule
2024-09-16 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh add personal pronouns to lexicon
2024-09-16 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh personal pronouns
2024-09-16 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh: a bit on relative clauses
2024-09-15 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midkeh time root, period root
2024-09-15 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh location/existence root and phonotactics amendment
2024-09-14 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh root for fight/battle
2024-09-14 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh fire/light/sun root
2024-09-14 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh commerce root
2024-09-13 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh purr root
2024-09-13 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh flight root
2024-09-13 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh movement root.
2024-09-12 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh has numbers and some prepositions and conjunctio...
2024-09-11 Surinna Curtis-Qui... Midekh: fix a typo in a verb inflection example
2024-09-09 Surinna Curtis-Qui... link to midekh tools webpage
2024-09-09 Surinna CurtisMidekh noun/adjective inflection
2024-09-08 Surinna CurtisMidekh adjective derivation
2024-09-08 Surinna CurtisMidekh verb inflection
2024-09-08 Surinna Curtiscomplete Midêkh verb forms
2024-09-08 Surinna CurtisFirst and second verb form for Midekh
2024-09-07 Surinna Curtisadd note about TKTK
2024-09-07 Surinna Curtismake that image less huge
2024-09-07 Surinna Curtisfix external link formatting
2024-09-07 Surinna Curtisfix some improperly formatted aspirated consonants...
2024-09-07 Surinna CurtisMidekh gets some noun patterns and words.
2024-09-05 Surinna Curtisinitial work on Midekh.
2024-04-24 cat æsclingPoGO PVP: Add team
2024-04-07 LadyLots of (Pre⹀)Zheshoi work
2024-04-05 LadyZheshoi morphology notes
2024-04-03 LadyZheshoi phonological notes
2024-03-21 LadyInitial Pre‐Zheshoi notes
2024-03-07 Surinna Curtismore words and more grammar
2024-03-06 Surinna Curtiseh, who needs comments anyway. make it just part of...
2024-03-06 Surinna Curtisfix comment syntax
2024-03-06 Surinna Curtisrename language filename
2024-03-06 Surinna CurtisInitial notes on conlang Ifadätels.
2024-03-04 cat æsclingPoGO PVP: Add end of season stats, furst WoW team
2024-03-04 cat æsclingPoGO PVP: Add final team, closing thoughts
2024-02-26 cat æsclingAdd postscript fur my Timeless Travels season
2024-02-20 cat æsclingUpdate PoGO PVP formatting
2024-02-19 cat æsclingAdd impurrtant note about Floragato
2024-02-19 cat æsclingAdd new page fur PoGO PVP teams
2023-11-07 LadyAdd some Pokémon Biology notes
2023-10-04 Surinna Curtismy ludum dare game!
2023-10-01 LadyMore orthography ideas
2023-09-30 Ladystart a page for orthography ideas
2023-09-28 LadyAdd Swampmind T·C·G deck
2023-09-28 cat æsclingAdd PTCG decklists page
2023-09-24 LadyAdd wiki space for talking about Pokémon canon
2023-09-08 Surinna Curtispost about Poltergeist.
2023-09-02 LadyTry threading the comments on GoodPokemon
2023-08-10 cat æsclingComment on the game
2023-08-06 Surinna Curtismore about Kill Rock 'n' Roll
2023-08-03 cat æsclingAll the weed cats are good pokey mans
2023-08-03 cat æsclingComment on Nyarth
2023-08-03 cat æsclingChansey is a good Pokemon
2023-08-03 cat æsclingLeggigant
2023-08-02 LadyMeowth is a good pokémon
2023-08-02 Ladylilligant are fragile ladys
2023-08-02 LadyMinecraft location Well under the Mountain
2023-08-02 cat æsclingI have been utterly defeated
2023-08-02 Surinna Curtisentreaty to try my game
2023-08-01 cat æsclingConclude my failed escapade and misadventure
2023-08-01 cat æsclingContinue my riveting story
2023-07-31 LadyComment on obscure bullshit
2023-07-31 LadyGive correct coordinates for Birch Cabin Mine
2023-07-31 LadyTypo fixes
2023-07-31 cat æsclingPage:MarxQuotes: Fix typo
2023-07-31 cat æsclingRespond to th' Lady's comments
2023-07-31 LadyAdded some comments to æsc’s stories
2023-07-31 cat æsclingUpdate my Minecraft story
2023-07-31 cat æsclingRespond to rinna's comment
2023-07-31 cat æsclingAdd page for stories from the Minecraft server
2023-07-31 Surinna Curtisi've never heard of that game
2023-07-31 cat æsclingCopy-edit the new Marx quote
2023-07-31 cat æsclingAdd a question about Kill Rock 'n' Roll
2023-07-31 cat æsclingExpose Christopher Nolan for the hack he is
2023-07-31 LadyAdd page for GlitchCat minecraft locations
2023-07-31 Surinna Curtiswrap/break lines according to wiki convention in the...
2023-07-31 Surinna Curtisfix link syntax mistakes
2023-07-31 Surinna Curtisadd a page for my games
2023-07-30 cat æsclingAdd a very impurrtant good pokemon
2023-07-30 cat æsclingAdd page fur obscure bullshit enthusiasm
2023-07-30 cat æsclingComment on rinna's movie list
2023-07-30 Surinna CurtisBeginning of the movies rinna likes page
2023-07-29 LadyAdd some Pokémon which are good
2023-07-29 LadyAdd quotes from Marx’s “On the Jewish Question”
2023-07-29 Surinna Curtisadd a page talking about Etrian Odyssey
2023-07-28 LadyComment on Commewnism
2023-07-28 cat æsclingAdd a very impurrtant page
This page took 0.280179 seconds and 7 git commands to generate.